# Pickle Rick ![](../../.gitbook/assets/picklerick.gif) This machine was categorised as easy and it was pretty easy. ## Enumeration I started **enumerating the machine using my tool** [**Legion**](https://github.com/carlospolop/legion): ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2879%29.png) In as you can see 2 ports are open: 80 \(**HTTP**\) and 22 \(**SSH**\) So, I launched legion to enumerate the HTTP service: ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28140%29.png) Note that in the image you can see that `robots.txt` contains the string `Wubbalubbadubdub` After some seconds I reviewed what `disearch` has already discovered : ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28132%29.png) ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28105%29.png) And as you may see in the last image a **login** page was discovered. Checking the source code of the root page, a username is discovered: `R1ckRul3s` ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28324%29.png) Therefore, you can login on the login page using the credentials `R1ckRul3s:Wubbalubbadubdub` ## User Using those credentials you will access a portal where you can execute commands: ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28196%29.png) Some commands like cat aren't allowed but you can read the first ingredient \(flag\) using for example grep: ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28218%29.png) Then I used: ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28171%29.png) To obtain a reverse shell: ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2851%29.png) The **second ingredient** can be found in `/home/rick` ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2857%29.png) ## Root The user **www-data can execute anything as sudo**: ![](../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2884%29.png)