#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /* * This file is part of the Pico HSM distribution (https://github.com/polhenarejos/pico-hsm). * Copyright (c) 2022 Pol Henarejos. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ """ import sys try: from cvc.certificates import CVC from cvc.oid import oid2scheme from cvc.utils import scheme_rsa except ModuleNotFoundError: print('ERROR: cvc module not found! Install pycvc package.\nTry with `pip install pycvc`') sys.exit(-1) try: from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import ChaCha20Poly1305 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes except ModuleNotFoundError: print('ERROR: cryptography module not found! Install cryptography package.\nTry with `pip install cryptography`') sys.exit(-1) try: from picohsm import PicoHSM, PinType, DOPrefixes, KeyType, EncryptionMode, utils, APDUResponse, SWCodes, AES except ModuleNotFoundError: print('ERROR: picohsm module not found! Install picohsm package.\nTry with `pip install pypicohsm`') sys.exit(-1) import json import urllib.request import base64 from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify import sys import argparse import os import platform from datetime import datetime from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter pin = None def hexy(a): return [hex(i) for i in a] def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparser = parser.add_subparsers(title="commands", dest="command", required=True) parser_init = subparser.add_parser('initialize', help='Performs the first initialization of the Pico HSM.') parser.add_argument('--pin', help='PIN number') parser_init.add_argument('--so-pin', help='SO-PIN number') parser_init.add_argument('--silent', help='Confirms initialization silently.', action='store_true') parser_attestate = subparser.add_parser('attestate', help='Generates an attestation report for a private key and verifies the private key was generated in the devices or outside.') parser_attestate.add_argument('-k', '--key', help='The private key index', metavar='KEY_ID') parser_pki = subparser.add_parser('pki', help='Performs PKI operations.') subparser_pki = parser_pki.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subcommand', required=True) parser_pki_init = subparser_pki.add_parser('initialize', help='Initializes the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)') parser_pki_init.add_argument('--certs-dir', help='Store the PKI certificates into this directory.', default='certs') parser_pki_init.add_argument('--default', help='Setups the default public PKI from public Pico HSM PKI.', action='store_true') parser_pki_init.add_argument('--force', help='Forces the download of certificates.', action='store_true') parser_rtc = subparser.add_parser('datetime', help='Datetime operations with the integrated Real Time Clock (RTC).') subparser_rtc = parser_rtc.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subcommand', required=True) parser_rtc_set = subparser_rtc.add_parser('set', help='Sets the current datetime.') parser_rtc_get = subparser_rtc.add_parser('get', help='Gets the current datetime.') parser_opts = subparser.add_parser('options', help='Manage extra options.', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) subparser_opts = parser_opts.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subcommand', required=True) parser_opts_set = subparser_opts.add_parser('set', help='Sets option OPT.') parser_opts_get = subparser_opts.add_parser('get', help='Gets optiont OPT.') parser_opts.add_argument('opt', choices=['button', 'counter'], help='button: press-to-confirm button.\ncounter: every generated key has an internal counter.', metavar='OPT') parser_opts_set.add_argument('onoff', choices=['on', 'off'], help='Toggles state ON or OFF', metavar='ON/OFF', nargs='?') parser_secure = subparser.add_parser('secure', help='Manages security of Pico HSM.') subparser_secure = parser_secure.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subcommand', required=True) parser_opts_enable = subparser_secure.add_parser('enable', help='Enables secure lock.') parser_opts_unlock = subparser_secure.add_parser('unlock', help='Unlocks the secure lock.') parser_opts_disable = subparser_secure.add_parser('disable', help='Disables secure lock.') parser_cipher = subparser.add_parser('cipher', help='Implements extended symmetric ciphering with new algorithms and options.\n\tIf no file input/output is specified, stdin/stdout will be used.') subparser_cipher = parser_cipher.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subcommand', required=True) parser_cipher_encrypt = subparser_cipher.add_parser('encrypt', help='Performs encryption.') parser_cipher_decrypt = subparser_cipher.add_parser('decrypt', help='Performs decryption.') parser_cipher_hmac = subparser_cipher.add_parser('mac', help='Computes MAC (HMAC or CMAC).') parser_cipher_kdf = subparser_cipher.add_parser('kdf', help='Performs key derivation function on a secret key.') parser_cipher_encrypt.add_argument('--alg', choices=['CHACHAPOLY','AES-ECB','AES-CBC','AES-OFB','AES-CFB','AES-GCM','AES-CCM','AES-CTR','AES-XTS'], required=True) parser_cipher_decrypt.add_argument('--alg', choices=['CHACHAPOLY','AES-ECB','AES-CBC','AES-OFB','AES-CFB','AES-GCM','AES-CCM','AES-CTR','AES-XTS'], required=True) parser_cipher_hmac.add_argument('--alg', choices=['CMAC', 'HMAC-SHA1', 'HMAC-SHA224', 'HMAC-SHA256', 'HMAC-SHA384', 'HMAC-SHA512'], help='Selects the algorithm.', required=True) parser_cipher_kdf.add_argument('--alg', choices=['HKDF-SHA256', 'HKDF-SHA384', 'HKDF-SHA512', 'PBKDF2-SHA1', 'PBKDF2-SHA224', 'PBKDF2-SHA256', 'PBKDF2-SHA384', 'PBKDF2-SHA512', 'X963-SHA1', 'X963-SHA224', 'X963-SHA256', 'X963-SHA384', 'X963-SHA512'], help='Selects the algorithm.', required=True) parser_cipher_kdf.add_argument('--output-len', help='Specifies the output length of derived material.') parser_cipher_kdf.add_argument('--iteration', help='Iteration count.', required=any(['PBKDF2' in s for s in sys.argv])) parser_cipher.add_argument('--iv', help='Sets the IV/nonce (hex string).') parser_cipher.add_argument('--file-in', help='File to encrypt or decrypt.') parser_cipher.add_argument('--file-out', help='File to write the result.') parser_cipher.add_argument('--aad', help='Specifies the authentication data (it can be a string or hex string. Combine with --hex if necesary).') parser_cipher.add_argument('--hex', help='Parses the AAD parameter as a hex string (for binary data).', action='store_true') parser_cipher.add_argument('-k', '--key', help='The private key index', metavar='KEY_ID', required=all(['keygen' not in s for s in sys.argv])) parser_cipher.add_argument('-s', '--key-size', default=32, help='Size of the key in bytes.') parser_keygen = subparser.add_parser('keygen', help='Generates private keypair or secret key.') subparser_keygen = parser_keygen.add_subparsers(title='commands', dest='subcommand', required=True) parser_keygen_aes = subparser_keygen.add_parser('aes', help='Generates an AES key.') parser_keygen_aes.add_argument('--size', help='Specifies the size of AES key [128, 192 or 256]',choices=[128, 192, 256], default=128) parser_keygen_x25519 = subparser_keygen.add_parser('x25519', help='Generates a private X25519 keypair.') parser_keygen_x448 = subparser_keygen.add_parser('x448', help='Generates a private X448 keypair.') args = parser.parse_args() return args def get_pki_data(url, data=None, method='GET'): user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; ' 'rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7' method = 'GET' if (data is not None): method = 'POST' req = urllib.request.Request(f"https://www.picokeys.com/pico/pico-hsm/{url}/", method=method, data=data, headers={'User-Agent': user_agent, }) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) resp = response.read().decode('utf-8') j = json.loads(resp) return j def get_pki_certs(certs_dir='certs', force=False): certs = get_pki_data('certs') if (os.path.exists(certs_dir) is False): os.mkdir(certs_dir) cvcap = os.path.join(certs_dir, certs['cvca']['CHR']) dvcap = os.path.join(certs_dir, certs['dvca']['CHR']) if (os.path.exists(cvcap) is False or force is True): with open(cvcap, 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(certs['cvca']['cert'])) if (os.path.exists(dvcap) is False or force is True): with open(dvcap, 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(certs['dvca']['cert'])) print(f'All PKI certificates are stored at {certs_dir} folder') def pki(_, args): if (args.subcommand == 'initialize'): if (args.default is True): get_pki_certs(certs_dir=args.certs_dir, force=args.force) else: print('Error: no PKI is passed. Use --default to retrieve default PKI.') def initialize(picohsm, args): if (not args.silent): print('********************************') print('* PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY *') print('********************************') print('') print('This tool will erase and reset your device. It will delete all ' 'private and secret keys.') print('Are you sure?') _ = input('[Press enter to confirm]') if (args.pin): try: picohsm.login(args.pin) except APDUResponse: pass pin = args.pin else: pin = '648219' if (args.so_pin): try: picohsm.login(args.so_pin, who=PinType.SO_PIN) except APDUResponse: pass so_pin = args.so_pin else: so_pin = '57621880' picohsm.initialize(pin=pin, sopin=so_pin) response = picohsm.get_contents(DOPrefixes.EE_CERTIFICATE_PREFIX, 0x00) cert = bytearray(response) Y = CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().find(0x86).data() print(f'Public Point: {hexlify(Y).decode()}') pbk = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(Y) data = urllib.parse.urlencode({'pubkey': pbk}).encode() j = get_pki_data('cvc', data=data) print('Device name: '+j['devname']) dataef = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( j['cvcert']) + base64.urlsafe_b64decode(j['dvcert']) + base64.urlsafe_b64decode(j['cacert']) picohsm.select_file(0x2f02) response = picohsm.put_contents(0x0000, data=dataef) print('Certificate uploaded successfully!') print('') print('Note that the device is initialized with a default PIN and ' 'configuration.') print('Now you can initialize the device as usual with your chosen PIN ' 'and configuration options.') def attestate(picohsm, args): kid = int(args.key) termca = picohsm.get_termca() devcert = termca['cv']['data'] cert = picohsm.get_contents(0xCE, kid) print(hexlify(bytearray(cert))) print(f'Details of key {kid}:\n') print(f' CAR: {(CVC().decode(cert).car()).decode()}') print(' Public Key:') puboid = CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().oid() print(f' Scheme: {oid2scheme(puboid)}') chr = CVC().decode(cert).chr() car = CVC().decode(cert).car() if (scheme_rsa(puboid)): print(f' Modulus: {hexlify(CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().find(0x81).data()).decode()}') print(f' Exponent: {hexlify(CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().find(0x82).data()).decode()}') else: print(f' Public Point: {hexlify(CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().find(0x86).data()).decode()}') print(f' CHR: {chr.decode()}') print(' Key signature:') inret = CVC().decode(cert).verify() if (inret): print(' Status: VALID') print(f' This certificate is signed with private key {kid}') else: print(' Status: NOT VALID') print(f' This certificate is NOT signed with private key {kid}') print(' Cert signature:') print(f' Outer CAR: {CVC().decode(cert).outer_car().decode()}') outret = CVC().decode(cert).verify(outer=True, dica=devcert, curve=ec.SECP256R1()) if (outret): print(' Status: VALID') print(' This certificate is signed with the device key') else: print(' Status: NOT VALID') print(' This certificate is NOT signed with the device key') if (inret is True and outret is True): print(f'Key {kid} is generated by device {chr.decode()}') else: print(f'Key {kid} is NOT generated by device {chr.decode()}') def rtc(picohsm, args): if (args.subcommand == 'set'): now = datetime.now() _ = picohsm.send(cla=0x80, command=0x64, p1=0x0A, data=list(now.year.to_bytes(2, 'big')) + [now.month, now.day, now.weekday(), now.hour, now.minute, now.second ]) elif (args.subcommand == 'get'): response = picohsm.send(cla=0x80, command=0x64, p1=0x0A) dt = datetime(int.from_bytes(response[:2], 'big'), response[2], response[3], response[5], response[6], response[7]) print(f'Current date and time is: {dt.ctime()}') def opts(picohsm, args): opt = 0x0 if (args.opt == 'button'): opt = 0x1 elif (args.opt == 'counter'): opt = 0x2 current = picohsm.send(cla=0x80, command=0x64, p1=0x6)[0] if (args.subcommand == 'set'): if (args.onoff == 'on'): newopt = current | opt else: newopt = current & ~opt picohsm.send(cla=0x80, command=0x64, p1=0x6, data=[newopt]) elif (args.subcommand == 'get'): print(f'Option {args.opt.upper()} is {"ON" if current & opt else "OFF"}') class SecureLock: def __init__(self, picohsm): self.picohsm = picohsm def mse(self): sk = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1()) pn = sk.public_key().public_numbers() self.__pb = sk.public_key().public_bytes(Encoding.X962, PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint) ret = self.picohsm.send(cla=0x80, command=0x64, p1=0x3A, p2=0x01, data=list(self.__pb)) pk = ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(ec.SECP256R1(), bytes(ret)) shared_key = sk.exchange(ec.ECDH(), pk) xkdf = HKDF( algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), length=12+32, salt=None, info=self.__pb ) kdf_out = xkdf.derive(shared_key) self.__key_enc = kdf_out[12:] self.__iv = kdf_out[:12] def encrypt_chacha(self, data): chacha = ChaCha20Poly1305(self.__key_enc) ct = chacha.encrypt(self.__iv, data, self.__pb) return ct def unlock_device(self): ct = self.get_skey() self.picohsm.send(cla=0x80, command=0x64, p1=0x3A, p2=0x03, data=list(ct)) def _get_key_device(self): if (platform.system() == 'Windows' or platform.system() == 'Linux'): from secure_key import windows as skey elif (platform.system() == 'Darwin'): from secure_key import macos as skey else: print('ERROR: platform not supported') sys.exit(-1) return skey.get_secure_key() def get_skey(self): self.mse() ct = self.encrypt_chacha(self._get_key_device()) return ct def enable_device_aut(self): ct = self.get_skey() self.picohsm.send(cla=0x80, command=0x64, p1=0x3A, p2=0x02, data=list(ct)) def disable_device_aut(self): ct = self.get_skey() self.picohsm.send(cla=0x80, command=0x64, p1=0x3A, p2=0x04, p3=list(ct)) def secure(picohsm, args): slck = SecureLock(picohsm) if (args.subcommand == 'enable'): slck.enable_device_aut() elif (args.subcommand == 'unlock'): slck.unlock_device() elif (args.subcommand == 'disable'): slck.disable_device_aut() def cipher(picohsm, args): if (args.file_in): fin = open(args.file_in, 'rb') else: fin = sys.stdin.buffer enc = fin.read() fin.close() iv = args.iv if (args.iv and args.hex): iv = unhexlify(iv) aad = args.aad if (args.aad and args.hex): aad = unhexlify(aad) kid = int(args.key) mode = EncryptionMode.ENCRYPT if args.subcommand[0] == 'e' else EncryptionMode.DECRYPT if (args.alg == 'CHACHAPOLY'): ret = picohsm.chachapoly(kid, mode, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'AES-ECB'): ret = picohsm.aes(keyid=kid, mode=mode, algorithm=AES.ECB, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'AES-CBC'): ret = picohsm.aes(keyid=kid, mode=mode, algorithm=AES.CBC, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'AES-OFB'): ret = picohsm.aes(keyid=kid, mode=mode, algorithm=AES.OFB, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'AES-CFB'): ret = picohsm.aes(keyid=kid, mode=mode, algorithm=AES.CFB, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'AES-GCM'): ret = picohsm.aes(keyid=kid, mode=mode, algorithm=AES.GCM, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'AES-CCM'): ret = picohsm.aes(keyid=kid, mode=mode, algorithm=AES.CCM, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'AES-CTR'): ret = picohsm.aes(keyid=kid, mode=mode, algorithm=AES.CTR, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'AES-XTS'): ret = picohsm.aes(keyid=kid, mode=mode, algorithm=AES.XTS, data=enc, iv=iv, aad=aad) elif (args.alg == 'CMAC'): ret = picohsm.cmac(keyid=kid, data=enc) elif (args.alg == 'HMAC-SHA1'): ret = picohsm.hmac(hashes.SHA1, kid, data=enc) elif (args.alg == 'HMAC-SHA224'): ret = picohsm.hmac(hashes.SHA224, kid, data=enc) elif (args.alg == 'HMAC-SHA256'): ret = picohsm.hmac(hashes.SHA256, kid, data=enc) elif (args.alg == 'HMAC-SHA384'): ret = picohsm.hmac(hashes.SHA384, kid, data=enc) elif (args.alg == 'HMAC-SHA512'): ret = picohsm.hmac(hashes.SHA512, kid, data=enc) elif (args.alg == 'HKDF-SHA256'): ret = picohsm.hkdf(hashes.SHA256, kid, data=enc, salt=iv, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'HKDF-SHA384'): ret = picohsm.hkdf(hashes.SHA384, kid, data=enc, salt=iv, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'HKDF-SHA512'): ret = picohsm.hkdf(hashes.SHA512, kid, data=enc, salt=iv, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'PBKDF2-SHA1'): ret = picohsm.pbkdf2(hashes.SHA1, kid, salt=iv, iterations=args.iteration, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'PBKDF2-SHA224'): ret = picohsm.pbkdf2(hashes.SHA224, kid, salt=iv, iterations=args.iteration, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'PBKDF2-SHA256'): ret = picohsm.pbkdf2(hashes.SHA256, kid, salt=iv, iterations=args.iteration, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'PBKDF2-SHA384'): ret = picohsm.pbkdf2(hashes.SHA384, kid, salt=iv, iterations=args.iteration, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'PBKDF2-SHA512'): ret = picohsm.pbkdf2(hashes.SHA512, kid, salt=iv, iterations=args.iteration, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'X963-SHA1'): ret = picohsm.x963(hashes.SHA1, kid, data=enc, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'X963-SHA224'): ret = picohsm.x963(hashes.SHA224, kid, data=enc, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'X963-SHA256'): ret = picohsm.x963(hashes.SHA256, kid, data=enc, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'X963-SHA384'): ret = picohsm.x963(hashes.SHA384, kid, data=enc, out_len=args.output_len) elif (args.alg == 'X963-SHA512'): ret = picohsm.x963(hashes.SHA512, kid, data=enc, out_len=args.output_len) if (args.file_out): fout = open(args.file_out, 'wb') else: fout = sys.stdout.buffer if (args.hex): fout.write(hexlify(bytes(ret))) else: fout.write(bytes(ret)) if (args.file_out): fout.close() def keygen(picohsm, args): if (args.subcommand == 'aes'): ret = picohsm.key_generation(KeyType.AES, param=args.size) elif (args.subcommand in ['x25519', 'x448']): curve = 'curve' + args.subcommand[1:] ret = picohsm.key_generation(KeyType.ECC, curve) print('Key generated successfully.') print(f'Key ID: {ret}') def main(args): sys.stderr.buffer.write(b'Pico HSM Tool v1.10\n') sys.stderr.buffer.write(b'Author: Pol Henarejos\n') sys.stderr.buffer.write(b'Report bugs to https://github.com/polhenarejos/pico-hsm/issues\n') sys.stderr.buffer.write(b'\n\n') sys.stderr.flush() picohsm = PicoHSM(args.pin) # Following commands may raise APDU exception on error if (args.command == 'initialize'): initialize(picohsm, args) elif (args.command == 'attestate'): attestate(picohsm, args) elif (args.command == 'pki'): pki(picohsm, args) elif (args.command == 'datetime'): rtc(picohsm, args) elif (args.command == 'options'): opts(picohsm, args) elif (args.command == 'secure'): secure(picohsm, args) elif (args.command == 'cipher'): cipher(picohsm, args) elif (args.command == 'keygen'): keygen(picohsm, args) def run(): args = parse_args() main(args) if __name__ == "__main__": run()