2024-01-11 14:04:38 +01:00

79 lines
3.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Executable File

syntax = "proto3";
message CommandResDTO {
int32 time = 1; // Timestamp of the response
int32 action = 2; // Action code indicating the type of command
int32 dev_kind = 3; // Device kind information
int32 package_nub = 4; // Total number of packages expected
int32 package_now = 5; // Current package number
int64 tid = 6; // Transaction ID?
string data = 7; // Additional data payload
repeated string es_to_sn = 8; // List of ES serial numbers
repeated int64 mi_to_sn = 9; // List of MI serial numbers
int32 system_total_a = 10; // System total for category A
int32 system_total_b = 11; // System total for category B
int32 system_total_c = 12; // System total for category C
repeated int64 mi_sn_item_a = 13; // List of MI serial numbers for category A
repeated int64 mi_sn_item_b = 14; // List of MI serial numbers for category B
repeated int64 mi_sn_item_c = 15; // List of MI serial numbers for category C
message CommandReqDTO {
string dtu_sn = 1; // Data Terminal Unit (DTU) serial number
int32 time = 2; // Timestamp of the request
int32 action = 3; // Action code indicating the type of command
int32 package_now = 4; // Current package number
int32 err_code = 5; // Error code (if any)
int64 tid = 6; // Transaction ID
message ESOperatingStatusMO {
string es_sn = 1; // ES serial number
int32 progress_rate = 2; // Progress rate of the operation
message MIOperatingStatusMO {
int64 mi_sn = 1; // MI serial number
int32 progress_rate = 2; // Progress rate of the operation
message MIErrorStatusMO {
int64 mi_sn = 1; // MI serial number
int64 error_code = 2; // Error code associated with the MI
message ESSucStatusMO {
string es_sn = 1; // ES serial number
message ESErrorStatusMO {
string es_sn = 1; // ES serial number
int64 error_code = 2; // Error code associated with the ES
message CommandStatusReqDTO {
string dtu_sn = 1; // Data Terminal Unit (DTU) serial number
int32 time = 2; // Timestamp of the request
int32 action = 3; // Action code indicating the type of command
int32 package_nub = 4; // Total number of packages expected
int32 package_now = 5; // Current package number
int64 tid = 6; // Transaction ID
repeated string es_sns_sucs = 7; // List of ES serial numbers with successful execution
repeated int64 mi_sns_sucs = 8; // List of MI serial numbers with successful execution
repeated string es_sns_failds = 9; // List of ES serial numbers with failed execution
repeated int64 mi_sns_failds = 10; // List of MI serial numbers with failed execution
repeated ESOperatingStatusMO es_mOperatingStatus = 11; // List of ES operating statuses
repeated MIOperatingStatusMO mi_mOperatingStatus = 12; // List of MI operating statuses
repeated MIErrorStatusMO mi_mErrorStatus = 13; // List of MI error statuses
repeated ESSucStatusMO es_mSucStatus = 14; // List of successful ES statuses
repeated ESErrorStatusMO es_mErrorStatus = 15; // List of error ES statuses
message CommandStatusResDTO {
int32 time = 1; // Timestamp of the response
int32 action = 2; // Action code indicating the type of command
int32 package_now = 3; // Current package number
int64 tid = 4; // Transaction ID
int32 err_code = 5; // Error code (if any)