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chioch.h File Reference

I/O channels. More...

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Data Structures

struct  BaseChannelVMT
 BaseChannel virtual methods table. More...
struct  BaseChannel
 Base channel class. More...
struct  BaseAsynchronousChannelVMT
 BaseAsynchronousChannel virtual methods table. More...
struct  BaseAsynchronousChannel
 Base asynchronous channel class. More...


#define _base_channel_methods
 BaseChannel specific methods.
#define _base_channel_data   _base_sequential_stream_data
 BaseChannel specific data.
#define chIOPutWouldBlock(ip)   ((ip)->vmt->putwouldblock(ip))
 Channel output check.
#define chIOGetWouldBlock(ip)   ((ip)->vmt->getwouldblock(ip))
 Channel input check.
#define chIOPut(ip, b)   ((ip)->vmt->put(ip, b, TIME_INFINITE))
 Channel blocking byte write.
#define chIOPutTimeout(ip, b, time)   ((ip)->vmt->put(ip, b, time))
 Channel blocking byte write with timeout.
#define chIOGet(ip)   ((ip)->vmt->get(ip, TIME_INFINITE))
 Channel blocking byte read.
#define chIOGetTimeout(ip, time)   ((ip)->vmt->get(ip, time))
 Channel blocking byte read with timeout.
#define chIOWriteTimeout(ip, bp, n, time)   ((ip)->vmt->writet(ip, bp, n, time))
 Channel blocking write with timeout.
#define chIOReadTimeout(ip, bp, n, time)   ((ip)->vmt->readt(ip, bp, n, time))
 Channel blocking read with timeout.
#define _base_asynchronous_channel_methods   _base_channel_methods
 BaseAsynchronousChannel specific methods.
#define _base_asynchronous_channel_data
 BaseAsynchronousChannel specific data.
#define chIOGetWriteEventSource(ip)   (&((ip)->vmt->oevent))
 Returns the write event source.
#define chIOGetReadEventSource(ip)   (&((ip)->vmt->ievent))
 Returns the read event source.

Detailed Description

I/O channels.

This header defines abstract interfaces useful to access generic I/O resources in a standardized way.

Definition in file chioch.h.

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