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2022-04-28 16:01:33 +00:00
<summary><strong>Support HackTricks and get benefits!</strong></summary>
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2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
# What is Gitea
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
**Gitea** is a **self-hosted community managed lightweight code hosting** solution written in Go.
![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (655).png>)
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
## Basic Information
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
{% content-ref url="basic-gitea-information.md" %}
{% endcontent-ref %}
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
# Lab
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
To run a Gitea instance locally you can just run a docker container:
docker run -p 3000:3000 gitea/gitea
Connect to port 3000 to access the web page.
You could also run it with kubernetes:
helm repo add gitea-charts https://dl.gitea.io/charts/
helm install gitea gitea-charts/gitea
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
# Unauthenticated Enumeration
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
* Public repos: [http://localhost:3000/explore/repos](http://localhost:3000/explore/repos)
* Registered users: [http://localhost:3000/explore/users](http://localhost:3000/explore/users)
* Registered Organizations: [http://localhost:3000/explore/organizations](http://localhost:3000/explore/organizations)
Note that by **default Gitea allows new users to register**. This won't give specially interesting access to the new users over other organizations/users repos, but a **logged in user** might be able to **visualize more repos or organizations**.
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
# Internal Exploitation
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
For this scenario we are going to suppose that you have obtained some access to a github account.
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
## With User Credentials/Web Cookie
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
If you somehow already have credentials for a user inside an organization (or you stole a session cookie) you can **just login** and check which which **permissions you have** over which **repos,** in **which teams** you are, **list other users**, and **how are the repos protected.**
Note that **2FA may be used** so you will only be able to access this information if you can also **pass that check**.
{% hint style="info" %}
Note that if you **manage to steal the `i_like_gitea` cookie** (currently configured with SameSite: Lax) you can **completely impersonate the user** without needing credentials or 2FA.
{% endhint %}
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
## With User SSH Key
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
Gitea allows **users** to set **SSH keys** that will be used as **authentication method to deploy code** on their behalf (no 2FA is applied).
With this key you can perform **changes in repositories where the user has some privileges**, however you can not use it to access gitea api to enumerate the environment. However, you can **enumerate local settings** to get information about the repos and user you have access to:
# Go to the the repository folder
# Get repo config and current user name and email
git config --list
If the user has configured its username as his gitea username you can access the **public keys he has set** in his account in _https://github.com/\<gitea\_username>.keys_, you could check this to confirm the private key you found can be used.
**SSH keys** can also be set in repositories as **deploy keys**. Anyone with access to this key will be able to **launch projects from a repository**. Usually in a server with different deploy keys the local file **`~/.ssh/config`** will give you info about key is related.
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
### GPG Keys
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
As explained [**here**](../github-security/basic-github-information.md#ssh-keys) sometimes it's needed to sign the commits or you might get discovered.
Check locally if the current user has any key with:
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
## With User Token
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
For an introduction about [**User Tokens check the basic information**](basic-gitea-information.md#personal-access-tokens).
A user token can be used **instead of a password** to **authenticate** against Gitea server [**via API**](https://try.gitea.io/api/swagger#/). it will has **complete access** over the user.
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
## With Oauth Application
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
For an introduction about [**Gitea Oauth Applications check the basic information**](basic-gitea-information.md#oauth-applications).
An attacker might create a **malicious Oauth Application** to access privileged data/actions of the users that accepts them probably as part of a phishing campaign.
As explained in the basic information, the application will have **full access over the user account**.
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
## Branch Protection Bypass
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
In Github we have **github actions** which by default get a **token with write access** over the repo that can be used to **bypass branch protections**. In this case that **doesn't exist**, so the bypasses are more limited. But lets take a look to what can be done:
* **Enable Push**: If anyone with write access can push to the branch, just push to it.
* **Whitelist Restricted Pus**h: The same way, if you are part of this list push to the branch.
* **Enable Merge Whitelist**: If there is a merge whitelist, you need to be inside of it
* **Require approvals is bigger than 0**: Then... you need to compromise another user
* **Restrict approvals to whitelisted**: If only whitelisted users can approve... you need to compromise another user that is inside that list
* **Dismiss stale approvals**: If approvals are not removed with new commits, you could hijack an already approved PR to inject your code and merge the PR.
Note that **if you are an org/repo admin** you can bypass the protections.
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
## Enumerate Webhooks
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
**Webhooks** are able to **send specific gitea information to some places**. You might be able to **exploit that communication**.\
However, usually a **secret** you can **not retrieve** is set in the **webhook** that will **prevent** external users that know the URL of the webhook but not the secret to **exploit that webhook**.\
But in some occasions, people instead of setting the **secret** in its place, they **set it in the URL** as a parameter, so **checking the URLs** could allow you to **find secrets** and other places you could exploit further.
Webhooks can be set at **repo and at org level**.
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
# Post Exploitation
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
2022-05-01 12:41:36 +00:00
## Inside the server
2022-04-22 08:32:18 +00:00
If somehow you managed to get inside the server where gitea is running you should search for the gitea configuration file. By default it's located in `/data/gitea/conf/app.ini`
In this file you can find **keys** and **passwords**.
In the gitea path (by default: /data/gitea) you can find also interesting information like:
* The **sqlite** DB: If gitea is not using an external db it will use a sqlite db
* The **sessions** inside the sessions folder: Running `cat sessions/*/*/*` you can see the usernames of the logged users (gitea could also save the sessions inside the DB).
* The **jwt private key** inside the jwt folder
* More **sensitive information** could be found in this folder
If you are inside the server you can also **use the `gitea` binary** to access/modify information:
* `gitea dump` will dump gitea and generate a .zip file
* `gitea generate secret INTERNAL_TOKEN/JWT_SECRET/SECRET_KEY/LFS_JWT_SECRET` will generate a token of the indicated type (persistence)
* `gitea admin user change-password --username admin --password newpassword` Change the password
* `gitea admin user create --username newuser --password superpassword --email user@user.user --admin --access-token` Create new admin user and get an access token
2022-04-28 16:01:33 +00:00
<summary><strong>Support HackTricks and get benefits!</strong></summary>
Do you work in a **cybersecurity company**? Do you want to see your **company advertised in HackTricks**? or do you want to have access the **latest version of the PEASS or download HackTricks in PDF**? Check the [**SUBSCRIPTION PLANS**](https://github.com/sponsors/carlospolop)!
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**Share your hacking tricks submitting PRs to the** [**hacktricks github repo**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks)**.**