/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Frank Morgner * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * @file */ #ifndef _CCID_TYPES_H #define _CCID_TYPES_H #include "pico/types.h" #include "hardware/structs/usb.h" #define USB_REQ_CCID 0xA1 #define CCID_CONTROL_ABORT 0x01 #define CCID_CONTROL_GET_CLOCK_FREQUENCIES 0x02 #define CCID_CONTROL_GET_DATA_RATES 0x03 #define CCID_OPERATION_VERIFY 0x00; #define CCID_OPERATION_MODIFY 0x01; #define CCID_ENTRY_VALIDATE 0x02 #define CCID_BERROR_CMD_ABORTED 0xff /** Host aborted the current activity */ #define CCID_BERROR_ICC_MUTE 0xfe /** CCID timed out while talking to the ICC */ #define CCID_BERROR_XFR_PARITY_ERROR 0xfd /** Parity error while talking to the ICC */ #define CCID_BERROR_XFR_OVERRUN 0xfc /** Overrun error while talking to the ICC */ #define CCID_BERROR_HW_ERROR 0xfb /** An all inclusive hardware error occurred */ #define CCID_BERROR_BAD_ATR_TS 0xf #define CCID_BERROR_BAD_ATR_TCK 0xf #define CCID_BERROR_ICC_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xf6 #define CCID_BERROR_ICC_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xf5 #define CCID_BERROR_PROCEDURE_BYTE_CONFLICT 0xf4 #define CCID_BERROR_DEACTIVATED_PROTOCOL 0xf3 #define CCID_BERROR_BUSY_WITH_AUTO_SEQUENCE 0xf2 /** Automatic Sequence Ongoing */ #define CCID_BERROR_PIN_TIMEOUT 0xf0 #define CCID_BERROR_PIN_CANCELLED 0xef #define CCID_BERROR_CMD_SLOT_BUSY 0xe0 /** A second command was sent to a slot which was already processing a command. */ #define CCID_BERROR_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x00 #define CCID_BERROR_OK 0x00 #define CCID_BSTATUS_OK_ACTIVE 0x00 /** No error. An ICC is present and active */ #define CCID_BSTATUS_OK_INACTIVE 0x01 /** No error. ICC is present and inactive */ #define CCID_BSTATUS_OK_NOICC 0x02 /** No error. No ICC is present */ #define CCID_BSTATUS_ERROR_ACTIVE 0x40 /** Failed. An ICC is present and active */ #define CCID_BSTATUS_ERROR_INACTIVE 0x41 /** Failed. ICC is present and inactive */ #define CCID_BSTATUS_ERROR_NOICC 0x42 /** Failed. No ICC is present */ #define CCID_WLEVEL_DIRECT __constant_cpu_to_le16(0) /** APDU begins and ends with this command */ #define CCID_WLEVEL_CHAIN_NEXT_XFRBLOCK __constant_cpu_to_le16(1) /** APDU begins with this command, and continue in the next PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock */ #define CCID_WLEVEL_CHAIN_END __constant_cpu_to_le16(2) /** abData field continues a command APDU and ends the APDU command */ #define CCID_WLEVEL_CHAIN_CONTINUE __constant_cpu_to_le16(3) /** abData field continues a command APDU and another block is to follow */ #define CCID_WLEVEL_RESPONSE_IN_DATABLOCK __constant_cpu_to_le16(0x10) /** empty abData field, continuation of response APDU is expected in the next RDR_to_PC_DataBlock */ #define CCID_PIN_ENCODING_BIN 0x00 #define CCID_PIN_ENCODING_BCD 0x01 #define CCID_PIN_ENCODING_ASCII 0x02 #define CCID_PIN_UNITS_BYTES 0x80 #define CCID_PIN_JUSTIFY_RIGHT 0x04 #define CCID_PIN_CONFIRM_NEW 0x01 #define CCID_PIN_INSERT_OLD 0x02 #define CCID_PIN_NO_MSG 0x00 #define CCID_PIN_MSG1 0x01 #define CCID_PIN_MSG2 0x02 #define CCID_PIN_MSG_REF 0x03 #define CCID_PIN_MSG_DEFAULT 0xff #define CCID_SLOTS_UNCHANGED 0x00 #define CCID_SLOT1_CARD_PRESENT 0x01 #define CCID_SLOT1_CHANGED 0x02 #define CCID_SLOT2_CARD_PRESENT 0x04 #define CCID_SLOT2_CHANGED 0x08 #define CCID_SLOT3_CARD_PRESENT 0x10 #define CCID_SLOT3_CHANGED 0x20 #define CCID_SLOT4_CARD_PRESENT 0x40 #define CCID_SLOT4_CHANGED 0x80 #define CCID_EXT_APDU_MAX (4 + 3 + 0xffff + 3) #define CCID_SHORT_APDU_MAX (4 + 1 + 0xff + 1) typedef struct TU_ATTR_PACKED { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint16_t bcdCCID; uint8_t bMaxSlotIndex; uint8_t bVoltageSupport; uint32_t dwProtocols; uint32_t dwDefaultClock; uint32_t dwMaximumClock; uint8_t bNumClockSupport; uint32_t dwDataRate; uint32_t dwMaxDataRate; uint8_t bNumDataRatesSupported; uint32_t dwMaxIFSD; uint32_t dwSynchProtocols; uint32_t dwMechanical; uint32_t dwFeatures; uint32_t dwMaxCCIDMessageLength; uint8_t bClassGetResponse; uint8_t bclassEnvelope; uint16_t wLcdLayout; uint8_t bPINSupport; uint8_t bMaxCCIDBusySlots; } class_desc_ccid_t; struct abProtocolDataStructure_T0 { uint8_t bmFindexDindex; uint8_t bmTCCKST0; uint8_t bGuardTimeT0; uint8_t bWaitingIntegerT0; uint8_t bClockStop; } __packed; struct abProtocolDataStructure_T1 { uint8_t bmFindexDindex; uint8_t bmTCCKST1; uint8_t bGuardTimeT1; uint8_t bWaitingIntegersT1; uint8_t bClockStop; uint8_t bIFSC; uint8_t bNadValue; } __packed; struct abPINDataStucture_Verification { uint8_t bTimeOut; uint8_t bmFormatString; uint8_t bmPINBlockString; uint8_t bmPINLengthFormat; uint16_t wPINMaxExtraDigit; uint8_t bEntryValidationCondition; uint8_t bNumberMessage; uint16_t wLangId; uint8_t bMsgIndex; uint8_t bTeoPrologue1; uint16_t bTeoPrologue2; } __packed; struct abPINDataStucture_Modification { uint8_t bTimeOut; uint8_t bmFormatString; uint8_t bmPINBlockString; uint8_t bmPINLengthFormat; uint8_t bInsertionOffsetOld; uint8_t bInsertionOffsetNew; uint16_t wPINMaxExtraDigit; uint8_t bConfirmPIN; uint8_t bEntryValidationCondition; uint8_t bNumberMessage; uint16_t wLangId; uint8_t bMsgIndex1; } __packed; struct PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t bBWI; uint16_t wLevelParameter; } __packed; struct PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t abRFU1; uint16_t abRFU2; } __packed; struct PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t abRFU1; uint16_t abRFU2; } __packed; struct PC_to_RDR_GetParameters { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t abRFU1; uint16_t abRFU2; } __packed; struct PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t abRFU1; uint16_t abRFU2; } __packed; struct PC_to_RDR_SetParameters { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t bProtocolNum; uint16_t abRFU; } __packed; struct PC_to_RDR_Secure { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t bBWI; uint16_t wLevelParameter; } __packed; struct PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t bPowerSelect; uint16_t abRFU; } __packed; struct RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t bStatus; uint8_t bError; uint8_t bClockStatus; } __packed; struct RDR_to_PC_DataBlock { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t bStatus; uint8_t bError; uint8_t bChainParameter; } __packed; struct RDR_to_PC_Parameters { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; uint8_t bStatus; uint8_t bError; uint8_t bProtocolNum; } __packed; struct RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange { uint8_t bMessageType; uint8_t bmSlotICCState; /* we support 1 slots, so we need 2*1 bits = 1 byte */ } __packed; #endif