#! /usr/bin/python """ hub_ctrl.py - a tool to control port power/led of USB hub Copyright (C) 2006, 2011 Free Software Initiative of Japan Author: NIIBE Yutaka This file is a part of Gnuk, a GnuPG USB Token implementation. Gnuk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Gnuk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . """ import usb USB_RT_HUB = (usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_DEVICE) USB_RT_PORT = (usb.TYPE_CLASS | usb.RECIP_OTHER) USB_PORT_FEAT_RESET = 4 USB_PORT_FEAT_POWER = 8 USB_PORT_FEAT_INDICATOR = 22 USB_DIR_IN = 0x80 # device to host COMMAND_SET_NONE = 0 COMMAND_SET_LED = 1 COMMAND_SET_POWER = 2 HUB_LED_GREEN = 2 def find_hubs(listing, verbose, busnum=None, devnum=None, hub=None): number_of_hubs_with_feature = 0 hubs = [] busses = usb.busses() if not busses: raise ValueError, "can't access USB" for bus in busses: devices = bus.devices for dev in devices: if dev.deviceClass != usb.CLASS_HUB: continue printout_enable = 0 if (listing or (verbose and ((bus.dirname == busnum and dev.devnum == devnumd) or hub == number_of_hubs_with_feature))): printout_enable = 1 uh = dev.open() desc = None try: # Get USB Hub descriptor desc = uh.controlMsg(requestType = USB_DIR_IN | USB_RT_HUB, request = usb.REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR, value = usb.DT_HUB << 8, index = 0, buffer = 1024, timeout = 1000) finally: del uh if not desc: continue # desc[3] is lower byte of wHubCharacteristics if (desc[3] & 0x80) == 0 and (desc[3] & 0x03) >= 2: # Hub doesn't have features of controling port power/indicator continue if printout_enable: print "Hub #%d at %s:%03d" % (number_of_hubs_with_feature, bus.dirname, dev.devnum) if (desc[3] & 0x03) == 0: print " INFO: ganged power switching." elif (desc[3] & 0x03) == 1: print " INFO: individual power switching." elif (desc[3] & 0x03) == 2 or (desc[3] & 0x03) == 3: print " WARN: no power switching." if (desc[3] & 0x80) == 0: print " WARN: Port indicators are NOT supported." hubs.append({ 'busnum' : bus.dirname, 'devnum' : dev.devnum, 'indicator_support' : (desc[3] & 0x80) == 0x80, 'dev' : dev, 'num_ports' : desc[2] }) number_of_hubs_with_feature += 1 return hubs def hub_port_status(handle, num_ports): print " Hub Port Status:" for i in range(num_ports): port = i + 1 status = handle.controlMsg(requestType = USB_RT_PORT | usb.ENDPOINT_IN, request = usb.REQ_GET_STATUS, value = 0, index = port, buffer = 4, timeout = 1000) print " Port %d: %02x%02x.%02x%02x" % (port, status[3], status[2], status[1], status[0]), if status[1] & 0x10: print " indicator", if status[1] & 0x08: print " test" , if status[1] & 0x04: print " highspeed", if status[1] & 0x02: print " lowspeed", if status[1] & 0x01: print " power", if status[0] & 0x10: print " RESET", if status[0] & 0x08: print " oc", if status[0] & 0x04: print " suspend", if status[0] & 0x02: print " enable", if status[0] & 0x01: print " connect", print import sys COMMAND_SET_NONE = 0 COMMAND_SET_LED = 1 COMMAND_SET_POWER = 2 HUB_LED_GREEN = 2 def usage(progname): print >> sys.stderr, """Usage: %s [{-h HUBNUM | -b BUSNUM -d DEVNUM}] [-P PORT] [{-p [VALUE]|-l [VALUE]}] """ % progname def exit_with_usage(progname): usage(progname) exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': busnum = None devnum = None listing = False verbose = False hub = None port = 1 cmd = COMMAND_SET_NONE if len(sys.argv) == 1: listing = True else: try: while len(sys.argv) >= 2: option = sys.argv[1] sys.argv.pop(1) if option == '-h': if bunum != None or devnum != None: exit_with_usage(sys.argv[0]) hub = int(sys.argv[1]) sys.argv.pop(1) elif option == '-b': busnum = int(sys.argv[1]) sys.argv.pop(1) elif option == '-d': devnum = int(sys.argv[1]) sys.argv.pop(1) elif option == '-P': port = int(sys.argv[1]) sys.argv.pop(1) elif option == '-l': if cmd != COMMAND_SET_NONE: exit_with_usage(sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) > 1: value = int(sys.argv[1]) sys.argv.pop(1) else: value = HUB_LED_GREEN cmd = COMMAND_SET_LED elif option == '-p': if cmd != COMMAND_SET_NONE: exit_with_usage(sys.argv[0]) if len(sys.argv) > 1: value = int(sys.argv[1]) sys.argv.pop(1) else: value = 0 cmd = COMMAND_SET_POWER elif option == '-v': verbose = True if len(sys.argv) == 1: listing = True else: exit_with_usage(sys.argv[0]) except: exit_with_usage(sys.argv[0]) if ((busnum != None and devnum == None) or (busnum == None and devnum != None)): exit_with_usage(sys.argv[0]) if hub == None and busnum == None: hub = 0 # Default hub = 0 if cmd == COMMAND_SET_NONE: cmd = COMMAND_SET_POWER hubs = find_hubs(listing, verbose, busnum, devnum, hub) if len(hubs) == 0: print >> sys.stderr, "No hubs found." exit(1) if listing: exit(0) if hub == None: for h in hubs: if h['busnum'] == busnum and h['devnum'] == devnum: dev_hub = h['dev'] nports = h['num_ports'] else: dev_hub = hubs[hub]['dev'] nports = hubs[hub]['num_ports'] uh = dev_hub.open() if cmd == COMMAND_SET_POWER: feature = USB_PORT_FEAT_POWER index = port if value: request = usb.REQ_SET_FEATURE else: request = usb.REQ_CLEAR_FEATURE else: request = usb.REQ_SET_FEATURE feature = USB_PORT_FEAT_INDICATOR index = (value << 8) | port if verbose: print "Send control message (REQUEST=%d, FEATURE=%d, INDEX=%d) " % (request, feature, index) uh.controlMsg(requestType = USB_RT_PORT, request = request, value = feature, index = index, buffer = None, timeout = 1000) if verbose: hub_port_status(uh,nports) del uh