# GCP - Serverless Code Exec Services Enumeration ## Cloud Functions Google [Cloud Functions](https://cloud.google.com/functions/) allow you to host code that is executed when an event is triggered, without the requirement to manage a host operating system. These functions can also store environment variables to be used by the code. ```bash # List functions gcloud functions list # Get function config including env variables gcloud functions describe [FUNCTION NAME] # Get logs of previous runs # By default, limits to 10 lines gcloud functions logs read [FUNCTION NAME] --limit [NUMBER] ``` ### Enumerate Open Cloud Functions With the following code [taken from here](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/security-operations/gl-redteam/gcp\_misc/-/blob/master/find\_open\_functions.sh) you can find Cloud Functions that permit unauthenticated invocations. ```bash #!/bin/bash ############################# # Run this tool to find Cloud Functions that permit unauthenticated invocations # anywhere in your GCP organization. # Enjoy! ############################# for proj in $(gcloud projects list --format="get(projectId)"); do echo "[*] scraping project $proj" enabled=$(gcloud services list --project "$proj" | grep "Cloud Functions API") if [ -z "$enabled" ]; then continue fi for func_region in $(gcloud functions list --quiet --project "$proj" --format="value[separator=','](NAME,REGION)"); do # drop substring from first occurence of "," to end of string. func="${func_region%%,*}" # drop substring from start of string up to last occurence of "," region="${func_region##*,}" ACL="$(gcloud functions get-iam-policy "$func" --project "$proj" --region "$region")" all_users="$(echo "$ACL" | grep allUsers)" all_auth="$(echo "$ACL" | grep allAuthenticatedUsers)" if [ -z "$all_users" ] then : else echo "[!] Open to all users: $proj: $func" fi if [ -z "$all_auth" ] then : else echo "[!] Open to all authenticated users: $proj: $func" fi done done ``` ## App Engine Configurations Google [App Engine](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/) is another ["serverless"](https://about.gitlab.com/topics/serverless/) offering for hosting applications, with a focus on scalability. As with Cloud Functions, **there is a chance that the application will rely on secrets that are accessed at run-time via environment variables**. These variables are stored in an `app.yaml` file which can be accessed as follows: ```bash # First, get a list of all available versions of all services gcloud app versions list # Then, get the specific details on a given app gcloud app describe [APP] ``` ## Cloud Run Configurations Google [Cloud Run](https://cloud.google.com/run) is another serverless offer where you can search for env variables also. Cloud Run creates a small web server, running on port 8080, that sits around waiting for an HTTP GET request. When the request is received, a job is executed and the job log is output via an HTTP response. The access to this web server might be public of managed via IAM permissions: ```bash # First get a list of services across the available platforms gcloud run services list --platform=managed gcloud run services list --platform=gke # To learn more, export as JSON and investigate what the services do gcloud run services list --platform=managed --format=json gcloud run services list --platform=gke --format=json # Attempt to trigger a job unauthenticated curl [URL] # Attempt to trigger a job with your current gcloud authorization curl -H \ "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" \ [URL] ``` ### Enumerate Open CloudRun With the following code [taken from here](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-security/security-operations/gl-redteam/gcp\_misc/-/blob/master/find\_open\_cloudrun.sh) you can find Cloud Run services that permit unauthenticated invocations. ```bash #!/bin/bash ############################# # Run this tool to find Cloud Run services that permit unauthenticated # invocations anywhere in your GCP organization. # Enjoy! ############################# for proj in $(gcloud projects list --format="get(projectId)"); do echo "[*] scraping project $proj" enabled=$(gcloud services list --project "$proj" | grep "Cloud Run API") if [ -z "$enabled" ]; then continue fi for run in $(gcloud run services list --platform managed --quiet --project $proj --format="get(name)"); do ACL="$(gcloud run services get-iam-policy $run --platform managed --project $proj)" all_users="$(echo $ACL | grep allUsers)" all_auth="$(echo $ACL | grep allAuthenticatedUsers)" if [ -z "$all_users" ] then : else echo "[!] Open to all users: $proj: $run" fi if [ -z "$all_auth" ] then : else echo "[!] Open to all authenticated users: $proj: $run" fi done done ``` ## References * [https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2020/02/12/plundering-gcp-escalating-privileges-in-google-cloud-platform/#reviewing-stackdriver-logging](https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2020/02/12/plundering-gcp-escalating-privileges-in-google-cloud-platform/#reviewing-stackdriver-logging)