--- keywords: - IT --- # Archlinux ### clean system from old files ``` paccache -r paccache -ruk0 paccache -rk1 yay -Ycc flatpak uninstall --unused journalctl --disk-usage && journalctl --vacuum-size={size}M ``` or prepare the file`/etc/systemd/journald.conf` and this value:`SystemMaxUse=50M` create for all btrfs filesystems a regulary scrub timer. ```bash for p in $(lsblk -nflo FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '$1=="btrfs"{print $2}'); do systemctl enable --now "btrfs-scrub@$(systemd-escape -p "$p").timer"; systemctl start "btrfs-scrub@$(systemd-escape -p "$p").service"; done ``` the manual way of creating is eating the correct escape.