============================= Personalization of Gnuk Token ============================= Personalize your Gnuk Token =========================== Invoke GnuPG with the option ``--card-edit``. :: $ gpg --card-edit Application ID ...: D276000124010200FFFE330069060000 Version ..........: 2.0 Manufacturer .....: unmanaged S/N range Serial number ....: 33006906 Name of cardholder: [not set] Language prefs ...: [not set] Sex ..............: unspecified URL of public key : [not set] Login data .......: [not set] Signature PIN ....: forced Key attributes ...: 2048R 2048R 2048R Max. PIN lengths .: 127 127 127 PIN retry counter : 3 3 3 Signature counter : 0 Signature key ....: [none] Encryption key....: [none] Authentication key: [none] General key info..: [none] gpg/card> It shows the status of the card (as same as the output of ``gpg --card-status``). Then, GnuPG enters its own command interaction mode. The prompt is ``gpg/card>``. First, enabling admin command, I put name of mine. Note that I input admin PIN of factory setting (12345678) here. :: gpg/card> admin Admin commands are allowed gpg/card> name Cardholder's surname: Niibe Cardholder's given name: Yutaka gpg: 3 Admin PIN attempts remaining before card is permanently locked Please enter the Admin PIN Enter Admin PIN: 12345678 Secondly, I put some other informations, such as language, sex, login, and URL. URL specifies the place where I put my public keys. :: gpg/card> lang Language preferences: ja gpg/card> sex Sex ((M)ale, (F)emale or space): m gpg/card> url URL to retrieve public key: http://www.gniibe.org/gniibe.asc gpg/card> login Login data (account name): gniibe Since I don't force PIN input everytime, toggle it to non-force-pin-for-signature. :: gpg/card> forcesig Then, I quit. :: gpg/card> quit That's all.