docs: update background

This commit is contained in:
umarcor 2020-11-08 00:35:23 +01:00
parent e0556b2727
commit f6641f398e

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@ -1,29 +1,42 @@
.. _background:
About FPGAs
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are arrays of gates that are
programmable in the field. Unlike most chips you will encounter, which
have transistor gates arranged in a fixed order, FPGAs can change their
configuration by simply loading new code. Fundamentally, this code
programs lookup tables which form the basic building blocks of logic.
These lookup tables (called LUTs) are so important to the design of an
`Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) <>`_
are integrated circuits containing arrays of gates which are programmable
in the field. Most chips you will encounter, have transistor gates arranged
in a fixed order, thus providing a fixed functionality. Conversely, FPGAs
can change their internal connections by simply loading new configurations.
Fundamentally, configurations program lookup tables (LUTs), which form the basic
building blocks of logic. These lookup tables are so important to the design and usage of an
FPGA that they usually form part of the name of the part. For example,
Fomu uses a UP5K, which has about 5000 LUTs. NeTV used an LX9, which had
about 9000 LUTs, and NeTV2 uses a XC7A35T that has about 35000 LUTs.
Fomu uses a `UP5K <>`_,
which has about 5000 LUTs. NeTV used an `LX9 <>`_,
which had about 9000 LUTs, and NeTV2 uses a `XC7A35T <>`_
that has about 35000 LUTs.
.. image:: _static/ice40-lut.png
:width: 100%
FPGA LUTs are almost always *n*-inputs to 1-output. The ICE family of
FPGAs from Lattice have 4-input LUTs. Xilinx parts tend to have 5-input or
6-input LUTs which generally means they can do more logic in fewer LUTs.
Comparing LUT count between FPGAs is a bit like comparing clock speed
between different CPUs; not entirely accurate, but certainly a helpful
rule of thumb.
.. figure:: _static/ice40-lut.png
:width: 400px
:align: center
:alt: The ICE40 LUT4 is a basic 4-input 1-output LUT
This is the ``SB_LUT4``, which is the basic building block of Fomu. It
has four inputs and one output. To program Fomu, we must define what
each possible input pattern will create on the output.
The ICE40 LUT4 is a basic 4-input 1-output function table.
To do this, we turn to a truth table:
The basic building block of Fomu is the ``SB_LUT4``. It
has four 1-bit inputs and one 1-bit output. To program Fomu, we must define what
each possible input 4-bit pattern will create on the output. To do this, we turn to
a `truth table <>`_:
| | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
@ -40,60 +53,104 @@ To do this, we turn to a truth table:
For example, to create a LUT that acted as an AND gate, we would define
O to be 0 for everything except the last column. To create a NAND gate,
we would define O to be 1 for everything except the last column.
FPGA LUTs are almost always *n*-inputs to 1-output. The ICE family of
FPGAs from Lattice have 4-input LUTs. Xilinx parts tend to have 5- or
6-input LUTs which generally means they can do more logic in fewer LUTs.
Comparing LUT count between FPGAs is a bit like comparing clock speed
between different CPUs - not entirely accurate, but certainly a helpful
rule of thumb.
It is from this simple primitive that we build up the building blocks of
``O`` to be 0 for everything except the last column. Conversely, to create
a NAND gate, we would define ``O`` to be 1 for everything except the last column.
It is from this simple primitive that we create the building logic blocks of
FPGA design.
.. figure:: _static/ice40-plb.png
:width: 400px
:align: center
:alt: PLB Block Diagram (from iCE40 UltraPlus Family Data Sheet)
Programmable Logic Block (PLB), Block Diagram.
Modern FPGA devices are no longer composed of arrays of gates (i.e. LUTs) only.
Typically, LUTs are grouped with flip-flop registers (DFF) and some carry logic, in
so-called Programmable Logic Blocks (PLBs) or Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs);
depending on the vendor. These resources allow combining multiple LUTs for
describing larger logical functions and for providing sequential behaviour.
Furthermore, additional purpose-specific blocks are included in the devices:
Block RAMs (BRAMs), Digital Signal Processing (DSP) blocks, high-performance serial
transmitters/receivers, etc. Those so-called *hard* blocks allow better
area and power usage than LUT-based components. Nevertheless, the behaviour
of any of those *hard* blocks can be replicated using PLBs only. At the same time,
custom behaviour can only be described through LUTs, because all *hard* blocks
are programmable within the pre-fixed functionality only.
.. _background:code-into-gates:
Turning code into gates
Writing lookup tables is hard, so people have come up with abstract
Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) we can use to describe them. The
Configuring all the LUTs, carry logic and other *hard* blocks manually is
hard and very challenging; so people have come up with abstract
`Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) <>`_,
that allow us to describe the expected behaviour and/or structure. The
two most common languages are Verilog and VHDL. However, a modern trend
is to embed an HDL inside an existing programming language, such as how
Migen is embedded in Python, or SpinalHDL is embedded in Scala.
is to achieve hardware description by embedding a Domain Specific Language (DSL)
inside an existing programming language, such as how Migen is embedded in Python,
Clash is embedded in Haskell, or Chisel and SpinalHDL are embedded in Scala.
Here is an example of a Verilog module:
Here is an example of a counter module with a registered output:
.. code:: verilog
.. tabs::
module example (output reg [0:5] Q, input C);
reg [0:8] counter;
always @(posedge C)
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
Q <= counter[3] ^ counter[5] | counter<<2;
.. group-tab:: Verilog
We can run this Verilog module through a synthesizer to turn it into
``SB_LUT4`` blocks, or we can turn it into a more familiar logic
.. code:: verilog
module example (
input C,
output reg [0:5] Q
reg [0:8] counter;
always @(posedge C)
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge C)
Q <= counter[3] ^ counter[5] | counter<<2;
We can run this HDL module through a synthesizer to turn it into
LUT and DFF blocks, or we can turn it into a more familiar logic
.. image:: _static/verilog-synthesis.png
:width: 100%
.. figure:: _static/verilog-synthesis.png
:align: center
:width: 600px
:alt: A syntheis of the above logic into some gates
If we do decide to synthesize to ``SB_LUT4`` blocks, we will end up with
a pile of LUTs that need to be strung together somehow. This is done by
a Place-and-Route tool. This performs the job of assigning physical LUTs
to each LUT that gets defined by the synthesizer, and then figuring out
A syntheis of the above logic into basic blocks.
Turning gates into a bitstream
If we do decide to synthesize to PLBs, we will end up with
a pile of LUTs and DFFs that need to be strung together somehow. This is done by
a Place-and-Route (PnR) tool. This performs the job of assigning physical PLBs
to each LUT and DFF that gets defined by the synthesizer; and then figuring out
how to wire it all up.
Once the place-and-route tool is done, it generates an abstract file
that needs to be translated into a format that the hardware can
recognize. This is done by a bitstream packing tool. Finally, this
bitstream needs to be loaded onto the device somehow, either off of a
SPI flash or by manually programming it by toggling wires.
Once the PnR tool is done, it generates an abstract file that needs to be
translated into a format that the hardware can recognize. This is done by a
bitstream packing tool.
Loading a bitstream into a device
Finally, the bitstream needs to be loaded onto the device somehow. It can be
done manually by toggling wires of the FPGAs programming interface. However,
most FPGAs are volatile, which means the the configuration is lost when
unplugged. Therefore, most FPGA boards include some flash memory, which is
typically programmed through SPI. Then, when the FPGA is plugged again, it loads
the configuration from a predefined location in the flash.
About the ICE40UP5K
@ -104,42 +161,57 @@ very nice features:
1. 5280 4-input LUTs (LC)
2. 16 kilobytes BRAM
3. **128 kilobytes “SPRAM”**
4. Current-limited 3-channel LED driver
5. 2x I2C and 2x SPI
6. 8 16-bit DSP units
4. 1x Current-limited 3-channel LED driver
5. 2x I2C and 2x SPI interfaces
6. 8x 16-bit DSP units
7. **Warmboot capability**
8. **Open toolchain**
Many FPGAs have whats called block RAM, or BRAM. This is frequently
used to store data such as buffers, CPU register files, and large arrays
of data. This type of memory is frequently reused as RAM on many FPGAs.
The ICE40UP5K is unusual in that it also as 128 kilobytes of Single
Ported RAM that can be used as memory for a softcore (a term used for a
CPU core running inside an FPGA, to differentiate it from a hard -
.. figure:: _static/ice40-arch.png
:width: 400px
:align: center
:alt: iCE40UP5K Device, Top View (from iCE40 UltraPlus Family Data Sheet)
iCE40UP5K Device, Top View.
BRAM is frequently used to store data such as buffers, CPU register files,
and large arrays of data. This type of memory is frequently reused as RAM on
many FPGAs. The ICE40UP5K is unusual in that it also has 128 kilobytes of
Single Ported RAM that can be used as memory for a softcore (a term used for
a CPU core running inside an FPGA, to differentiate it from a hard -
i.e. fixed chip - implementation). That means that, unlike other FPGAs,
valuable block RAM isnt taken up by system memory.
Additionally, the ICE40 family of devices generally supports “warmboot”
Additionally, the ICE40 family of devices generally supports *warmboot*
capability. This enables us to have multiple designs live on the same
FPGA and tell the FPGA to swap between them.
As always, this workshop wouldnt be nearly as easy without the open
toolchain that enables us to port it to a lot of different platforms.
source tools that enable us to port it to a lot of different platforms.
.. _background:about-fomu:
About Fomu
Fomu is an ICE40UP5K that fits in your USB port. It contains two
megabytes of SPI flash memory, four edge buttons, and a three-color LED.
Unlike most other ICE40 projects, Fomu implements its USB in a softcore.
That means that the bitstream that runs on the FPGA must also provide
the ability to communicate over USB. This uses up a lot of storage on
this small FPGA, but it also enables us to have such a tiny form factor,
and lets us do some really cool things with it.
.. image:: _static/fomu-block-diagram.png
:width: 100%
.. figure:: _static/fomu-block-diagram.png
:align: center
:width: 600px
:alt: Block diagram of Fomu
Block diagram of Fomu.
The ICE40UP5K at the heart of Fomu really controls everything, and this
workshop is all about trying to unlock the power of this chip.
.. NOTE::
Some figures in this section were extracted from the `iCE40 UltraPlus Family Data Sheet <>`_.