# JBOSS ## Enumeration The _/web-console/ServerInfo.jsp_ and _/status?full=true_ web pages often reveal **server details**. You can expose **management servlets** via the following paths within JBoss \(depending on the version\): _/admin-console_, _/jmx-console_, _/management_, and _/web-console_. Default credentials are **admin**/**admin**. Upon gaining access, you can use available invoker servlets to interact with exposed MBeans: * /web-console/Invoker \(JBoss versions 6 and 7\) * /invoker/JMXInvokerServlet and /invoker/EJBInvokerServlet \(JBoss 5 and prior\) **You can enumerate and even exploit a JBOSS service using** [**clusterd**](https://github.com/hatRiot/clusterd) **Or using metasploit:** `msf > use auxiliary/scanner/http/jboss_vulnscan` ### Exploitation [https://github.com/joaomatosf/jexboss](https://github.com/joaomatosf/jexboss) ### Google Dork ```text inurl:status EJInvokerServlet ```