# Objection Tutorial ## **Introduction** [![objection](https://github.com/sensepost/objection/raw/master/images/objection.png)](https://github.com/sensepost/objection) **objection - Runtime Mobile Exploration** `objection` is a runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by [Frida](https://www.frida.re/). It was built with the aim of helping assess mobile applications and their security posture without the need for a jailbroken or rooted mobile device. **Note:** This is not some form of jailbreak / root bypass. By using `objection`, you are still limited by all of the restrictions imposed by the applicable sandbox you are facing. ### Resume The **goal** of **objection** is let the user call the **main actions that offers Frida**. **Otherwise**, the user will need to create a **single script for every application** that he wants to test. ## Tutorial For this tutorial I am going to use the APK that you can download here: {% file src="../../../.gitbook/assets/app-release.zip" %} Or from its [original repository ](https://github.com/asvid/FridaApp)\(download app-release.apk\) ### Installation ```text pip3 install objection ``` ### Connection Make a **regular ADB conection** and **start** the **frida** server in the device \(and check that frida is working in both the client and the server\). If you are using a **rooted device** it is needed to select the application that you want to test inside the _**--gadget**_ option. in this case: ```text objection --gadget asvid.github.io.fridaapp explore ``` ### Basic Actions Not all possible commands of objections are going to be listed in this tutorial, only the ones that I have found more useful. #### Environment Some interesting information \(like passwords or paths\) could be find inside the environment. ```text env ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28321%29.png) #### Frida Information ```text frida ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28326%29.png) #### Upload/Download ```text file download [] file upload [] ``` #### Import frida script ```text import ``` #### SSLPinning ```text android sslpinning disable #Attempts to disable SSL Pinning on Android devices. ``` #### Root detection ```text android root disable #Attempts to disable root detection on Android devices. android root simulate #Attempts to simulate a rooted Android environment. ``` #### Exec Command ```text android shell_exec whoami ``` #### Screenshots ```text android ui screenshot /tmp/screenshot android ui FLAG_SECURE false This may enable you to take screenshots using the hardware keys ``` ### Static analysis made Dynamic In a real application we should know all of the information discovered in this part before using objection thanks to **static analysis**. Anyway, this way maybe you can see **something new** as here you will only have a complete list of classes, methods and exported objects. This is also usefull if somehow you are **unable to get some readable source code** of the app. #### List activities, receivers and services ```text android hooking list activities ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2866%29.png) ```text android hooking list services android hooking list receivers ``` Frida will launch an error if none is found #### Getting current activity ```text android hooking get current_activity ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2878%29.png) #### Search Classes Lets start looking for classes inside our application ```text android hooking search classes asvid.github.io.fridaapp ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2843%29.png) #### Search Methods of a class Now lets extract the methods inside the class _MainActivity:_ ```text android hooking search methods asvid.github.io.fridaapp MainActivity ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%286%29.png) #### List declared Methods of a class with their parameters Lets figure out wich parameters does the methods of the class need: ```text android hooking list class_methods asvid.github.io.fridaapp.MainActivity ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28213%29.png) #### List classes You could also list all the classes that were loaded inside the current applicatoin: ```text android hooking list classes #List all loaded classes, As the target application gets usedmore, this command will return more classes. ``` This is very useful if you want to **hook the method of a class and you only know the name of the class**. You coul use this function to **search which module owns the class** and then hook its method. ### Hooking being easy #### Hooking \(watching\) a method From the [source code](https://github.com/asvid/FridaApp/blob/master/app/src/main/java/asvid/github/io/fridaapp/MainActivity.kt) of the application we know that the **function** _**sum\(\)**_ **from** _**MainActivity**_ is being run **every second**. Lets try to **dump all possible information** each time the function is called \(arguments, return value and backtrace\): ```text android hooking watch class_method asvid.github.io.fridaapp.MainActivity.sum --dump-args --dump-backtrace --dump-return ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28310%29.png) #### Hooking \(watching\) an entire class Actually I find all the methods of the class MainActivity really interesting, lets **hook them all**. Be careful, this could **crash** an application. ```text android hooking watch class asvid.github.io.fridaapp.MainActivity --dump-args --dump-return ``` If you play with the application while the class is hooked you will see when **each function is being called**, its **arguments** and the **return** value. ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2838%29.png) #### Changing boolean return value of a function From the source code you can see that the function _checkPin_ gets a _String_ as argument and returns a _boolean_. Lets make the function **always return true**: ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28128%29.png) Now, If you write anything in the text box for the PIN code you will see tat anything is valid: ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28205%29.png) ### Class instances Search for and print **live instances of a specific Java class**, specified by a fully qualified class name. Out is the result of an attempt at getting a string value for a discovered objection which would typically **contain property values for the object**. ```text android heap print_instances ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28223%29.png) ### Keystore/Intents You can play with the keystore and intents using: ```text android keystore list android intents launch_activity android intent launch_service ``` ### Memory #### Dump ```bash memory dump all #Dump all memory memory dump from_base #Dump a part ``` #### List ```text memory list modules ``` ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28222%29.png) At the bottom os the list you can see frida: ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%2846%29.png) Lets checks what is frida exporting: ![](../../../.gitbook/assets/image%20%28113%29.png) #### Search/Write You can alse search and write inside memory with objection: ```text memory search "" (--string) (--offsets-only) memory write "
" "" (--string) ``` ### SQLite You cals can use the command `sqlite` to interact with sqlite databases. ### Exit ```text exit ``` ## What I miss in Objection * The hooking methods sometimes crashes the application \(this is also because of Frida\). * You can't use the instaces of the classes to call functions of the instance. And you can't create new instances of classes and use them to call functions. * There isn't a shortcut \(like the one for sslpinnin\) to hook all the common crypto methods being used by the application to see cyphered text, plain text, keys, IVs and algorithms used.