## syncthing Best-practise #### config syncthing works well under systemd context, especially under the user permission. The config is commonly under gnome located in `~/.conf/syncthing/` #### misbehaviour ##### global state not equal to local state - No elegant way to fix, delete instead the database and rebuild it all the way upp ##### encrypted unnsynced files - No elegant way to fix, delete thee file and mybe reupload all of the folder #### warpinator behaviour - use link-local IPv6 adresses based on the mac like `quic6://[fe80:abcd:ef01:2345:6789%25enp0s8]:22000` - reduce `fsWatcherDelayS` - disable globalAnnouncement - enable localAnnoucement and add multicastgroup? `[ff12::8384]:21027` - add local Relay if needed `relay://[fe80:abcd:ef01:2345:6789%25enp0s8]:22067/?id=ABCDEF-000000-111111-222222-333333-4444444-555555-666666` #### virtual machine ↔ host interconnect ![syncthing-vm-sharing.png](./syncthing-vm-sharing.png) 1. create separate vm which is connected to a host-only and the internal vm network #### extended hardening - set the `config.xml` to readonly and immutable - deactivate the network interface for configuring - use https certifiicate #### bugs and missbehaviour https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/issues/7581 https://github.com/syncthing/docs/issues/780 announce interface identifier, either needs mapping to own interface or omit it in the hope, that the stack will track that