2021-04-30 12:35:49 +00:00
burp-configuration-for-ios.md GitBook: [master] one page modified 2021-04-26 12:09:34 +00:00
README.md GitBook: [master] one page modified 2021-04-30 12:35:49 +00:00

iOS Pentesting

Privilege Separation and Sandbox

Applications the user can access run as the mobile user while critical system processes run as root.
However, the sandbox allows better control over actions that processes and applications can perform.

For example, even if two processes run as the same user mobile, they are not allowed to access or modify each other's data.

Each application is installed under private/var/mobile/Applications/{random ID}
Once installed, applications have limited read access to some system areas and functions SMS, phone call.... If an application wants to access a protected area, a pop-up requesting permission appears.


Apple strictly requires that the code running on the iPhone must be signed by a certificate issued by Apple. Jailbreaking is the process of actively circumventing such restrictions and other security controls put in places by the OS. Therefore, once the device is jailbroken, the integrity check which is responsible for checking apps being installed is patched so it is bypassed.

{% hint style="info" %} Unlike Android, you cannot switch to "Developer Mode" in iOS to run unsigned/untrusted code on the device. {% endhint %}

The most important side effect of Jailbreaking is that it removes any sandboxing put in place by the OS. Therefore, any app on the device can read any file on the filesystem, including other apps files, cookies and keychain.

A jailbroken device allows users to install unapproved apps and leverage more APIs, which otherwise aren't accessible.

There are 2 types of jailbreaks:

  • Tethered: Temporary jailbreak that requires the device to be connected to a computer every-time the device needs a restart. The jailbreak is reversed otherwise.
  • Untethered: Rebooting the device does not reset the jailbreak.

For regular users it's not recommended to jailbreak the mobile.
Note also that updating the OS removes the effect of jailbreaking.


All the tools required to build and support an iOS app are only officially supported on Mac OS.
Apple's de facto tool for creating/debugging/instrumenting iOS applications is Xcode. It can be used to download other components such as simulators and different SDK versions required to build and test your app.
It's highly recommended to download Xcode from the official app store. Other versions may be carrying malware.

The simulator files can be found in /Users/<username>/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices

To open the simulator, run Xcode, then press in the Xcode tab --> Open Developer tools --> Simulator
In the following image clicking in "iPod touch [...]" you can select other device to test in:

Apple Developer Program

A provisioning identity is a collection of public and private keys that are associated an Apple developer account. In order to sign apps you need to pay 99$/year to register in the Apple Developer Program to get your provisioning identity. Without this you won't be able to run applications from the source code in a physical device. Another option to do this is to use a jailbroken device.

Starting in Xcode 7.2 Apple has provided an option to create a free iOS development provisioning profile that allows to write and test your application on a real iPhone. Go to Xcode --> Preferences --> Accounts --> + Add new Appli ID you your credentials --> Click on the Apple ID created --> Manage Certificates --> + Apple Development --> Done
Then, in order to run your application in your iPhone you need first to indicate the iPhone to trust the computer. Then, you can try to run the application in the mobile from Xcode, but and error will appear. So go to Settings --> General --> Profiles and Device Management --> Select the untrusted profile and click "Trust".

Note that applications signed by the same signing certificate can share resources on a secure manner, like keychain items.


Unlike an Android Application, the binary of an iOS app can only be disassembled and not decompiled.
When an application is submitted to the app store, Apple first verifies the app conduct and before releasing it to the app-store, Apple encrypts the binary using FairPlay. So the binary download from the app store is encrypted complicating ting the reverse-engineering tasks.

However, note that there are other third party software that can be used to obfuscate the resulting binaries.

Removing App Store Encryption

In order to run the encrypted binary, the device needs to decrypt it in memory. Then, it's possible to dump the decrypted binary from the memory.

First, check if the binary is compiled with the PIE Position Independent Code flag:

otool -Vh Original_App #Check the last word of the last line of this code
Mach header
      magic  cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds sizeofcmds      flags
MH_MAGIC_64   X86_64        ALL  0x00     EXECUTE    47       6080   NOUNDEFS DYLDLINK TWOLEVEL PIE

If it's set you can use the script change_macho_flags.py to remove it with python2:

python change_mach_o_flags.py --no-pie Original_App
otool -Vh Hello_World
Mach header
      magic  cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds sizeofcmds      flags

Now that the PIE flag isn't set, the OS will load the program at a fixed starting location every-time. In order to find this location you can use:

otool -l Original_App | grep -A 3 LC_SEGMENT | grep -A 1 __TEXT
  segname __TEXT
   vmaddr 0x00004000

Then, it's necessary to extract the the memory range that needs to be dumped:

otool -l Original_App | grep -A 4 LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO
          cmd LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO
      cmdsize 20
     cryptoff 16384
    cryptsize 17416192
      cryptid 0

The value of cryptoff indicated the starting address of the encrypted content and the cryptsize indicates the size of the encrypted content.

So, the start address to dump will be vmaddr + cryptoff and the end address will be the start address + cryptsize
In this case: start_address = 0x4000 + 0x4000 = 0x8000 __and end_address = 0x8000 + 0x109c000 = 0x10a4000

With this information it's just necessary to run the application in the jailbroken device, attach to the process with gdb `gdb -p <pid>` and dump the memory:

dump memory dump.bin 0x8000 0x10a4000

Congrats! You have decrypted the encrypted section in dump.bin. Now transfer this dump to your computer and overwrite the encrypted section with the decrypted one:

dd bs=1 seek=<starting_address> conv=notrunc if=dump.bin of=Original_App

There is one more step to complete. The application is still indicating in its metadata that it's encrypted, but it isn't. Then, when executed, the device will try to decrypt the already decrypted section and it's going to fail.
However, you can use tools like MachOView to change this info. Just open the binary and set the cryptid to 0:

Removing App Store Encryption Automatically

You can use tools like Clutch to automatically remove the encryption and an app.

IPA Reversing

.ipa files are zipped packages, so change the extension to .zip and decompress them. After decompressing them you should see an .app folder. This folder contains the files of the application.
Inside the application you can find different interesting files.


plist files are structured XML files that contains key-value pairs. It's a way to store persistent data, so sometimes you may find sensitive information in these files. It's recommended to check these files after installing the app and after using intensively it to see if new data is written.


Inside the <application-name>.app folder you will find a binary file called <application-name>. This is the file that will be executed. You can perform a basic inspection of the binary with the tool otool:

otool -Vh DVIA-v2 #Check some compilation attributes
      magic  cputype cpusubtype  caps    filetype ncmds sizeofcmds      flags

otool -L DVIA-v2 #Get third party libraries
	/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 400.9.1)
	/usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib (compatibility version 9.0.0, current version 274.6.0)
	/usr/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.11)
	@rpath/Bolts.framework/Bolts (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)

Check if the app is encrypted

See if there is any output for:

otool -l <app-binary> | grep -A 4 LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO

Disassembling the binary

Disassemble the text section:

otool -tV DVIA-v2
(__TEXT,__text) section
+[DDLog initialize]:
0000000100004ab8	sub	sp, sp, #0x60
0000000100004abc	stp	x29, x30, [sp, #0x50]   ; Latency: 6
0000000100004ac0	add	x29, sp, #0x50
0000000100004ac4	sub	x8, x29, #0x10
0000000100004ac8	mov	x9, #0x0
0000000100004acc	adrp	x10, 1098 ; 0x10044e000
0000000100004ad0	add	x10, x10, #0x268

To print the Objective-C segment of the sample application one can use:

otool -oV DVIA-v2
Contents of (__DATA,__objc_classlist) section
00000001003dd5b8 0x1004423d0 _OBJC_CLASS_$_DDLog
    isa        0x1004423a8 _OBJC_METACLASS_$_DDLog
    superclass 0x0 _OBJC_CLASS_$_NSObject
    cache      0x0 __objc_empty_cache
    vtable     0x0
    data       0x1003de748
        flags          0x80
        instanceStart  8

In order to obtain a more compact Objective-C code you can use class-dump:

class-dump some-app
//     Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit).
//     class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2013 by Steve Nygard.

#pragma mark Named Structures

struct CGPoint {
    double _field1;
    double _field2;

struct CGRect {
    struct CGPoint _field1;
    struct CGSize _field2;

struct CGSize {
    double _field1;
    double _field2;

However, the best options to disassemble the binary are: Hopper and IDA.


Storage Access

You can use iFunBox to access the all the storage inside an application sandbox/folder

{% hint style="info" %} Starting in iOS version 8.4, Apple has restricted the third-party managers to access to the application sandbox, so tools like iFunbox and iExplorer no longer display/retrieve files from apps installed on the device if the device isn't jailbroken. {% endhint %}

Burp Proxy Configuration

{% page-ref page="burp-configuration-for-ios.md" %}