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Copyright and Credits

Copyright and Credits

Copyright Statement

    ChibiOS/RT - Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010 Giovanni Di Sirio.

Contributions and Copyright Assignment

If you plan to contribute code to the ChibiOS/RT project then there is a requirement you should be aware of: contributing code for inclusion in the ChibiOS/RT main line requires assigning the copyright on the contributed code to me (Giovanni Di Sirio).
This may sound a bit strange but is pretty standard for this kind of projects, there are several reasons for this requirement:

Note that contributions will always be welcome even without such copyright assignment, the difference is that the contributed code would not be merged into the main line, it will still made available as contributed code with the contributor(s) copyright notice intact.
Submissions of code with copyright notice should only happen through email, please do not commit code with copyright notices directly on the repository.
When submitting code please state clearly your intention to keep the copyright on your work by adding your own copyright notice within the source code and by clearly mentioning your intentions in the message. Code contributed without copyright notice will be considered donated.
If in doubt with licensing issues please don't hesitate to contact me in order to sort out any problem you may have.
Of course the copyright assignment does not mean you would not be recognized for your hard work, see the following section.


I want to thank all the people that directly or indirectly contributed to the project, I beg pardon if someone is missing:

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