USB communication (current) =========================== * Get response, command chaining, short APDU only. If it were only for token and no smartcard: * Get response, command chaining and short APDU would be considered useless. * It would be wise to use extended APDU and CCID/ICCD block chaining. The question would be: When lower layer (CCID/ICCD layer) support enough mechanism of block assembly, why not use one in the application layer (ISO 7816)? For token implementation, CCID/ICCD would be lower layer and ISO 7816 would be higher layer, but it's different in fact. The figure of communication is like:: host <-----------> reader <---------> smartcard CCID/ICCD ISO 7816 host <--> token Given the situation host side (GnuPG) already has the features of handling get response, command chaining, and short APDU only, it is rather better to do that on token side too. Besides, supporting extended APDU on host side, it would be needed to prepare 64KB buffer (that's the maximum size), as there is no explicit limitation for buffer size. 64KB would be large, and this could be avoided when we use short APDU only. USB communication (second attempt) ================================== * No get response, no command chaining, but extended APDU and extended Lc and Le. I think that this keep the code simple. * The value of dwMaxCCIDMessageLength is 320, that's the size of header of ICC block plus size of maximum APDU (by 64 granularity). Still, some ccid implementation (ccid 1.3.11, for example) sends ICC block using chaining unfortunately, so we keep the code of ICC block chaining. USB communication (initial attempt) =================================== * Once in the past (version <= 0.4), the value of dwMaxCCIDMessageLength was 64 and we supported CCID/ICCD block chaining, so that we could not handle multple Bulk transactions. OpenPGP card protocol implementation ==================================== I try to follow "no clear password(s)" policy, even if it is on protected flash memory. Further, keystrings for user and reset code are removed after key imports. Because of this, replacing keys are not possible without password information. (Thus, replacing existing keys are not supported.) Therefore, there is "no clear password" and "no keystrings" on flash ROM when Gnuk is used by admin-less mode. When it is used with admin, the keystring of admin is on flash ROM. How a private key is stored =========================== KEYPTR ----> [ P ][ Q ][ N ] <---encrypted----><--- plain ----> key_addr 4-byte additional_data_encrypted 16-byte dek_encrypted_by_keystring_pw1 16-byte dek_encrypted_by_keystring_rc 16-byte dek_encrypted_by_keystring_pw3 16-byte ... decrypted to [ P ][ Q ] check 4-byte random 4-byte magic[] 8-byte