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test.c File Reference

Tests support code. More...

#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"
#include "test.h"
#include "testthd.h"
#include "testsem.h"
#include "testmtx.h"
#include "testmsg.h"
#include "testmbox.h"
#include "testevt.h"
#include "testheap.h"
#include "testpools.h"
#include "testdyn.h"
#include "testqueues.h"
#include "testbmk.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void test_printn (uint32_t n)
 Prints a decimal unsigned number.
void test_print (char *msgp)
 Prints a line without final end-of-line.
void test_println (char *msgp)
 Prints a line.
void test_emit_token (char token)
 Emits a token into the tokens buffer.
void test_terminate_threads (void)
 Pends a termination request in all the test-spawned threads.
void test_wait_threads (void)
 Waits for the completion of all the test-spawned threads.
void test_cpu_pulse (unsigned duration)
 CPU pulse.
systime_t test_wait_tick (void)
 Delays execution until next system time tick.
void test_start_timer (unsigned ms)
 Starts the test timer.
msg_t TestThread (void *p)
 Test execution thread function.


bool_t test_timer_done
 Set to TRUE when the test timer reaches its deadline.

Detailed Description

Tests support code.

Definition in file test.c.

Generated on Sun Oct 24 2010 09:40:38 for ChibiOS/RT by doxygen 1.7.1