# Window ### display resolutions windows resets the display resolutions because it has values, which apply to a virtual device, which is used when no device is conncted. ``` http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-hardware/windows-7-movesresizes-windows-on-monitor-power/1653aafb-848b-464a-8c69-1a68fbd106aa _"I have found a work-around._ _Using Sysinternals ProcessMonitor I found that Windows was accessing the following Registry path;_ _HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\GraphicsDrivers\\Configuration_ _My system had three entries;_ _DELF003YY7707BR0MUL\_30\_07D7_6A^9A3774EB79DEE3E3E38496CC7DF4D936_ _QHD32000001\_31\_07D6_D5^63E1ABDD175E7871DCAEB710418A0F75_ _SIMULATED\_8086\_2A42\_00000000\_00020000_1010100^CDE365D1B3F0942F0CF38BFB8E127AB4_ _Under each is a tree called "00" two of the keys are_ _PrimSurfSize.cx_ _PrimSurfSize.cy_ _Under "00" was another branch also called "00" two of the keys are;_ _ActiveSize.cx_ _ActiveSize.cy_ _The first two of the configs (ie DELF00... & QHD3...) the above keys were 1440x900,_ _so they were not involved._ _The third (SIMULATED...) were set to 1024x768._ _I changed these to 1600x900 and the problem was solved._ _Further I changed resolution (via control panel) to 1920x1080, the moving/resize issue returned,_ _but the lower right corner was set to 1600x900, ie the SIMULATED... settings."_[](http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-hardware/windows-7-movesresizes-windows-on-monitor-power/1653aafb-848b-464a-8c69-1a68fbd106aa) Use MichealAtOz's advice but within all the folders that are labeled "00" or "01", (etc, I had 00 and 01) look for any settings that contain 1024, 768, or I 4096 in the data values at the end in parenthesis. Change the 1024 to the x resolution of your desktop (the first number in resolutions) and the 768 to the y resolution of your desktop. Change the 4096 number of "Stride" to whatever number there already is in a "00" or similar titled folder that already has (without you changing them) the desired desktop resolution numbers in primsurfsize.cx and ...y. Right click the name and choose modify, then select binary as the base to enter correct resolution values. ```