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chevents.h File Reference

Events macros and structures. More...

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Data Structures

struct  EventListener
 Event Listener structure. More...
struct  EventSource
 Event Source structure. More...


#define _EVENTSOURCE_DATA(name)   {(void *)(&name)}
 Data part of a static event source initializer.
#define EVENTSOURCE_DECL(name)   EventSource name = _EVENTSOURCE_DATA(name)
 Static event source initializer.
#define ALL_EVENTS   ((eventmask_t)-1)
#define EVENT_MASK(eid)   ((eventmask_t)(1 << (eid)))
#define chEvtRegister(esp, elp, eid)   chEvtRegisterMask(esp, elp, EVENT_MASK(eid))
 Registers an Event Listener on an Event Source.
#define chEvtInit(esp)   ((esp)->es_next = (EventListener *)(void *)(esp))
 Initializes an Event Source.
#define chEvtIsListening(esp)   ((void *)(esp) != (void *)(esp)->es_next)
 Verifies if there is at least one EventListener registered.


typedef struct EventSource EventSource
 Event Source structure.
typedef void(* evhandler_t )(eventid_t)
 Event Handler callback function.


void chEvtRegisterMask (EventSource *esp, EventListener *elp, eventmask_t mask)
 Registers an Event Listener on an Event Source.
void chEvtUnregister (EventSource *esp, EventListener *elp)
 Unregisters an Event Listener from its Event Source.
eventmask_t chEvtClear (eventmask_t mask)
 Clears the pending events specified in the mask.
eventmask_t chEvtPend (eventmask_t mask)
 Pends a set of event flags on the current thread, this is much faster than using chEvtBroadcast() or chEvtSignal().
void chEvtSignal (Thread *tp, eventmask_t mask)
 Pends a set of event flags on the specified Thread.
void chEvtSignalI (Thread *tp, eventmask_t mask)
 Pends a set of event flags on the specified Thread.
void chEvtBroadcast (EventSource *esp)
 Signals all the Event Listeners registered on the specified Event Source.
void chEvtBroadcastI (EventSource *esp)
 Signals all the Event Listeners registered on the specified Event Source.
void chEvtDispatch (const evhandler_t *handlers, eventmask_t mask)
 Invokes the event handlers associated to an event flags mask.
eventmask_t chEvtWaitOneTimeout (eventmask_t mask, systime_t time)
 Waits for exactly one of the specified events.
eventmask_t chEvtWaitAnyTimeout (eventmask_t mask, systime_t time)
 Waits for any of the specified events.
eventmask_t chEvtWaitAllTimeout (eventmask_t mask, systime_t time)
 Waits for all the specified events.

Detailed Description

Events macros and structures.

Definition in file chevents.h.

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