2011-05-13 11:59:05 +09:00

560 lines
15 KiB

Gnuk - software for GnuPG USB Token
Version 0.12
Niibe Yutaka
Free Software Initiative of Japan
What's Gnuk?
Gnuk is software implementation of a USB token for GNU Privacy Guard.
Gnuk supports OpenPGP card protocol version 2, and it runs on STM32
I wish that Gnuk will be a developer's soother who uses GnuPG. I have
been nervous of storing secret key(s) on usual secondary storage.
While I want to work at different places, but it is not the choice for
me to bring a card reader all the time. With Gnuk, this issue will be
solved by a USB token which is small enough.
Please look at the graphics of "gnuk.svg" for the software name. My
son used to be with his NUK(R), always, everywhere. I will be with a
USB Token by "Gnuk" everywhere.
Q0: How Gnuk USB Token is superior than other solutions (OpenPGP
card 2.0, GPF Crypto Stick, etc) ?
A0: IMRHO, not quite. There is no ready-to-use out-of-box product.
(It is welcome for me that some vendor will manufacture Gnuk USB
Token. Even I can help design of hardware, if needed.)
Good points are:
* If you have skill of electronics and like DIY, you can build
Gnuk Token cheaper (see Q8-A8).
* You can study Gnuk to modify and to enhance. For example, you
can implement your own authentication method with some sensor
such as acceleration sensor.
* It is "of Free Software"; Gnuk is distributed under GPLv3+,
"by Free Software"; Gnuk development requires only Free Software
(GNU Toolchain, Python, etc.),
"for Free Software"; Gnuk supports GnuPG.
Q1: What's kind of key algorithm is supported?
A1: Gnuk only supports 2048-bit RSA.
Q2: How long does it take for digital signing?
A2: It takes two seconds or so.
Q3: What's your recommendation for target board?
A3: Orthodox choice is Olimex STM32-H103.
If you have skill of electronics and like DIY, STM32 part of STM8S
Discovery Kit might be the best choice.
Q4: What's version of GnuPG are you using?
A4: In Debian GNU/Linux system, I use gnupg 1.4.11-3 and gnupg-agent
2.0.14-2 (in sid). With older versions, you can only sign with SHA1.
Q5: What's version of pcscd and libccid are you using?
A5: In Debian GNU/Linux system, I use pcscd 1.5.5-4 and libccid 1.3.11-2,
which is in squeeze. Note that you need to edit /etc/libccid_Info.plist
when using libccid (< 1.4.1).
Q6: What kinds of hardware is required for development?
A6: You need a target board plus a JTAG debugger. If you just want to
test Gnuk for target boards with DfuSe, JTAG debugger is not
the requirement. Note that for real use, you need JTAG debugger
to enable flash ROM protection.
Q7: How much does it cost?
A7: Olimex STM32-H103 plus ARM-USB-TINY-H cost 70 Euro or so.
Q8: How much does it cost for DIY version?
A8: STM8S Discovery Kit costs 750 JPY (< $10 USD) only. You can build
your own JTAG debugger using FTDI2232 module (1450 JPY), see:
Q9: I got an error like "gpg: selecting openpgp failed: ec=6.108", what's up?
A9: GnuPG's SCDaemon has problems for handling insertion/removal of
card/reader (problems are fixed in trunk). When your newly
inserted token is not found by GnuPG, try killing scdaemon and let
it to be invoked again. I do:
$ killall -9 scdaemon
and confirm scdaemon doesn't exist, then,
$ gpg-connect-agent learn /bye
Release notes
This is thirteenth release of Gnuk. While it works well for specific
usages and it is considered stable, it is still somewhat experimental.
Note that you need to write random bits after installation of gnuk
executable to the chip. This procedure is required to share a single
executable among multiple devices.
Tested features are:
* Personalization of the card
* Changing Login name, URL, Name, Sex, Language, etc.
* Password handling (PW1, RC, PW3)
* Key import for three types:
* key for digital signing
* key for decryption
* key for authentication
* PSO: Digital Signature
* PSO: Decipher
* Changing value of password status bytes (0x00C4): forcesig
* Verify with pin pad
* Modify with pin pad
It is known not-working well:
* For some version of kernel and libccid, --enable-debug can't
work well. Please disable DEBUG option if it doesn't work well.
* Card holder certificate
It is implemented in Gnuk side. But its size matters (>
1KB). GnuPG cannot handle a data object of large size with
PC/SC backend. Specifically, handle_transmit function in
pcsc-wrapper.c uses the buffer of size 1024-byte.
Not supported feature(s):
* Overriding key import. You need to remove all keys first.
* Key generation
We use Olimex STM32-H103 board. We also use STM32 part of STM8S
Discovery Kit.
With DfuSe support, CQ STARM, STBee, and STBee Mini are also our
targets. But those targets with DfuSe are basically not for normal
use but for experiments, because it would be impossible for DfuSe to
disable read from flash. For real use, please consider killing DfuSe
and enable read protection using JTAG debugger.
I think that it could run on Olimex STM32-P103, or other boards with
STM32F103. Besides, we are porting it to STM32 Primer 2.
For PIN-pad support, I connect a consumer IR receive module to STBee
Mini and STM8S Discovery Kit, and use controller for TV. PIN
verification is supported by this configuration. Yes, it is not
secure at all, since it is very easy to monitor IR output of the
controllers. It is just an experiment. Note that hardware needed for
this experiment is only a consumer IR receive module which is as cheap
as 50 JPY.
Another PIN-pad support is connecting rotary encoder, push switch and
7-segment LED display. Both of PIN verification and PIN modification
are supported for this circuit extension.
Souce code
Gnuk source code is under src/ directory.
It is distributed under GNU General Public Licence version 3 or later
(GPLv3+). Please see src/COPYING.
Please note that it is distributed with external source code too.
Please read relevant licenses for external source code, too.
The author(s) of Gnuk expect users of Gnuk will be able to access the
source code of Gnuk, so that users can study the code and can modify
if needed. This doesn't mean person who has a USB Token by Gnuk
should be able to acess everything on the Token, regardless of its
protections. Private keys, random bytes, and other information should
be protected properly.
External source code
Gnuk is distributed with external source code.
* ChibiOS_2.0.8/ -- ChibiOS/RT 2.0.8
Taken from
Note that CRLF is converted to LF in this repository.
We use ChibiOS/RT as the kernel for Gnuk.
* polarssl-0.14.0/ -- PolarSSL 0.14.0
Taken from
We use PolarSSL for RSA computation, AES encryption/decryption
and SHA-1 computation.
* STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver/ -- a part of USB-FS-Device_Lib
* Virtual_COM_Port/ -- a part of USB-FS-Device_Lib
STM32F10x USB Full Speed Device Library (USB-FS-Device_Lib)
is a STM32F10x library for USB functionality.
I took Libraries/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Driver and
Project/Virtual_COM_Port in STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib distribution.
See for detail.
Host Requirements
For GNU/Linux, libccid version >= 1.3.11 is required.
libccid version == 1.3.9 is known not working well by the issue [r4235].
I think that it should not be requirment but the kernel version of my use is:
Linux version 2.6.32-5-686 (Debian 2.6.32-18) ( (gcc version 4.3.5 (Debian 4.3.5-2) ) #1 SMP Sat Jul 24 02:27:10 UTC 2010
Linux 2.6.30 is known *NOT* working well with DEBUG option.
Linux 2.6.24 is known working well with DEBUG option.
How to compile
You need GNU toolchain and newlib for 'arm-none-eabi' target.
See for preparation of
GNU Toolchain for 'arm-none-eabi' target.
Change directory to `src':
$ cd gnuk-VERSION/src
Then, run `configure':
$ ./configure
$ make
Then, we will have "gnuk.elf".
How to install
Olimex STM32-H103 board
If you are using Olimex JTAG-Tiny, type following to invoke OpenOCD:
$ openocd -f interface/olimex-jtag-tiny.cfg -f board/olimex_stm32_h103.cfg
Then, with another terminal, type following to write "gnuk.elf" to Flash ROM:
$ telnet localhost 4444
> reset halt
> flash write_image erase gnuk.elf
> reset
> exit
STM8S Discovery Kit
If you are using FTDI-2232D module and the connection is standard, type:
$ openocd -f interface/openocd-usb.cfg -f target/stm32.cfg
Initially, the flash ROM of the chip is protected. you need to do:
$ telnet localhost 4444
> reset halt
> stm32x unlock 0
> reset
> shutdown
and re-connect the board. Note that power-off / power-on sequence is
required to reset flash ROM.
Then, invoke OpenOCD again and telnet to connect OpenCD and write
image as above example of Olimex STM32-H103.
Put jumper for J6 to enable DfuSe. Connecting the board, and type:
# cd ../tool
# ./ ../src/gnuk.hex
Then, remove the jumper and reset the board.
STBee and STBee Mini
Reset the board with "USER" switch pushed. Type following to write
to flash:
# cd ../tool
# ./ ../src/gnuk.hex
Then, reset the board.
How to protect flash ROM
Invoke your OpenOCD and type:
$ telnet localhost 4444
> reset halt
> stm32x lock 0
> reset
> shutdown
After power-off / power-on sequence, the contents of flash ROM cannot
be accessible from JTAG debugger.
Note that it would be still possible for some implementation of DfuSe
to access the contents. If you want to protect, killing DfuSe and
accessing by JTAG debugger is recommended.
How to configure
You need python and pyscard (python-pyscard package in Debian) or
PyUSB (python-usb package in Debian).
(1) In the 'src' directory, type
$ make random_bits
In this process, it takes time for the command of
dd if=/dev/random bs=1 of=random_bits count=1024
Don't just wait, but do some other works on your PC.
/dev/random needs entropy to finish.
(2) [pyscard] Stop scdaemon
[PyUSB] Stop the pcsc daemon.
If scdaemon is running, please kill it, or you will get "Smartcard
Exception" by "Sharing violation".
$ killall -9 scdaemon
In case of PyUSB tool, you need to stop pcscd.
# /etc/init.d/pcscd stop
(3) Write the random bits to the device
Connect your board to USB port of your PC. And invoke
$ ../tool/ -r random_bits
random_bits: 1024
Updating random bits
(4) [Optional] Write fixed serial number
If you use fixed serial number in the file 'GNUK_SERIAL_NUMBER', you can do:
Writing serial number
(5) [Optional] Write card holder certificate
If you have card holder certificate binary file, you can do:
$ ../tool/ ../../<YOUR-CERTIFICATE>.bin
Updating card holder certificate
How to run
Debug enabled
If you compiled with --enable-debug option, Gnuk has two interfaces
(one is CCID/ICCD device and another is virtual COM port). Open
virtual COM port by:
$ cu -l /dev/ttyACM0
and you will see debug output of Gnuk.
Libccid fix needed
For libccid (< 1.4.1), we need following change:
--- /etc/libccid_Info.plist.dpkg-dist 2009-07-29 06:50:20.000000000 +0900
+++ /etc/libccid_Info.plist 2010-09-05 09:09:49.000000000 +0900
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
+ <string>0x234B</string>
@@ -237,6 +238,7 @@
+ <string>0x0000</string>
@@ -370,6 +372,7 @@
+ <string>FSIJ USB Token</string>
<string>Gemplus Gem e-Seal Pro</string>
<string>Gemplus GemPC Twin</string>
<string>Gemplus GemPC Key</string>
This entry has been added into libccid 1.4.1 already ([r5425]).
Testing Gnuk
Try following to see Gnuk runs:
$ gpg --card-status
Personalize the Token and import keys
You can personalize the token, putting your information like: Name,
Login name, Sex, Languages, URL, etc., and password. To do so, GnuPG
command is:
$ gpg --card-edit
Note that the factory setting of user password is "123456" and admin
password is "12345678" as the specification.
No, Gnuk doesn't support key generation. You need to create your
keys on your computer, and import them to Gnuk Token. After you create
your keys (they must be 2048-bit RSA), you can import them.
For detail, please see doc/DEMO and doc/DEMO-2.
Note that it make sense to preserve your keys on your computer so that
you can import the keys (again) to (possibly another) Gnuk Token. In
this case, you can use GnuPG's option to specify the home directory by
After creating keys by:
$ gpg --gen-key
Copy directory which contains your secret keys to new directory named
$ cp -pa $HOME/.gnupg <gpgdir-with-your-secret-keys>
Then, import keys by:
$ gpg --edit-key <YOUR-KEYID>
While your $HOME/.gnupg now doesn't have your secret keys after
import, <gpgdir-with-your-secret-keys> still has them. You can again
import them by:
$ gpg --homedir=<gpgdir-with-your-secret-keys> --edit-key <YOUR-KEYID>
Note that you *should not* save changes this time to preserve keys
on your computer. The session goes like this:
gpg> quit
Save changes? (y/N) n
Quit without saving? (y/N) y
How to debug
We can use GDB.
$ arm-none-eabi-gdb gnuk.elf
Inside GDB, we can connect OpenOCD by:
(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
You can see the output of PCSCD:
# /etc/init.d/pcscd stop
# LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel=7 /usr/sbin/pcscd --debug --foreground
You can observe the traffic of USB using "usbmon". See the file:
Read-only Git Repository
You can browse at;a=summary
You can get it by:
$ git clone git://
$ git clone
Information on the Web
Please visit:
Your Contributions
FSIJ welcomes your contributions. Please assign your copyright
to FSIJ (if possible).
Foot note
* NUK(R) is a registered trademark owend by MAPA GmbH, Germany.