2023-12-19 09:28:47 +01:00

72 lines
4.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Executable File

syntax = "proto3";
message GetConfigResDTO {
int32 offset = 1; // Offset in the response
uint32 time = 2; // Timestamp of the response
message GetConfigReqDTO {
int32 request_offset = 1; // Offset in the request
uint32 request_time = 2; // Timestamp of the request
int32 lock_password = 3; // Lock password
int32 lock_time = 4; // Lock time
int32 limit_power_mypower = 5; // Limit power mypower
int32 zero_export_433_addr = 6; // Zero export 433 address
int32 zero_export_enable = 7; // Zero export enable
int32 netmode_select = 8; // Netmode select
int32 channel_select = 9; // Channel select
int32 server_send_time = 10; // Server send time
int32 wifi_rssi = 11; // Wifi RSSI
int32 serverport = 12; // Server port
string apn_set = 13; // Access Point Name (APN) set
string meter_kind = 14; // Meter kind
string meter_interface = 15; // Meter interface
string wifi_ssid = 16; // Wifi SSID
string wifi_passward = 17; // Wifi password
string server_domain_name = 18; // Server domain name
int32 inv_type = 19; // Inverter type
string dtu_sn = 20; // DTU serial number
int32 access_model = 21; // Access model
int32 mac_0 = 22; // MAC address byte 0
int32 mac_1 = 23; // MAC address byte 1
int32 mac_2 = 24; // MAC address byte 2
int32 mac_3 = 25; // MAC address byte 3
int32 dhcp_switch = 26; // DHCP switch
int32 ip_addr_0 = 27; // IP address byte 0
int32 ip_addr_1 = 28; // IP address byte 1
int32 ip_addr_2 = 29; // IP address byte 2
int32 ip_addr_3 = 30; // IP address byte 3
int32 subnet_mask_0 = 31; // Subnet mask byte 0
int32 subnet_mask_1 = 32; // Subnet mask byte 1
int32 subnet_mask_2 = 33; // Subnet mask byte 2
int32 subnet_mask_3 = 34; // Subnet mask byte 3
int32 default_gateway_0 = 35; // Default gateway byte 0
int32 default_gateway_1 = 36; // Default gateway byte 1
int32 default_gateway_2 = 37; // Default gateway byte 2
int32 default_gateway_3 = 38; // Default gateway byte 3
string ka_nub = 39; // KA number
string apn_name = 40; // APN name
string apn_passward = 41; // APN password
int32 sub1g_sweep_switch = 42; // Sub1G sweep switch
int32 sub1g_work_channel = 43; // Sub1G work channel
int32 cable_dns_0 = 44; // Cable DNS byte 0
int32 cable_dns_1 = 45; // Cable DNS byte 1
int32 cable_dns_2 = 46; // Cable DNS byte 2
int32 cable_dns_3 = 47; // Cable DNS byte 3
int32 wifi_ip_addr_0 = 48; // Wifi IP address byte 0
int32 wifi_ip_addr_1 = 49; // Wifi IP address byte 1
int32 wifi_ip_addr_2 = 50; // Wifi IP address byte 2
int32 wifi_ip_addr_3 = 51; // Wifi IP address byte 3
int32 mac_4 = 52; // MAC address byte 4
int32 mac_5 = 53; // MAC address byte 5
int32 wifi_mac_0 = 54; // Wifi MAC address byte 0
int32 wifi_mac_1 = 55; // Wifi MAC address byte 1
int32 wifi_mac_2 = 56; // Wifi MAC address byte 2
int32 wifi_mac_3 = 57; // Wifi MAC address byte 3
int32 wifi_mac_4 = 58; // Wifi MAC address byte 4
int32 wifi_mac_5 = 59; // Wifi MAC address byte 5
string gprs_imei = 60; // GPRS IMEI
string dtu_ap_ssid = 61; // DTU Access Point (AP) SSID
string dtu_ap_pass = 62; // DTU AP password