2023-12-19 08:41:57 +01:00

77 lines
3.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Executable File

syntax = "proto3";
message DevConfigFetchResDTO {
int32 response_time = 1; // Timestamp of the response
int64 transaction_id = 2; // Transaction ID
string dtu_sn = 3; // DTU serial number
string dev_sn = 4; // Device serial number
int32 current_package = 5; // Current package number
int32 rule_type = 6; // Rule type
message DevConfigFetchReqDTO {
int32 request_time = 1; // Timestamp of the request
int64 transaction_id = 2; // Transaction ID
int32 rule_id = 3; // Rule ID
string data = 4; // Data
int32 crc = 5; // CRC value
string dtu_sn = 6; // DTU serial number
string dev_sn = 7; // Device serial number
string cfg_data = 8; // Configuration data
int32 cfg_crc = 9; // Configuration CRC value
int32 total_packages = 10; // Total number of packages
int32 current_package = 11; // Current package number
int32 rule_type = 12; // Rule type
message DevConfigPutResDTO {
int32 response_time = 1; // Timestamp of the response
int64 transaction_id = 2; // Transaction ID
int32 rule_id = 3; // Rule ID
string data = 4; // Data
int32 crc = 5; // CRC value
string dtu_sn = 6; // DTU serial number
string dev_sn = 7; // Device serial number
string cfg_data = 8; // Configuration data
int32 cfg_crc = 9; // Configuration CRC value
int32 total_packages = 10; // Total number of packages
int32 current_package = 11; // Current package number
repeated int64 mi_to_sn = 12; // List of MI (Meter Interface) serial numbers
int32 rule_type = 13; // Rule type
message DevConfigPutReqDTO {
int32 request_time = 1; // Timestamp of the request
int64 transaction_id = 2; // Transaction ID
string dtu_sn = 3; // DTU serial number
string dev_sn = 4; // Device serial number
int32 status = 5; // Status indicator
int32 current_package = 6; // Current package number
repeated int64 mi_to_sn = 7; // List of MI (Meter Interface) serial numbers
int32 rule_type = 8; // Rule type
message DevConfigReportReqDTO {
int32 request_time = 1; // Timestamp of the request
int64 transaction_id = 2; // Transaction ID
int32 rule_id = 3; // Rule ID
string data = 4; // Data
int32 crc = 5; // CRC value
string dtu_sn = 6; // DTU serial number
string dev_sn = 7; // Device serial number
string cfg_data = 8; // Configuration data
int32 cfg_crc = 9; // Configuration CRC value
int32 total_packages = 10; // Total number of packages
int32 current_package = 11; // Current package number
int32 rule_type = 12; // Rule type
message DevConfigReportResDTO {
int32 response_time = 1; // Timestamp of the response
int64 transaction_id = 2; // Transaction ID
string dtu_sn = 3; // DTU serial number
string dev_sn = 4; // Device serial number
int32 current_package = 5; // Current package number
int32 rule_type = 6; // Rule type