=========================================== GnuPG settings for GNOME 3.1x and GNOME 3.0 =========================================== In the section `GnuPG settings`_, I wrote how I disable GNOME-keyrings for SSH. It was for GNOME 2. The old days was good, we just disabled GNOME-keyrings interference to SSH and customizing our desktop was easy for GNU and UNIX users. .. _GnuPG settings: gpg-settings GNOME keyrings in GNOME 3.1x ============================ In the files /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop and /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop, we have a line something like: :: OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;MATE; Please edit this line to: :: OnlyShowIn= Then, no desktop environment invokes gnome-keyring for ssh and gpg. I think that it is The Right Thing. GNOME keyrings in GNOME 3.0 by GNOME-SESSION-PROPERTIES ======================================================= We can't use GNOME configuration tool (like GNOME 2) to disable interference by GNOME keyrings in GNOME 3.0. It is GNOME-SESSION-PROPERTIES to disable the interference. Invoking:: $ gnome-session-properties and at the tab of "Startup Programs", I removed radio check buttons for "GPG Password Agent" and "SSH Key Agent". Then, I can use proper gpg-agent for GnuPG Agent Service and SSH Agent Service with Gnuk Token in GNOME 3.0.