2020-07-15 15:43:14 +00:00
README.md GitBook: [master] 351 pages and 442 assets modified 2020-07-15 15:43:14 +00:00
show-file-extensions.md GitBook: [master] 351 pages and 442 assets modified 2020-07-15 15:43:14 +00:00

Escaping from KIOSKs

Check for possible actions inside the GUI application

  • Close/Close as
  • Open/Open with
  • Print
  • Export/Import
  • Search
  • Scan

You should check if you can:

  • Modify or create new files
  • Create symbolic links
  • Get access to restricted areas
  • Execute other apps

Maybe using a Open with option you can open a cmd.exe, command.com, Powershell/Powershell ISE, mmc.exe

If you can execute something with commands you can execute binaries like rundll32.exe, at.exe, schtasks.exe, regedit.exe, qwinsta.exe, systeminfo.exe, msinfo32.exe, msconfig.exe, wmic.exe, eventvwr.exe

Bypassing path restrictions

  • Environment variables: There are a lot of environment variables that are pointing to some path
  • UNC paths: Paths to connect to shared folders. You should try to connect to the C$ of the local machine "\\\c$\Windows\System32"
  • Other protocols: about:, data:, ftp:, file:, mailto:, news:, res:, telnet:, view-source:
  • Symbolic links
  • Shortcuts: CTRL+N open new session, CTRL+R Execute Commands, CTRL+SHIFT+ESC Task Manager, Windows+E open explorer, CTRL-B, CTRL-I Favourites, CTRL-H History, CTRL-L, CTRL-O File/Open Dialog, CTRL-P Print Dialog, CTRL-S Save As
    • Hidden Administrative menu: CTRL-ALT-F8, CTRL-ESC-F9
  • Shell URIs: shell:Administrative Tools, shell:DocumentsLibrary, shell:Librariesshell:UserProfiles, shell:Personal, shell:SearchHomeFolder, shell:Systemshell:NetworkPlacesFolder, shell:SendTo, shell:UsersProfiles, shell:Common Administrative Tools, shell:MyComputerFolder, shell:InternetFolder

Download Binaries

Console: https://sourceforge.net/projects/console/
Explorer: https://sourceforge.net/projects/explorerplus/files/Explorer%2B%2B/
Registry editor: https://sourceforge.net/projects/uberregedit/

Accessing filesytem from the browser


File:/C:/windows File:/C:/windows/ File:/C:/windows\ File:/C:\windows
File:/C:\windows\ File:/C:\windows/ File://C:/windows File://C:/windows/
File://C:/windows\ File://C:\windows File://C:\windows/ File://C:\windows\
C:/windows C:/windows/ C:/windows\ C:\windows
C:\windows\ C:\windows/ %WINDIR% %TMP%

Abusing Common Dialogs

Common Dialogs are those options of saving a file, opening a file, selecting a font, a color... Most of them will offer a full Explorer functionality. This means that you will be able to access Explorer functionalities if you can access these options.

Browsers tricks

Backup iKat versions:


Internet Explorer Tricks

'Image Toolbar'

It's a toolbar that appears on the top-left of image when it's clicked. You will be able to Save, Print, Mailto, Open "My Pictures" in Explorer. The Kiosk needs to be using Internet Explorer.

Shell Protocol

Type this URLs to obtain an Explorer view:

  • Shell:Profile
  • Shell:ProgramFiles
  • Shell:System
  • Shell:ControlPanelFolder
  • Shell:Windows
  • shell:::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} --> Control Panel
  • shell:::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} --> My Computer
  • shell:::{{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}} --> My Network Places
  • shell:::{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D} --> Internet Explorer


Gestures and bottoms

Swipe up with four or five fingers / Double-tap Home button

To view the multitask view and change App

Swipe one way or another with four or five fingers

In order to change to the next/last App

Pinch the screen with five fingers / Touch Home button / Swipe up with 1 finger from the bottom of the screen in a quick motion to the up

To access Home

Swipe one finger from the bottom of the screen just 1-2 inches slow

The dock will appear

Swipe down from the top of the display with 1 finger

To view your notifications

Swipe down with 1 finger the top-right corner of the screen

To see iPad Pro's control centre

Swipe 1 finger from the left of the screen 1-2 inches

To see Today view

Swipe fast 1 finger from the centre of the screen to the right or left

To change to next/last App

Press and hold the On/Off/Sleep button at the upper-right corner of the iPad + Move the Slide to power off slider all the way to the right,

To power off

Press the On/Off/Sleep button at the upper-right corner of the iPad and the Home button for a few second

To force a hard power off

Press the On/Off/Sleep button at the upper-right corner of the iPad and the Home button quickly

To take a screenshot that will pop up in the lower left of the display. Press both buttons at the same time very briefly as if you hold them a few seconds a hard power off will be performed.


You should have an iPad keyboard or a USB keyboard adaptor. Only shortcuts that could help escaping from the application will be shown here.

Key Name
Option Alt
^ Control
Left Arrow
Right Arrow
Up Arrow
Down Arrow

System shortcuts

These shortcuts are for the visual settings and sound settings, depending on the use of the iPad.

Shortcut Action
F1 Dim Sscreen
F2 Brighten screen
F7 Back one song
F8 Play/pause
F9 Skip song
F10 Mute
F11 Decrease volume
F12 Increase volume
⌘ Space Display a list of available languages; to choose one, tap the space bar again.

iPad navigation

Shortcut Action
⌘H Go to Home
⌘⇧H Command-Shift-H Go to Home
Space Open Spotlight
⌘⇥ Command-Tab List last ten used apps
⌘~ Go t the last App
⌘⇧3 Command-Shift-3 Screenshot hovers in bottom left to save or act on it
⌘⇧4 Screenshot and open it in the editor
Press and hold ⌘ List of shortcuts available for the App
⌘⌥D Command-Option/Alt-D Brings up the dock
^⌥H Control-Option-H Home button
^⌥H H Control-Option-H-H Show multitask bar
^⌥I Control-Option-i Item chooser
Escape Back button
Right arrow Next item
Left arrow Previous item
↑↓ Up arrow, Down arrow Simultaneously tap selected item
⌥ ↓ Option-Down arrow Scroll down
⌥↑ Option-Up arrow Scroll up
⌥← or ⌥→ Option-Left arrow or Option-Right arrow Scroll left or right
^⌥S Control-Option-S Turn VoiceOver speech on or off
⌘⇧⇥ Command-Shift-Tab Switch to the previous app
⌘⇥ Command-Tab Switch back to the original app
←+→, then Option + ← or Option+→ Navigate through Dock

Safari shortcuts

Shortcut Action
⌘L Command-L Open Location
⌘T Open a new tab
⌘W Close the current tab
⌘R Refresh the current tab
⌘. Stop loading the current tab
^⇥ Switch to the next tab
^⇧⇥ Control-Shift-Tab Move to the previous tab
⌘L Select the text input/URL field to modify it
⌘⇧T Command-Shift-T Open last closed tab can be used several times
⌘[ Goes back one page in your browsing history
⌘] Goes forward one page in your browsing history
⌘⇧R Activate Reader Mode

Mail shortcuts

Shortcut Action
⌘L Open Location
⌘T Open a new tab
⌘W Close the current tab
⌘R Refresh the current tab
⌘. Stop loading the current tab
⌘⌥F Command-Option/Alt-F Search in your mailbox
