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shell.h File Reference

Simple CLI shell header. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  ShellCommand
 Custom command entry type. More...
struct  ShellConfig
 Shell descriptor type. More...


 Shell maximum input line length.
 Shell maximum arguments per command.
 Enforces the use of iprintf() on newlib.


typedef void(* shellcmd_t )(BaseChannel *chp, int argc, char *argv[])
 Command handler function type.


void shellInit (void)
 Shell manager initialization.
ThreadshellCreate (const ShellConfig *scp, size_t size, tprio_t prio)
 Spawns a new shell.
void shellPrint (BaseChannel *chp, const char *msg)
 Prints a string.
void shellPrintLine (BaseChannel *chp, const char *msg)
 Prints a string with a final newline.
bool_t shellGetLine (BaseChannel *chp, char *line, unsigned size)
 Reads a whole line from the input channel.


EventSource shell_terminated
 Shell termination event source.

Detailed Description

Simple CLI shell header.

Definition in file shell.h.

Generated on Sun Oct 24 2010 09:40:38 for ChibiOS/RT by doxygen 1.7.1