2010-09-10 01:25:44 +09:00

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Gnuk - software for GPG USB Token
Version 0.2
Niibe Yutaka
Free Software Initiative of Japan
What's Gnuk?
Gnuk is software implementation of a USB token for GNU privacy guard.
Gnuk supports OpenPGP card protocol version 2, and it runs on STM32
Please look at the graphics of "gnuk.svg" for the software name.
I wish that Gnuk will be a developer's soother who uses GnuPG. I have
been nervous of storing secret key(s) on usual secondary storage.
While I want to work at different places, but it is not the choice for
me to bring a card reader all the time. With Gnuk, this issue will be
solved by a USB token which is small enough.
Release notes
This is second release of Gnuk. While it works somehow, it is still
Tested features are:
* Personalization of the card
* Changing Login name, URL, Name, Sex, Language, etc.
* Password handling (PW1, RC, PW3)
* Key import for both of key for digital signing and key for
* PSO: Digital Signature
* PSO: Decipher
It is known not-working well:
* Key import multiple times
* Changing value of password status bytes (0x00C4).
We use Olimex STM32-H103 board.
I think that it could run on Olimex STM32-P103, STBee, or STBee mini
too. Besides, we are porting it to STM32 Primer 2.
Souce code
Gnuk source code is under src/ directory.
It is distributed under GNU General Public Licence version 3 or later
External source code
Gnuk is distributed with external source code.
* ChibiOS_2.0.2/ -- ChibiOS/RT 2.0.2
Taken from
Note that CRLF is converted to LF in this repository.
We use ChibiOS/RT as the kernel for Gnuk.
* polarssl-0.14.0/ -- PolarSSL 0.14.0
Taken from
We use PolarSSL for RSA computation.
* STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/ -- a part of USB-FS-Device_Lib
* Virtual_COM_Port/ -- a part of USB-FS-Device_Lib
STM32F10x USB Full Speed Device Library (USB-FS-Device_Lib)
is a STM32F10x library for USB functionality.
I took Libraries/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver and
Project/Virtual_COM_Port in STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib distribution.
See for detail.
Host Requirements
For GNU/Linux, libccid version >= 1.3.11 is required.
libccid version == 1.3.9 is known not working well by the issue [r4235].
How to compile
You need GNU toolchain and newlib for 'arm-none-eabi' target.
See for preparation of
GNU Toolchain for 'arm-none-eabi' target.
$ cd gnuk-VERSION/src
Edit the Makefile. Comment out the line:
if you don't want to debug Gnuk.
$ make
In the make process, it takes time for the command of
dd if=/dev/random bs=1 of=random_bits count=1024
Don't just wait, but do some other work on your PC.
/dev/random needs entropy to finish.
Then, we will have "gnuk.elf".
How to run
If you are using Olimex JTAG-Tiny, type following to invoke OpenOCD:
$ openocd -f interface/olimex-jtag-tiny.cfg -f board/olimex_stm32_h103.cfg
Then, with another terminal, type following to write "gnuk.elf" to Flash ROM:
$ telnet localhost 4444
> reset halt
> flash write_image erase gnuk.elf
> reset
> exit
If you compiled with ENABLE_DEBUG=1, Gnuk has two interfaces
(one is CCID/ICCD device and another is virtual COM port). Open
virtual COM port by:
$ cu -l /dev/ttyACM0
and you will see debug output of Gnuk.
For libccid, we need following change:
--- /etc/libccid_Info.plist.dpkg-dist 2009-07-29 06:50:20.000000000 +0900
+++ /etc/libccid_Info.plist 2010-09-05 09:09:49.000000000 +0900
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
+ <string>0x234B</string>
@@ -237,6 +238,7 @@
+ <string>0x0000</string>
@@ -370,6 +372,7 @@
+ <string>FSIJ USB Token</string>
<string>Gemplus Gem e-Seal Pro</string>
<string>Gemplus GemPC Twin</string>
<string>Gemplus GemPC Key</string>
Then, try following to see Gnuk runs:
$ gpg --card-status
For more, see doc/DEMO.
How to debug
We can use GDB.
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb gnuk.elf
Inside GDB, we can connect OpenOCD by:
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
You can see output of PCSCD:
# /etc/init.d/pcscd stop
# LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel=7 /usr/sbin/pcscd --debug --foreground
You can observe the traffic of USB using "usbmon". See the file:
Development history
Initially, the development was started with a copy of the files in
ChibiOS_2.0.2/demos/ARMCM3-STM32F103-GCC/*, Makefile, linker script,
and header files (chconf.h, halconf.h, and mcuconf.h).
Since this is the initial release, some garbages may still remain.