#include #include #include #include "pico/stdlib.h" #include "hardware/flash.h" #include "hardware/sync.h" #include "pico/mutex.h" #include "pico/multicore.h" #include "gnuk.h" #include #define TOTAL_FLASH_PAGES 4 typedef struct PageFlash { uint8_t page[FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE]; uintptr_t address; bool ready; bool erase; } PageFlash_t; static PageFlash_t flash_pages[TOTAL_FLASH_PAGES]; static mutex_t mtx_flash; static uint8_t ready_pages = 0; bool flash_available = false; //this function has to be called from the core 0 void do_flash() { if (mutex_try_enter(&mtx_flash, NULL) == true) { if (flash_available == true && ready_pages > 0) { //printf(" DO_FLASH AVAILABLE\r\n"); for (int r = 0; r < TOTAL_FLASH_PAGES; r++) { if (flash_pages[r].ready == true) { //printf("WRITTING %X\r\n",flash_pages[r].address-XIP_BASE); while (multicore_lockout_start_timeout_us(1000) == false); //printf("WRITTING %X\r\n",flash_pages[r].address-XIP_BASE); uint32_t ints = save_and_disable_interrupts(); flash_range_erase(flash_pages[r].address-XIP_BASE, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE); flash_range_program(flash_pages[r].address-XIP_BASE, flash_pages[r].page, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE); restore_interrupts (ints); while (multicore_lockout_end_timeout_us(1000) == false); //printf("WRITEN %X !\r\n",flash_pages[r].address); flash_pages[r].ready = false; ready_pages--; } else if (flash_pages[r].erase == true) { while (multicore_lockout_start_timeout_us(1000) == false); printf("WRITTING\r\n"); flash_range_erase(flash_pages[r].address-XIP_BASE, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE); while (multicore_lockout_end_timeout_us(1000) == false); flash_pages[r].erase = false; ready_pages--; } } flash_available = false; if (ready_pages != 0) { DEBUG_INFO("ERROR: DO FLASH DOES NOT HAVE ZERO PAGES"); } } mutex_exit(&mtx_flash); } } //this function has to be called from the core 0 void low_flash_init() { mutex_init(&mtx_flash); memset(flash_pages, 0, sizeof(PageFlash_t)*TOTAL_FLASH_PAGES); } void low_flash_available() { mutex_enter_blocking(&mtx_flash); flash_available = true; mutex_exit(&mtx_flash); } int flash_program_halfword (uintptr_t addr, uint16_t data) { off_t offset; uintptr_t addr_alg = addr & -FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; PageFlash_t *p = NULL; if (ready_pages == TOTAL_FLASH_PAGES) { DEBUG_INFO("ERROR: ALL FLASH PAGES CACHED\r\n"); return 1; } mutex_enter_blocking(&mtx_flash); for (int r = 0; r < TOTAL_FLASH_PAGES; r++) { if ((!flash_pages[r].ready && !flash_pages[r].erase) || flash_pages[r].address == addr_alg) //first available { p = &flash_pages[r]; if (!flash_pages[r].ready && !flash_pages[r].erase) { memcpy(p->page, (uint8_t *)addr_alg, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE); ready_pages++; p->address = addr_alg; p->ready = true; } break; } } if (!p) { DEBUG_INFO("ERROR: FLASH CANNOT FIND A PAGE (rare error)\r\n"); mutex_exit(&mtx_flash); return 1; } p->page[addr&(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE-1)] = (data & 0xff); p->page[(addr&(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE-1))+1] = (data >> 8); //printf("Flash: modified page %X with data %x %x at [%x-%x] (top page %X)\r\n",addr_alg,(data & 0xff),data>>8,addr&(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE-1),(addr&(FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE-1))+1,addr); mutex_exit(&mtx_flash); return 0; } int flash_erase_page (uintptr_t addr) { /* uintptr_t addr_alg = addr & -FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; PageFlash_t *p = NULL; if (ready_pages == TOTAL_FLASH_PAGES) { DEBUG_INFO("ERROR: ALL FLASH PAGES CACHED\r\n"); return 1; } mutex_enter_blocking(&mtx_flash); for (int r = 0; r < TOTAL_FLASH_PAGES; r++) { if ((!flash_pages[r].ready && !flash_pages[r].erase) || flash_pages[r].address == addr_alg) //first available { p = &flash_pages[r]; if (!flash_pages[r].ready && !flash_pages[r].erase) { ready_pages++; p->address = addr_alg; } p->erase = true; break; } } if (!p) { DEBUG_INFO("ERROR: FLASH CANNOT FIND A PAGE (rare error)\r\n"); mutex_exit(&mtx_flash); return 1; } mutex_exit(&mtx_flash); */ return 0; } int flash_check_blank (const uint8_t *p_start, size_t size) { const uint8_t *p; for (p = p_start; p < p_start + size; p++) if (*p != 0xff) return 0; return 1; } int flash_write (uintptr_t dst_addr, const uint8_t *src, size_t len) { size_t len_alg = (len + (FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) & -FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; uintptr_t add_alg = dst_addr & -FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; printf("WRITE ATTEMPT %X (%d) %X (%d)\r\n",dst_addr,len,add_alg,len_alg); uint32_t ints = save_and_disable_interrupts(); flash_range_program(add_alg-XIP_BASE, src, len_alg); restore_interrupts (ints); }