2020-11-08 00:43:08 +01:00

80 lines
6.6 KiB

.. _required-hardware:
Required Hardware
- For this workshop, you will need a `Fomu board <>`_.
- Aside from that, you need a computer with a USB port that can run the :ref:`required-software`.
.. NOTE::
You should not need any special drivers, though on Linux you may need ``sudo``
access, or special ``udev`` rules for granting permission to use the USB device from a
non-privileged account.
This workshop may be competed with any model of Fomu, though there are some
parts that require you to identify which model you have. See the
:ref:`which-fomu` below.
.. _which-fomu:
Which Fomu do I have?
| | Hacker | Production |
| **String** | hacker | pvt |
| **Bash Command** | ``export FOMU_REV=hacker`` | ``export FOMU_REV=pvt`` |
| **Front** | |Hacker Hardware Front without case| | |Production Hardware Front without case| |
| **Back** | |Hacker Hardware Back without case| | |Production Hardware Back without case| |
| **In Case** | |Hacker Hardware Back with case| | |Production Hardware Back with case| |
| **Parts** | |Hacker Hardware Annotated Diagram| | |Production Hardware Annotated Diagram| |
| **Color** | |Dark Blue| | |Cyan Light Blue| |
| **Bootloader** | Fomu **Hacker** running DFU Bootloader vX.X.X | Fomu **PVT** running DFU Bootloader vX.X.X |
| **Description** | These are the original design and cut corners to make it easier to | If you ordered a Fomu from Crowd Supply, this is the model you'll |
| | manufacture. If you received one directly from Tim before 36C3, you | receive. It is small, and fits in a USB port. There is no |
| | probably have one of these. Hacker boards have white silkscreen on | silkscreen on it. This model of Fomu has a large silver crystal |
| | the back. | oscillator that is the tallest component on the board. |
| **Schematic** | `schematic-hacker.pdf <_static/reference/schematic-hacker.pdf>`__ | `schematic-pvt.pdf <_static/reference/schematic-pvt.pdf>`__ |
| **Received at** | From Tim at 35C3, CCCamp19, HackADay Supercon 2019 | At RISC-V Summit 2019, 36C3, Crowdsupply, Mouser |
| **Buy more** | End of Life | `CrowdSupply <>`__, |
.. |Dark Blue| raw:: html
<span style="background-color: #051b70; color: white;">dark blue</span>
.. |Cyan Light Blue| raw:: html
<span style="background-color: #03b1c4;">cyan / light blue</span>
.. |Hacker Hardware Front without case| image:: ../_static/hw-hacker-front-bare-small.jpg
.. |Production Hardware Front without case| image:: ../_static/hw-pvt-front-bare-small.jpg
.. |Hacker Hardware Back without case| image:: ../_static/hw-hacker-back-bare-small.jpg
.. |Production Hardware Back without case| image:: ../_static/hw-pvt-back-bare-small.jpg
.. |Hacker Hardware Back with case| image:: ../_static/hw-hacker-back-case-small.jpg
.. |Production Hardware Back with case| image:: ../_static/hw-pvt-back-case-small.jpg
.. |Hacker Hardware Annotated Diagram| image:: ../_static/hw-hacker-annotated.png
.. |Production Hardware Annotated Diagram| image:: ../_static/hw-pvt-annotated.png
.. note::
There are also Fomu EVT boards which were shipped to early backers of
the Fomu crowd funding campaign. This model of Fomu is about the size
of a credit card. It should have the text “Fomu EVT3” written across
it in white silkscreen. If you have a different EVT board such as
EVT2 or EVT1, they should also work.