Feature: import keys to token In order to use a token A token should have keys Scenario: importing OPENPGP.1 key (sign) Given a RSA key pair 0 And importing it to the token as OPENPGP.1 Then it should get success Scenario: importing OPENPGP.2 key (decrypt) Given a RSA key pair 1 And importing it to the token as OPENPGP.2 Then it should get success Scenario: importing OPENPGP.3 key (authentication) Given a RSA key pair 2 And importing it to the token as OPENPGP.3 Then it should get success Scenario: setup data object Finger print sig Given a fingerprint of OPENPGP.1 key And put the data to c7 Then it should get success Scenario: setup data object Finger print dec Given a fingerprint of OPENPGP.2 key And put the data to c8 Then it should get success Scenario: setup data object Finger print aut Given a fingerprint of OPENPGP.3 key And put the data to c9 Then it should get success Scenario: setup data object keygeneration data/time sig Given a timestamp of OPENPGP.1 key And put the data to ce Then it should get success Scenario: setup data object keygeneration data/time dec Given a timestamp of OPENPGP.2 key And put the data to cf Then it should get success Scenario: setup data object keygeneration data/time aut Given a timestamp of OPENPGP.3 key And put the data to d0 Then it should get success