# Common API used in Malware ## Generic ### Networking | Raw Sockets | WinAPI Sockets | | :--- | :--- | | socket\(\) | WSAStratup\(\) | | bind\(\) | bind\(\) | | listen\(\) | listen\(\) | | accept\(\) | accept\(\) | | connect\(\) | connect\(\) | | read\(\)/recv\(\) | recv\(\) | | write\(\) | send\(\) | | shutdown\(\) | WSACleanup\(\) | ### Persistence | Registry | File | Service | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | RegCreateKeyEx\(\) | GetTempPath\(\) | OpenSCManager | | RegOpenKeyEx\(\) | CopyFile\(\) | CreateService\(\) | | RegSetValueEx\(\) | CreateFile\(\) | StartServiceCtrlDispatcher\(\) | | RegDeleteKeyEx\(\) | WriteFile\(\) | | | RegGetValue\(\) | ReadFile\(\) | | ### Encryption | Name | | :--- | | WinCrypt | | CryptAcquireContext\(\) | | CryptGenKey\(\) | | CryptDeriveKey\(\) | | CryptDecrypt\(\) | | CryptReleaseContext\(\) | ### Anti-Analysis/VM | Function Name | Assembly Instructions | | :--- | :--- | | IsDebuggerPresent\(\) | CPUID\(\) | | GetSystemInfo\(\) | IN\(\) | | GlobalMemoryStatusEx\(\) | | | GetVersion\(\) | | | CreateToolhelp32Snapshot \[Check if a process is running\] | | | CreateFileW/A \[Check if a file exist\] | | ### Stealth | Name | | | :--- | :--- | | VirtualAlloc | Alloc memory \(packers\) | | VirtualProtect | Change memory permission \(packer giving execution permission to a section\) | | ReadProcessMemory | Injection into external processes | | WriteProcessMemoryA/W | Injection into external processes | | NtWriteVirtualMemory | | | CreateRemoteThread | DLL/Process injection... | | NtUnmapViewOfSection | | | QueueUserAPC | | | CreateProcessInternalA/W | | ### Execution | Function Name | | :--- | | CreateProcessA/W | | ShellExecute | | WinExec | | ResumeThread | | NtResumeThread | ### Miscellaneous * GetAsyncKeyState\(\) -- Key logging * SetWindowsHookEx -- Key logging * GetForeGroundWindow -- Get running window name \(or the website from a browser\) * LoadLibrary\(\) -- Import library * GetProcAddress\(\) -- Import library * CreateToolhelp32Snapshot\(\) -- List running processes * GetDC\(\) -- Screenshot * BitBlt\(\) -- Screenshot * InternetOpen\(\), InternetOpenUrl\(\), InternetReadFile\(\), InternetWriteFile\(\) -- Access the Internet * FindResource\(\), LoadResource\(\), LockResource\(\) -- Access resources of the executable ## Malware Techniques ### DLL Injection Execute an arbitrary DLL inside another process 1. Locate the process to inject the malicious DLL: CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, Process32Next 2. Open the process: GetModuleHandle, GetProcAddress, OpenProcess 3. Write the path to the DLL inside the process: VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory 4. Create a thread in the process that will load the malicious DLL: CreateRemoteThread, LoadLibrary Other functions to use: NTCreateThreadEx, RtlCreateUserThread ### Reflective DLL Injection Load a malicious DLL without calling normal Windows API calls. The DLL is mapped inside a process, it will resolve the import addresses, fix the relocations and call the DllMain function. ### Thread Hijacking Find a thread from a process and make it load a malicious DLL 1. Find a target thread: CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Thread32First, Thread32Next 2. Open the thread: OpenThread 3. Suspend the thread: SuspendThread 4. Write the path to the malicious DLL inside the victim process: VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory 5. Resume the thread loading the library: ResumeThread ### PE Injection Portable Execution Injection: The executable will be written in the memory of the victim process and it will be executed from there. ### Process Hollowing The malware will unmap the legitimate code from memory of the process and load a malicious binary 1. Create a new process: CreateProcess 2. Unmap the memory: ZwUnmapViewOfSection, NtUnmapViewOfSection 3. Write the malicious binary in the process memory: VirtualAllocEc, WriteProcessMemory 4. Set the entrypoint and execute: SetThreadContext, ResumeThread ## Hooking * The **SSDT** \(**System Service Descriptor Table**\) points to kernel functions \(ntoskrnl.exe\) or GUI driver \(win32k.sys\) so user processes can call these functions. * A rootkit may modify these pointer to addresses that he controls * **IRP** \(**I/O Request Packets**\) transmit pieces of data from one component to another. Almost everything in the kernel uses IRPs and each device object has its own function table that can be hooked: DKOM \(Direct Kernel Object Manipulation\) * The **IAT** \(**Import Address Table**\) is useful to resolve dependencies. It's possible to hook this table in order to hijack the code that will be called. * **EAT** \(**Export Address Table**\) Hooks. This hooks can be done from **userland**. The goal is to hook exported functions by DLLs. * **Inline Hooks**: This type are difficult to achieve. This involve modifying the code of the functions itself. Maybe by putting a jump at the begging of this.