Sean Cross 8802d488c5 hw: foboot-bitstream: fix no-cpu build
When building without a CPU, the `self.cpu` property is not None, but
rather CPUNone.  This change was made upstream and broke no-cpu builds.

Fix these builds by checking for an instance of CPUNone.

Signed-off-by: Sean Cross <>
2019-11-27 13:44:15 +08:00

463 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This variable defines all the external programs that this module
# relies on. lxbuildenv reads this variable in order to ensure
# the build will finish without exiting due to missing third-party
# programs.
LX_DEPENDENCIES = ["riscv", "icestorm", "yosys", "nextpnr-ice40"]
# Import lxbuildenv to integrate the deps/ directory
import lxbuildenv
# Disable pylint's E1101, which breaks completely on migen
#from migen import *
from migen import Module, Signal, Instance, ClockDomain, If
from migen.fhdl.specials import TSTriple
from migen.fhdl.decorators import ClockDomainsRenamer
from import LatticePlatform
from import Pins, Subsignal
from litex.soc.integration.doc import AutoDoc, ModuleDoc
from litex.soc.integration.soc_core import SoCCore
from litex.soc.cores.cpu import CPUNone
from litex.soc.integration.builder import Builder
from litex.soc.interconnect import wishbone
from litex.soc.cores import up5kspram, spi_flash
from litex_boards.partner.targets.fomu import _CRG
from valentyusb.usbcore import io as usbio
from valentyusb.usbcore.cpu import epmem, unififo, epfifo, dummyusb, eptri
from valentyusb.usbcore.endpoint import EndpointType
import lxsocdoc
import spibone
import argparse
import os
from rtl.version import Version
from rtl.romgen import RandomFirmwareROM, FirmwareROM
from rtl.fomutouch import TouchPads
from rtl.sbled import SBLED
from rtl.sbwarmboot import SBWarmBoot
from rtl.messible import Messible
class Platform(LatticePlatform):
def __init__(self, revision=None, toolchain="icestorm"):
self.revision = revision
if revision == "evt":
from litex_boards.partner.platforms.fomu_evt import _io, _connectors
LatticePlatform.__init__(self, "ice40-up5k-sg48", _io, _connectors, toolchain="icestorm")
self.spi_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024
self.spi_dummy = 6
elif revision == "dvt":
from litex_boards.partner.platforms.fomu_pvt import _io, _connectors
LatticePlatform.__init__(self, "ice40-up5k-uwg30", _io, _connectors, toolchain="icestorm")
self.spi_size = 2 * 1024 * 1024
self.spi_dummy = 6
elif revision == "pvt":
from litex_boards.partner.platforms.fomu_pvt import _io, _connectors
LatticePlatform.__init__(self, "ice40-up5k-uwg30", _io, _connectors, toolchain="icestorm")
self.spi_size = 2 * 1024 * 1024
self.spi_dummy = 6
elif revision == "hacker":
from litex_boards.partner.platforms.fomu_hacker import _io, _connectors
LatticePlatform.__init__(self, "ice40-up5k-uwg30", _io, _connectors, toolchain="icestorm")
self.spi_size = 2 * 1024 * 1024
self.spi_dummy = 4
raise ValueError("Unrecognized revision: {}. Known values: evt, dvt, pvt, hacker".format(revision))
def create_programmer(self):
raise ValueError("programming is not supported")
class BaseSoC(SoCCore, AutoDoc):
"""Fomu Bootloader and Base SoC
Fomu is an FPGA that fits in your USB port. This reference manual
documents the basic SoC that runs the bootloader, and that can be
reused to run your own RISC-V programs.
This reference manual only describes a particular version of the SoC.
The register sets described here are guaranteed to be available
with a given ``major version``, but are not guaranteed to be available on
any other version. Naturally, you are free to create your own SoC
that does not provide these hardware blocks. To see what the version of the
bitstream you're running, check the ``VERSION`` registers.
SoCCore.csr_map = {
"ctrl": 0, # provided by default (optional)
"crg": 1, # user
"uart_phy": 2, # provided by default (optional)
"uart": 3, # provided by default (optional)
"identifier_mem": 4, # provided by default (optional)
"timer0": 5, # provided by default (optional)
"cpu_or_bridge": 8,
"usb": 9,
"picorvspi": 10,
"touch": 11,
"reboot": 12,
"rgb": 13,
"version": 14,
"lxspi": 15,
"messible": 16,
SoCCore.mem_map = {
"rom": 0x00000000, # (default shadow @0x80000000)
"sram": 0x10000000, # (default shadow @0xa0000000)
"spiflash": 0x20000000, # (default shadow @0xa0000000)
"main_ram": 0x40000000, # (default shadow @0xc0000000)
"csr": 0xe0000000, # (default shadow @0xe0000000)
interrupt_map = {
"timer0": 2,
"usb": 3,
def __init__(self, platform, boot_source="rand",
debug=None, bios_file=None,
use_dsp=False, placer="heap", output_dir="build",
# Disable integrated RAM as we'll add it later
self.integrated_sram_size = 0
self.output_dir = output_dir
clk_freq = int(12e6)
self.submodules.crg = _CRG(platform)
SoCCore.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq, integrated_sram_size=0, with_uart=False, **kwargs)
usb_debug = False
if debug is not None:
if debug == "uart":
from litex.soc.cores.uart import UARTWishboneBridge
self.submodules.uart_bridge = UARTWishboneBridge(platform.request("serial"), clk_freq, baudrate=115200)
elif debug == "usb":
usb_debug = True
elif debug == "spi":
import spibone
# Add SPI Wishbone bridge
debug_device = [
("spidebug", 0,
Subsignal("mosi", Pins("dbg:0")),
Subsignal("miso", Pins("dbg:1")),
Subsignal("clk", Pins("dbg:2")),
Subsignal("cs_n", Pins("dbg:3")),
spi_pads = platform.request("spidebug")
self.submodules.spibone = ClockDomainsRenamer("usb_12")(spibone.SpiWishboneBridge(spi_pads, wires=4))
if hasattr(self, "cpu") and not isinstance(self.cpu, CPUNone):
os.path.join(output_dir, "gateware")
self.register_mem("vexriscv_debug", 0xf00f0000, self.cpu.debug_bus, 0x100)
if hasattr(self, "cpu") and not isinstance(self.cpu, CPUNone):
# SPRAM- UP5K has single port RAM, might as well use it as SRAM to
# free up scarce block RAM.
spram_size = 128*1024
self.submodules.spram = up5kspram.Up5kSPRAM(size=spram_size)
self.register_mem("sram", self.mem_map["sram"], self.spram.bus, spram_size)
# Add a Messible for device->host communications
self.submodules.messible = Messible()
if boot_source == "rand":
kwargs['cpu_reset_address'] = 0
bios_size = 0x2000
self.submodules.random_rom = RandomFirmwareROM(bios_size)
self.add_constant("ROM_DISABLE", 1)
self.register_rom(self.random_rom.bus, bios_size)
elif boot_source == "bios":
kwargs['cpu_reset_address'] = 0
if bios_file is None:
self.integrated_rom_size = bios_size = 0x2000
self.submodules.rom = wishbone.SRAM(bios_size, read_only=True, init=[])
self.register_rom(self.rom.bus, bios_size)
bios_size = 0x2000
self.submodules.firmware_rom = FirmwareROM(bios_size, bios_file)
self.add_constant("ROM_DISABLE", 1)
self.register_rom(self.firmware_rom.bus, bios_size)
elif boot_source == "spi":
kwargs['cpu_reset_address'] = 0
self.integrated_rom_size = bios_size = 0x2000
gateware_size = 0x1a000
self.flash_boot_address = self.mem_map["spiflash"] + gateware_size
self.submodules.rom = wishbone.SRAM(bios_size, read_only=True, init=[])
self.register_rom(self.rom.bus, bios_size)
raise ValueError("unrecognized boot_source: {}".format(boot_source))
# The litex SPI module supports memory-mapped reads, as well as a bit-banged mode
# for doing writes.
spi_pads = platform.request("spiflash4x")
self.submodules.lxspi = spi_flash.SpiFlashDualQuad(spi_pads, dummy=platform.spi_dummy, endianness="little")
self.register_mem("spiflash", self.mem_map["spiflash"], self.lxspi.bus, size=platform.spi_size)
# Add USB pads, as well as the appropriate USB controller. If no CPU is
# present, use the DummyUsb controller.
usb_pads = platform.request("usb")
usb_iobuf = usbio.IoBuf(usb_pads.d_p, usb_pads.d_n, usb_pads.pullup)
if hasattr(self, "cpu") and not isinstance(self.cpu, CPUNone):
self.submodules.usb = eptri.TriEndpointInterface(usb_iobuf, debug=usb_debug)
self.submodules.usb = dummyusb.DummyUsb(usb_iobuf, debug=usb_debug)
if usb_debug:
# For the EVT board, ensure the pulldown pin is tristated as an input
if hasattr(usb_pads, "pulldown"):
pulldown = TSTriple()
self.specials += pulldown.get_tristate(usb_pads.pulldown)
self.comb += pulldown.oe.eq(0)
# Add GPIO pads for the touch buttons
self.submodules.touch = TouchPads(platform.request("touch_pads"))
# Allow the user to reboot the ICE40. Additionally, connect the CPU
# RESET line to a register that can be modified, to allow for
# us to debug programs even during reset.
self.submodules.reboot = SBWarmBoot(self, warmboot_offsets)
if hasattr(self, "cpu") and not isinstance(self.cpu, CPUNone):
self.submodules.rgb = SBLED(platform.revision, platform.request("rgb_led"))
self.submodules.version = Version(platform.revision, self, pnr_seed, models=[
("0x45", "E", "Fomu EVT"),
("0x44", "D", "Fomu DVT"),
("0x50", "P", "Fomu PVT (production)"),
("0x48", "H", "Fomu Hacker"),
("0x3f", "?", "Unknown model"),
# Add "-relut -dffe_min_ce_use 4" to the synth_ice40 command.
# The "-reult" adds an additional LUT pass to pack more stuff in,
# and the "-dffe_min_ce_use 4" flag prevents Yosys from generating a
# Clock Enable signal for a LUT that has fewer than 4 flip-flops.
# This increases density, and lets us use the FPGA more efficiently.
platform.toolchain.nextpnr_yosys_template[2] += " -relut -abc2 -dffe_min_ce_use 4 -relut"
if use_dsp:
platform.toolchain.nextpnr_yosys_template[2] += " -dsp"
# Disable final deep-sleep power down so firmware words are loaded
# onto softcore's address bus.
platform.toolchain.build_template[3] = "icepack -s {build_name}.txt {build_name}.bin"
platform.toolchain.nextpnr_build_template[2] = "icepack -s {build_name}.txt {build_name}.bin"
# Allow us to set the nextpnr seed
platform.toolchain.nextpnr_build_template[1] += " --seed " + str(pnr_seed)
if placer is not None:
platform.toolchain.nextpnr_build_template[1] += " --placer {}".format(placer)
def copy_memory_file(self, src):
import os
from shutil import copyfile
if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "gateware")):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "gateware"))
copyfile(os.path.join("rtl", src), os.path.join(self.output_dir, "gateware", src))
def make_multiboot_header(filename, boot_offsets=[160]):
ICE40 allows you to program the SB_WARMBOOT state machine by adding the following
values to the bitstream, before any given image:
[7e aa 99 7e] Sync Header
[92 00 k0] Boot mode (k = 1 for cold boot, 0 for warmboot)
[44 03 o1 o2 o3] Boot address
[82 00 00] Bank offset
[01 08] Reboot
[...] Padding (up to 32 bytes)
Note that in ICE40, the second nybble indicates the number of remaining bytes
(with the exception of the sync header).
The above construct is repeated five times:
INITIAL_BOOT The image loaded at first boot
BOOT_S00 The first image for SB_WARMBOOT
BOOT_S01 The second image for SB_WARMBOOT
BOOT_S10 The third image for SB_WARMBOOT
BOOT_S11 The fourth image for SB_WARMBOOT
while len(boot_offsets) < 5:
with open(filename, 'wb') as output:
for offset in boot_offsets:
# Sync Header
output.write(bytes([0x7e, 0xaa, 0x99, 0x7e]))
# Boot mode
output.write(bytes([0x92, 0x00, 0x00]))
# Boot address
output.write(bytes([0x44, 0x03,
(offset >> 16) & 0xff,
(offset >> 8) & 0xff,
(offset >> 0) & 0xff]))
# Bank offset
output.write(bytes([0x82, 0x00, 0x00]))
# Reboot command
output.write(bytes([0x01, 0x08]))
for x in range(17, 32):
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Build Fomu Main Gateware")
"--boot-source", choices=["spi", "rand", "bios"], default="bios",
help="where to have the CPU obtain its executable code from"
"--document-only", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Don't build gateware or software, only build documentation"
"--revision", choices=["evt", "dvt", "pvt", "hacker"], required=True,
help="build foboot for a particular hardware revision"
"--bios", help="use specified file as a BIOS, rather than building one"
"--with-debug", help="enable debug support", choices=["usb", "uart", "spi", None]
"--with-dsp", help="use dsp inference in yosys (not all yosys builds have -dsp)", action="store_true"
"--no-cpu", help="disable cpu generation for debugging purposes", action="store_true"
"--placer", choices=["sa", "heap"], default="heap", help="which placer to use in nextpnr"
"--seed", default=0, help="seed to use in nextpnr"
"--export-random-rom-file", help="Generate a random ROM file and save it to a file"
args = parser.parse_args()
output_dir = 'build'
if args.export_random_rom_file is not None:
size = 0x2000
def xorshift32(x):
x = x ^ (x << 13) & 0xffffffff
x = x ^ (x >> 17) & 0xffffffff
x = x ^ (x << 5) & 0xffffffff
return x & 0xffffffff
def get_rand(x):
out = 0
for i in range(32):
x = xorshift32(x)
if (x & 1) == 1:
out = out | (1 << i)
return out & 0xffffffff
seed = 1
with open(args.export_random_rom_file, "w", newline="\n") as output:
for d in range(int(size / 4)):
seed = get_rand(seed)
print("{:08x}".format(seed), file=output)
return 0
compile_software = False
if (args.boot_source == "bios" or args.boot_source == "spi") and args.bios is None:
compile_software = True
cpu_type = "vexriscv"
cpu_variant = "min"
if args.with_debug:
cpu_variant = cpu_variant + "+debug"
if args.no_cpu:
cpu_type = None
cpu_variant = None
compile_gateware = True
if args.document_only:
compile_gateware = False
compile_software = False
warmboot_offsets = [
262144 + 32768,
os.environ["LITEX"] = "1" # Give our Makefile something to look for
platform = Platform(revision=args.revision)
soc = BaseSoC(platform, cpu_type=cpu_type, cpu_variant=cpu_variant,
debug=args.with_debug, boot_source=args.boot_source,
use_dsp=args.with_dsp, placer=args.placer,
builder = Builder(soc, output_dir=output_dir, csr_csv="build/csr.csv",
compile_software=compile_software, compile_gateware=compile_gateware)
if compile_software:
builder.software_packages = [
("bios", os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "sw")))
vns =
lxsocdoc.generate_docs(soc, "build/documentation/", project_name="Fomu Bootloader", author="Sean Cross")
lxsocdoc.generate_svd(soc, "build/software", vendor="Foosn", name="Fomu")
if not args.document_only:
make_multiboot_header(os.path.join(output_dir, "gateware", "multiboot-header.bin"),
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'gateware', 'multiboot-header.bin'), 'rb') as multiboot_header_file:
multiboot_header =
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'gateware', 'top.bin'), 'rb') as top_file:
top =
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'gateware', 'top-multiboot.bin'), 'wb') as top_multiboot_file:
"""Foboot build complete. Output files:
{}/gateware/top.bin Bitstream file. Load this onto the FPGA for testing.
{}/gateware/top-multiboot.bin Multiboot-enabled bitstream file. Flash this onto FPGA ROM.
{}/gateware/top.v Source Verilog file. Useful for debugging issues.
{}/software/include/generated/ Directory with header files for API access.
{}/software/bios/bios.elf ELF file for debugging bios.
""".format(output_dir, output_dir, output_dir, output_dir, output_dir))
if __name__ == "__main__":