@keygen Feature: key generation In order to use a token A token should have keys Scenario: generate OPENPGP.1 key (sign) When generating a key of OPENPGP.1 And put the first data to c7 And put the second data to ce Then it should get success Scenario: generate OPENPGP.2 key (decrypt) When generating a key of OPENPGP.2 And put the first data to c8 And put the second data to cf Then it should get success Scenario: generate OPENPGP.3 key (authentication) When generating a key of OPENPGP.3 And put the first data to c9 And put the second data to d0 Then it should get success Scenario: verify PW1 (1) after keygen Given cmd_verify with 1 and "another user pass phrase" Then it should get success Scenario: verify PW1 (2) after keygen Given cmd_verify with 2 and "another user pass phrase" Then it should get success