# Fomu Toolchain Fomu is an FPGA in your USB port. This repository contains prebuilt versions of all the tools you will need to develop for Fomu. ## Usage Download the [latest release](https://github.com/im-tomu/fomu-toolchain/releases/latest) for your platform and extract it somewhere on your disk. Then set your PATH: * MacOS: `export PATH=[path-to-bin]:$PATH` * Linux: `export PATH=[path-to-bin]:$PATH` * Windows Powershell: `$ENV:PATH = "[path-to-bin];" + $ENV:PATH` * Windows cmd.exe: `PATH=[path-to-bin];%PATH%` To confirm installation, run a command such as `nextpnr-ice40` or `yosys`. ## What's included This contains _almost_ everything you'll need to develop on Fomu: * **yosys** -- synthesis * **nextpnr-ice40** -- place-and-route * **dfu-util** -- upload bitstream to the FPGA * **python3** -- required for `nextpnr-ice40` and to build litex projects * **riscv-gcc** -- compile code for RISC-V CPUs, such as the Fomu softcore * **wishbone-tool** -- access the debug bus on Fomu Additionally, the macOS and Windows versions include `make`. It is strongly recommended that you install `git` to manage repositories and check out code, though it is not strictly necessary.