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chthreads.h File Reference

Threads macros and structures. More...

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Data Structures

struct  Thread
 Structure representing a thread. More...


#define THD_STATE_READY   0
 Thread state: Ready to run, waiting on the ready list.
 Thread state: Currently running.
 Thread state: Thread created in suspended state.
#define THD_STATE_WTSEM   3
 Thread state: Waiting on a semaphore.
#define THD_STATE_WTMTX   4
 Thread state: Waiting on a mutex.
#define THD_STATE_WTCOND   5
 Thread state: Waiting in chCondWait().
 Thread state: Waiting in chThdSleep() or chThdSleepUntil().
#define THD_STATE_WTEXIT   7
 Thread state: Waiting in chThdWait().
 Thread state: Waiting in chEvtWaitXXX().
 Thread state: Waiting in chEvtWaitAllTimeout().
#define THD_STATE_SNDMSG   10
 Thread state: Waiting in chMsgSend().
#define THD_STATE_WTMSG   11
 Thread state: Waiting in chMsgWait().
#define THD_STATE_FINAL   12
 Thread state: After termination.
#define THD_MEM_MODE_MASK   3
 Thread memory mode mask.
 Thread memory mode: static.
#define THD_MEM_MODE_HEAP   1
 Thread memory mode: heap.
 Thread memory mode: pool.
#define THD_TERMINATE   4
 Termination requested.
#define chThdSelf()   currp
 Returns a pointer to the current Thread.
#define chThdGetPriority()   (currp->p_prio)
 Returns the current thread priority.
#define chThdLS()   (void *)(currp + 1)
 Returns the pointer to the Thread local storage area, if any.
#define chThdTerminated(tp)   ((tp)->p_state == THD_STATE_FINAL)
 Verifies if the specified thread is in the THD_STATE_FINAL state.
#define chThdShouldTerminate()   (currp->p_flags & THD_TERMINATE)
 Verifies if the current thread has a termination request pending.
#define chThdResumeI(tp)   chSchReadyI(tp)
 Resumes a thread created with chThdInit().
#define chThdSleepS(time)   chSchGoSleepTimeoutS(THD_STATE_SLEEPING, time)
 Suspends the invoking thread for the specified time.
#define chThdSleepSeconds(sec)   chThdSleep(S2ST(sec))
 Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of seconds.
#define chThdSleepMilliseconds(msec)   chThdSleep(MS2ST(msec))
 Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of milliseconds.
#define chThdSleepMicroseconds(usec)   chThdSleep(US2ST(usec))
 Delays the invoking thread for the specified number of microseconds.


typedef msg_t(* tfunc_t )(void *)
 Thread function.


Threadinit_thread (Thread *tp, tprio_t prio)
 Initializes a thread structure.
ThreadchThdCreateI (void *wsp, size_t size, tprio_t prio, tfunc_t pf, void *arg)
 Creates a new thread into a static memory area.
ThreadchThdCreateStatic (void *wsp, size_t size, tprio_t prio, tfunc_t pf, void *arg)
 Creates a new thread into a static memory area.
ThreadchThdCreateFromHeap (MemoryHeap *heapp, size_t size, tprio_t prio, tfunc_t pf, void *arg)
 Creates a new thread allocating the memory from the heap.
ThreadchThdCreateFromMemoryPool (MemoryPool *mp, tprio_t prio, tfunc_t pf, void *arg)
 Creates a new thread allocating the memory from the specified memory pool.
tprio_t chThdSetPriority (tprio_t newprio)
 Changes the running thread priority level then reschedules if necessary.
ThreadchThdResume (Thread *tp)
 Resumes a suspended thread.
void chThdTerminate (Thread *tp)
 Requests a thread termination.
void chThdSleep (systime_t time)
 Suspends the invoking thread for the specified time.
void chThdSleepUntil (systime_t time)
 Suspends the invoking thread until the system time arrives to the specified value.
void chThdYield (void)
 Yields the time slot.
void chThdExit (msg_t msg)
 Terminates the current thread by specifying an exit status code.
ThreadchThdAddRef (Thread *tp)
 Adds a reference to a thread object.
void chThdRelease (Thread *tp)
 Releases a reference to a thread object.
msg_t chThdWait (Thread *tp)
 Blocks the execution of the invoking thread until the specified thread terminates then the exit code is returned.

Detailed Description

Threads macros and structures.

Definition in file chthreads.h.

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