2021-05-19 16:24:52 +02:00

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# Simple Fomu Makefile
# --------------------
# This Makefile shows the steps to generate a DFU loadable image onto
# Fomu hacker board.
include ../../hdl/
# Default target: run all required targets to build the DFU image.
all: blink.dfu
# Call sbt to generate the from Chisel.
# Please note that in general, it is a lot faster to
# start `sbt` once and then to run `run` on the `sbt`
# command line every time you want to rebuild the verilog.
# Unfortunately `sbt` start up times are notoriously bad :( src/Blink.scala build.sbt
sbt "run $(FOMU_REV)"
# Use *Yosys* to generate the synthesized netlist.
# This is called the **synthesis** and **tech mapping** step.
yosys \
-p 'synth_ice40 -top Blink -json blink.json'
# Use **nextpnr** to generate the FPGA configuration.
# This is called the **place** and **route** step.
blink.asc: blink.json
nextpnr-ice40 \
--json blink.json \
--asc blink.asc
# Use icepack to convert the FPGA configuration into a "bitstream" loadable onto the FPGA.
# This is called the bitstream generation step.
blink.bit: blink.asc
icepack blink.asc blink.bit
# Use dfu-suffix to generate the DFU image from the FPGA bitstream.
blink.dfu: blink.bit
cp blink.bit blink.dfu
dfu-suffix -v 1209 -p 70b1 -a blink.dfu
# Use df-util to load the DFU image onto the Fomu.
load: blink.dfu
dfu-util -D blink.dfu
.PHONY: load
# Cleanup the generated files.
-rm -f Blink.fir
-rm -f Blink.anno.json
-rm -f
-rm -f blink.json # Generate netlist
-rm -f blink.asc # FPGA configuration
-rm -f blink.bit # FPGA bitstream
-rm -f blink.dfu # DFU image loadable onto the Fomu
.PHONY: clean