# macOS Auto Start Locations
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Here are locations on the system that could lead to the **execution** of a binary **without** **user** **interaction**. ### Launchd **`launchd`** is the **first** **process** executed by OX S kernel at startup and the last one to finish at shut down. It should always have the **PID 1**. This process will **read and execute** the configurations indicated in the **ASEP** **plists** in: * `/Library/LaunchAgents`: Per-user agents installed by the admin * `/Library/LaunchDaemons`: System-wide daemons installed by the admin * `/System/Library/LaunchAgents`: Per-user agents provided by Apple. * `/System/Library/LaunchDaemons`: System-wide daemons provided by Apple. When a user logs in the plists located in `/Users/$USER/Library/LaunchAgents` and `/Users/$USER/Library/LaunchDemons` are started with the **logged users permissions**. The **main difference between agents and daemons is that agents are loaded when the user logs in and the daemons are loaded at system startup** (as there are services like ssh that needs to be executed before any user access the system). Also agents may use GUI while daemons need to run in the background. ```xml Label com.apple.someidentifier ProgramArguments /Users/username/malware RunAtLoad StartInterval 800 KeepAlive SuccessfulExit ``` There are cases where an **agent needs to be executed before the user logins**, these are called **PreLoginAgents**. For example, this is useful to provide assistive technology at login. They can be found also in `/Library/LaunchAgents`(see [**here**](https://github.com/HelmutJ/CocoaSampleCode/tree/master/PreLoginAgents) an example). \{% hint style="info" %\} New Daemons or Agents config files will be **loaded after next reboot or using** `launchctl load ` It's **also possible to load .plist files without that extension** with `launchctl -F ` (however those plist files won't be automatically loaded after reboot).\ It's also possible to **unload** with `launchctl unload ` (the process pointed by it will be terminated), To **ensure** that there isn't **anything** (like an override) **preventing** an **Agent** or **Daemon** **from** **running** run: `sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemos/com.apple.smdb.plist` \{% endhint %\} List all the agents and daemons loaded by the current user: ```bash launchctl list ``` ### Cron List the cron jobs of the **current user** with: ```bash crontab -l ``` You can also see all the cron jobs of the users in **`/usr/lib/cron/tabs/`** and **`/var/at/tabs/`** (needs root). In MacOS several folders executing scripts with **certain frequency** can be found in: ```bash ls -lR /usr/lib/cron/tabs/ /private/var/at/jobs /etc/periodic/ ``` There you can find the regular **cron** **jobs**, the **at** **jobs** (not very used) and the **periodic** **jobs** (mainly used for cleaning temporary files). The daily periodic jobs can be executed for example with: `periodic daily`. The periodic scripts (**`/etc/periodic`**) are executed because of the **launch daemons** configured in `/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.periodic*`. Note that if a script is stored in `/etc/periodic/` as a way to **escalate privilege**s, it will be **executed** as the **owner of the file**. ```bash ls -l /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.periodic* -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 887 May 13 00:29 /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.periodic-daily.plist -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 895 May 13 00:29 /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.periodic-monthly.plist -rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 891 May 13 00:29 /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.periodic-weekly.plist ``` ### kext In order to install a KEXT as a startup item, it needs to be **installed in one of the following locations**: * `/System/Library/Extensions` * KEXT files built into the OS X operating system. * `/Library/Extensions` * KEXT files installed by 3rd party software You can list currently loaded kext files with: ```bash kextstat #List loaded kext kextload /path/to/kext.kext #Load a new one based on path kextload -b com.apple.driver.ExampleBundle #Load a new one based on path kextunload /path/to/kext.kext kextunload -b com.apple.driver.ExampleBundle ``` For more information about [**kernel extensions check this section**](macos-security-and-privilege-escalation/mac-os-architecture#i-o-kit-drivers). ### **Login Items** In System Preferences -> Users & Groups -> **Login Items** you can find **items to be executed when the user logs in**.\ It it's possible to list them, add and remove from the command line: ```bash #List all items: osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get the name of every login item' #Add an item: osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to make login item at end with properties {path:"/path/to/itemname", hidden:false}' #Remove an item: osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to delete login item "itemname"' ``` These items are stored in the file /Users/\/Library/Application Support/com.apple.backgroundtaskmanagementagent ### At β€œAt tasks” are used to **schedule tasks at specific times**.\ These tasks differ from cron in that **they are one time tasks** t**hat get removed after executing**. However, they will **survive a system restart** so they can’t be ruled out as a potential threat. By **default** they are **disabled** but the **root** user can **enable** **them** with: ```bash sudo launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.atrun.plist ``` This will create a file at 13:37: ```bash echo hello > /tmp/hello | at 1337 ``` If AT tasks aren't enabled the created tasks won't be executed. ### Login/Logout Hooks They are deprecated but can be used to execute commands when a user logs in. ```bash cat > $HOME/hook.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash echo 'My is: \`id\`' > /tmp/login_id.txt EOF chmod +x $HOME/hook.sh defaults write com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook /Users/$USER/hook.sh ``` This setting is stored in `/Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow.plist` ```bash defaults read /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow.plist { LoginHook = "/Users/username/hook.sh"; MiniBuddyLaunch = 0; TALLogoutReason = "Shut Down"; TALLogoutSavesState = 0; oneTimeSSMigrationComplete = 1; } ``` To delete it: ```bash defaults delete com.apple.loginwindow LoginHook ``` In the previous example we have created and deleted a **LoginHook**, it's also possible to create a **LogoutHook**. The root user one is stored in `/private/var/root/Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow.plist` ### Emond Apple introduced a logging mechanism called **emond**. It appears it was never fully developed, and development may have been **abandoned** by Apple for other mechanisms, but it remains **available**. This little-known service may **not be much use to a Mac admin**, but to a threat actor one very good reason would be to use it as a **persistence mechanism that most macOS admins probably wouldn't know** to look for. Detecting malicious use of emond shouldn't be difficult, as the System LaunchDaemon for the service looks for scripts to run in only one place: ```bash ls -l /private/var/db/emondClients ``` {% hint style="danger" %} **As this isn't used much, anything in that folder should be suspicious** {% endhint %} ### Startup Items \{% hint style="danger" %\} **This is deprecated, so nothing should be found in the following directories.** \{% endhint %\} A **StartupItem** is a **directory** that gets **placed** in one of these two folders. `/Library/StartupItems/` or `/System/Library/StartupItems/` After placing a new directory in one of these two locations, **two more items** need to be placed inside that directory. These two items are a **rc script** **and a plist** that holds a few settings. This plist must be called β€œ**StartupParameters.plist**”. {% tabs %} {% tab title="StartupParameters.plist" %} ```xml Description This is a description of this service OrderPreference None Provides superservicename ``` {% endtab %} {% tab title="superservicename" %} ```bash #!/bin/sh . /etc/rc.common StartService(){ touch /tmp/superservicestarted } StopService(){ rm /tmp/superservicestarted } RestartService(){ echo "Restarting" } RunService "$1" ``` {% endtab %} {% endtabs %} ### /etc/rc.common {% hint style="danger" %} **This isn't working in modern MacOS versions** {% endhint %} It's also possible to place here **commands that will be executed at startup.** Example os regular rc.common script: ```bash # # Common setup for startup scripts. # # Copyright 1998-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. # ###################### # Configure the shell # ###################### # # Be strict # #set -e set -u # # Set command search path # PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/libexec:/System/Library/CoreServices; export PATH # # Set the terminal mode # #if [ -x /usr/bin/tset ] && [ -f /usr/share/misc/termcap ]; then # TERM=$(tset - -Q); export TERM #fi ################### # Useful functions # ################### # # Determine if the network is up by looking for any non-loopback # internet network interfaces. # CheckForNetwork() { local test if [ -z "${NETWORKUP:=}" ]; then test=$(ifconfig -a inet 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/' -e '/' -e '/inet/p' | wc -l) if [ "${test}" -gt 0 ]; then NETWORKUP="-YES-" else NETWORKUP="-NO-" fi fi } alias ConsoleMessage=echo # # Process management # GetPID () { local program="$1" local pidfile="${PIDFILE:=/var/run/${program}.pid}" local pid="" if [ -f "${pidfile}" ]; then pid=$(head -1 "${pidfile}") if ! kill -0 "${pid}" 2> /dev/null; then echo "Bad pid file $pidfile; deleting." pid="" rm -f "${pidfile}" fi fi if [ -n "${pid}" ]; then echo "${pid}" return 0 else return 1 fi } # # Generic action handler # RunService () { case $1 in start ) StartService ;; stop ) StopService ;; restart) RestartService ;; * ) echo "$0: unknown argument: $1";; esac } ``` ### Profiles Configuration profiles can force a user to use certain browser settings, DNS proxy settings, or VPN settings. Many other payloads are possible which make them ripe for abuse. You can enumerate them running: ```bash ls -Rl /Library/Managed\ Preferences/ ``` ### Other persistence techniques and tools * [https://github.com/cedowens/Persistent-Swift](https://github.com/cedowens/Persistent-Swift) * [https://github.com/D00MFist/PersistentJXA](https://github.com/D00MFist/PersistentJXA)
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