# 548 - Pentesting Apple Filing Protocol \(AFP\) ## Basic Information The **Apple Filing Protocol** \(**AFP**\), formerly AppleTalk Filing Protocol, is a proprietary network protocol, and part of the **Apple File Service** \(**AFS**\), that offers file services for macOS and the classic Mac OS. In macOS, AFP is one of several file services supported**.** AFP currently supports Unicode file names, POSIX and access control list permissions, resource forks, named extended attributes, and advanced file locking. In Mac OS 9 and earlier, AFP was the primary protocol for file services. **Default port:** 548 ```text PORT STATE SERVICE 548/tcp open afp ``` ## Enumeration ```bash msf> use auxiliary/scanner/afp/afp_server_info nmap -sV --script "afp-* and not dos and not brute" -p ``` | **Name** | **Description** | | :--- | :--- | | afp-ls | Lists available AFP volumes and files | | afp-path-vuln | Lists all AFP volumes and files[a](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/network-security-assessment/9781491911044/ch15.html#ch15fn48) | | afp-serverinfo | Displays AFP server information | | afp-showmount | Lists available AFP shares and respective ACLs | ### [**Brute Force**](../brute-force.md#afp)\*\*\*\*