# Cross-site WebSocket hijacking \(CSWSH\) ## What are WebSockets WebSocket connections are initiated over **HTTP** and are typically **long-lived**. Messages can be sent in **either direction at any time** and are not transactional in nature. The connection will normally stay open and idle until either the client or the server is ready to send a message. WebSockets are particularly useful in situations where **low-latency or server-initiated messages** are required, such as real-time feeds of financial data. ## How are WebSocket connections established? WebSocket connections are normally created using client-side JavaScript like the following: ```javascript var ws = new WebSocket("wss://normal-website.com/chat"); ``` The **`wss`** protocol establishes a WebSocket over an encrypted **TLS** connection, while the **`ws`** protocol uses an **unencrypted** connection. To establish the connection, the browser and server perform a WebSocket handshake over HTTP. The browser issues a WebSocket handshake request like the following: ```javascript GET /chat HTTP/1.1 Host: normal-website.com Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 Sec-WebSocket-Key: wDqumtseNBJdhkihL6PW7w== Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade Cookie: session=KOsEJNuflw4Rd9BDNrVmvwBF9rEijeE2 Upgrade: websocket ``` If the server accepts the connection, it returns a WebSocket handshake response like the following: ```javascript HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: websocket Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 0FFP+2nmNIf/h+4BP36k9uzrYGk= ``` At this point, the network connection remains open and can be used to send WebSocket messages in either direction. **Note** Several **features** of the WebSocket **handshake** messages are worth noting: * The **`Connection`** and **`Upgrade`** headers in the request and response **indicate** that this is a **WebSocket handshake**. * The **`Sec-WebSocket-Version`** request header specifies the **WebSocket protocol version** that the client wishes to use. This is typically `13`. * The **`Sec-WebSocket-Key`** request header contains a Base64-encoded **random value**, which should be randomly generated in each handshake request. * The **`Sec-WebSocket-Accept`** response header contains a hash of the value submitted in the `Sec-WebSocket-Key` request header, concatenated with a specific string defined in the protocol specification. This is done to prevent misleading responses resulting from misconfigured servers or caching proxies. The **`Sec-WebSocket-Key`** header contains a **random value** to prevent errors from caching proxies, and **is not used for authentication or session handling purposes** \(_It's not a CSRF token_\). ### Linux console You can use `websocat` to stablish a raw connection with a websocket. ```bash websocat --insecure wss:// -v ``` Or to create a websocat server: ```bash websocat -s #Listen in port 8000 ``` ## MitM websocket connections If you find that clients are connection to a **HTTP websocket** from your current local network you could try an [ARP Spoofing Attack ](../pentesting/pentesting-network/#arp-spoofing) to perform a MitM attack between the client and the server. Once the client is trying to connect to you you can use: ```bash websocat -E --insecure --text ws-listen: wss:// -v ``` ## Cross-site WebSocket hijacking \(CSWSH\) Also known as _cross-origin WebSocket hijacking_. **It is a** [**Cross-Site Request Forgery \(CSRF\)**](csrf-cross-site-request-forgery.md) **on a WebSocket handshake.** It arises when the **WebSocket handshake** request relies solely on **HTTP cookies** for session handling and does **not contain any CSRF tokens** or other unpredictable values. An attacker can create a **malicious web page** on their own domain which **establishes a cross-site WebSocket** connection to the vulnerable application. The application will handle the connection in the **context of the victim user's session** with the application. ### Simple Attack This attack allows you to make the client connect to websocket server and send some predefined value. ```markup ``` Usually this will be useless as what you want is to get the information the real user is sending and the responses. ### Stealing data from user Copy the web application you want to impersonate \(the .html files for example\) and inside the script where the websocket communication is occurring add this code: ```javascript //This is the script tag to load the websocket hooker //These are the functions that are gonig to be executed before a message //is sent by the client or received from the server //These code must be between some