# GCP - Abuse GCP Permissions ## Introduction to GCP Privilege Escalation GCP, as any other cloud, have some **principals**: users, groups and service accounts, and some **resources** like compute engine, cloud functions…\ Then, via roles, **permissions are granted to those principals over the resources**. This is the way to specify the permissions a principal has over a resource in GCP.\ There are certain permissions that will allow a user to **get even more permissions** on the resource or third party resources, and that’s what is called **privilege escalation** (also, the exploitation the vulnerabilities to get more permissions). Therefore, I would like to separate GCP privilege escalation techniques in **2 groups**: * **Privesc to a principal**: This will allow you to **impersonate another principal**, and therefore act like it with all his permissions. e.g.: Abuse _getAccessToken_ to impersonate a service account. * **Privesc on the resource**: This will allow you to **get more permissions over the specific resource**. e.g.: you can abuse _setIamPolicy_ permission over cloudfunctions to allow you to trigger the function. * Note that some **resources permissions will also allow you to attach an arbitrary service account** to the resource. This means that you will be able to launch a resource with a SA, get into the resource, and **steal the SA token**. Therefore, this will allow to escalate to a principal via a resource escalation. This has happened in several resources previously, but now it’s less frequent (but can still happen). Obviously, the most interesting privilege escalation techniques are the ones of the **second group** because it will allow you to **get more privileges outside of the resources you already have** some privileges over. However, note that **escalating in resources** may give you also access to **sensitive information** or even to **other principals** (maybe via reading a secret that contains a token of a SA). {% hint style="warning" %} It's important to note also that in **GCP Service Accounts are both principals and permissions**, so escalating privileges in a SA will allow you to impersonate it also. {% endhint %} {% hint style="info" %} The permissions between parenthesis indicate the permissions needed to exploit the vulnerability with `gcloud`. Those might not be needed if exploiting it through the API. {% endhint %} ## Privilege Escalation to Principals Check all the **known permissions** that will allow you to **escalate privileges over other principals** in: {% content-ref url="gcp-privesc-to-other-principals.md" %} [gcp-privesc-to-other-principals.md](gcp-privesc-to-other-principals.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ## Privilege Escalation to Resources Check all the **known permissions** that will allow you to **escalate privileges over other resources** in: {% content-ref url="gcp-privesc-to-resources.md" %} [gcp-privesc-to-resources.md](gcp-privesc-to-resources.md) {% endcontent-ref %} ##