# JTAG ## JTAGenum ****[**JTAGenum** ](https://github.com/cyphunk/JTAGenum)is a tool can be used with a Raspberry PI or an Arduino to find to try JTAG pins from an unknown chip.\ In the **Arduino**, connect the **pins from 2 to 11 to 10pins potentially belonging to a JTAG**. Load the program in the Arduino and it will try to bruteforce all the pins to find if any pins belongs to JTAG and which one is each.\ In the **Raspberry PI** you can only use **pins from 1 to 6** (6pins, so you will go slower testing each potential JTAG pin). ### Arduino In Arduino, after connecting the cables (pin 2 to 11 to JTAG pins and Arduino GND to the baseboard GND), **load the JTAGenum program in Arduino** and in the Serial Monitor send a **`h`** (command for help) and you should see the help: ![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (643).png>) ![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (650).png>) Configure **"No line ending" and 115200baud**.\ Send the command s to start scanning: ![](<../../.gitbook/assets/image (651) (1) (1).png>) If you are contacting a JTAG, you will find one or several **lines starting by FOUND!** indicating the pins of JTAG.