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How to cleanly stop the OS

Stopping the OS should not be normally required but there are scenarios where one might want the complete control over the system again. As example entering into a bootload mode, or invoking some flashing algorithm locked in ROM.
ChibiOS/RT does not have a shutdown API and there is a reason for this, stopping the kernel would not be enough, a well defined operations sequence is required.
The shutdown operation should always be implemented into the main() function because in that context the stack pointer is guaranteed to be in the area allocated by the startup code. Stopping from a thread would leave the stack pointer "somewhere".
The shutdown sequence should include the following steps, some steps are optional and depend on the application:

Now the OS is stopped and you can safely assume there are nothing going on under the hood. From here you can also restart the OS after finishing your critical operations using the following sequence:


This is an example of an hypothetical application that have to shutdown the OS when a certain event is generated.

#include "ch.h"
#include "hal.h"

/* A shutdown flag.*/
bool_t shutdown_required;

/* Critical thread.*/
static void my_thread(void *p) {

  while (!chThdShouldTerminate()) {
    /* Normal thread activity code.*/
  /* Thread de-initialization before terminating, here you put the critical
     thread finalization code.*/
  return 0;

/* Main program, it is entered with interrupts disabled.*/
void main(void) {

  /* HAL initialization, you need to do this just once.*/

  /* Main loop, the main() function never exits.*/
  while (TRUE) {
    Thread *tp;

    shutdown_required = FALSE;

    /* ChibiOS/RT initialization. This function becomes an OS thread.*/

    /* Starting a device driver, SD2 in this case.*/
    sdStart(&SD2, NULL);

    /* Starting our critical thread.*/
    tp = chThdCreateFromHeap(NULL, THD_WA_SIZE(256),
                             NORMALPRIO, my_thread, &SD2);

    /* Main thread activity into a loop.*/
    while (!shutdown_required) {
      /* Main activity, OS active until a shutdown becomes necessary.*/

    /* Starting the shutdown sequence.*/
    chThdTerminate(tp);     /* Requesting termination.                  */
    chThdWait(tp);          /* Waiting for the actual termination.      */
    sdStop(&SD2);           /* Stopping serial port 2.                  */

    /* Now the main function is again a normal function, no more a
       OS thread.*/

    /* Restarting the OS but you could also stop the system or trigger a
       reset instead.*/

As you can see it is possible to jump in and out of the "OS mode" quite easily. Note that this is just an example, the real code could be very different depending on your requirements.

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