Pol Henarejos 1af461c206
Add first battery of tests.
It contains keypair generation for ECC and RSA, PIN blocking and signature generation and verification.

Signed-off-by: Pol Henarejos <pol.henarejos@cttc.es>
2023-01-17 13:41:10 +01:00

247 lines
11 KiB

import sys
import pytest
from binascii import hexlify
from utils import APDUResponse, DOPrefixes, KeyType, Algorithm
import hashlib
from cvc.asn1 import ASN1
from cvc import oid
from cvc.certificates import CVC
from cvc.ec_curves import ec_domain, find_curve
except ModuleNotFoundError:
print('ERROR: cvc module not found! Install pycvc package.\nTry with `pip install pycvc`')
from smartcard.CardType import AnyCardType
from smartcard.CardRequest import CardRequest
from smartcard.Exceptions import CardRequestTimeoutException, CardConnectionException
except ModuleNotFoundError:
print('ERROR: smarctard module not found! Install pyscard package.\nTry with `pip install pyscard`')
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec, rsa, utils, padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, PublicFormat
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import ChaCha20Poly1305
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization
except ModuleNotFoundError:
print('ERROR: cryptography module not found! Install cryptography package.\nTry with `pip install cryptography`')
class Device:
class EcDummy:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __init__(self,pin='648219'):
self.__pin = pin
cardtype = AnyCardType()
# request card insertion
cardrequest = CardRequest(timeout=10, cardType=cardtype)
self.__card = cardrequest.waitforcard()
# connect to the card and perform a few transmits
except CardRequestTimeoutException:
raise Exception('time-out: no card inserted during last 10s')
def select_applet(self):
self.__card.connection.transmit([0x00, 0xA4, 0x04, 0x00, 0xB, 0xE8, 0x2B, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x81, 0xC3, 0x1F, 0x02, 0x01, 0x0])
def send(self, command, cla=0x00, p1=0x00, p2=0x00, ne=None, data=None):
lc = []
dataf = []
if (data):
lc = [0x00] + list(len(data).to_bytes(2, 'big'))
dataf = list(data)
if (ne is None):
le = [0x00, 0x00]
le = list(ne.to_bytes(2, 'big'))
if (isinstance(command, list) and len(command) > 1):
apdu = command
apdu = [cla, command]
apdu = apdu + [p1, p2] + lc + dataf + le
response, sw1, sw2 = self.__card.connection.transmit(apdu)
except CardConnectionException:
response, sw1, sw2 = self.__card.connection.transmit(apdu)
if (sw1 != 0x90):
if (sw1 == 0x63 and sw2 & 0xF0 == 0xC0):
elif (sw1 == 0x6A and sw2 == 0x82):
if (sw1 == 0x90):
response, sw1, sw2 = self.__card.connection.transmit(apdu)
if (sw1 == 0x90):
return response
elif (sw1 == 0x69 and sw2 == 0x82):
response, sw1, sw2 = self.__card.connection.transmit([0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x81, len(self.__pin)] + list(self.__pin.encode()) + [0x0])
if (sw1 == 0x90):
response, sw1, sw2 = self.__card.connection.transmit(apdu)
if (sw1 == 0x90):
return response
raise APDUResponse(sw1, sw2)
return response
def get_login_retries(self):
self.send(command=0x20, p2=0x81)
except APDUResponse as e:
if (e.sw1 == 0x63 and e.sw2 & 0xF0 == 0xC0):
return e.sw2 & 0x0F
raise e
def initialize(self, pin='648219', sopin='57621880', options=None, retries=3, dkek_shares=None, puk_auts=None, puk_min_auts=None, key_domains=None):
if (retries is not None and not 0 < retries <= 10):
raise ValueError('Retries must be in the range (0,10]')
if (dkek_shares is not None and not 0 <= dkek_shares <= 10):
raise ValueError('DKEK shares must be in the range [0,10]')
if ((puk_auts is not None and puk_min_auts is None) or (puk_auts is None and puk_min_auts is not None)):
raise ValueError('PUK Auts and PUK Min Auts must be specified both')
if (puk_auts is not None and not 0 < puk_auts <= 8):
raise ValueError('PUK Auts must be in the range (0,8]')
if (puk_min_auts is not None and not 0 < puk_min_auts <= 8):
raise ValueError('PUK Min Auts must be in the range (0,8]')
if (puk_auts is not None and puk_min_auts is not None and puk_min_auts > puk_auts):
raise ValueError('PUK Min Auts must be less or equal to PUK Auts')
if (key_domains is not None and not 0 < key_domains <= 8):
raise ValueError('Key Domains must be in the range (0,8]')
a = ASN1()
if (pin is not None):
a = a.add_tag(0x81, pin.encode())
if (sopin is not None):
a = a.add_tag(0x82, sopin.encode())
if (retries is not None):
a = a.add_tag(0x91, bytes([retries]))
if (dkek_shares is not None):
a = a.add_tag(0x92, bytes([dkek_shares]))
if (puk_auts is not None and puk_min_auts is not None):
a = a.add_tag(0x93, bytes([puk_auts, puk_min_auts]))
if (key_domains is not None):
a = a.add_tag(0x97, bytes([key_domains]))
data = a.encode()
self.send(cla=0x80, command=0x50, data=data)
def login(self, pin=None):
if (pin is None):
pin = self.__pin
self.send(command=0x20, p2=0x81, data=pin.encode())
def get_first_free_id(self):
kids = self.list_keys(prefix=DOPrefixes.KEY_PREFIX)
mset = set(range(max(kids)))-set(kids)
if (len(mset) > 0):
return min(mset)
if (max(kids) == 255):
raise ValueError('Max number of key id reached')
return max(kids)+1
def list_keys(self, prefix=None):
resp = self.send(command=0x58)
if (prefix is not None):
grouped = [(resp[i],resp[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(resp), 2) if resp[i] == prefix.value]
_, kids = zip(*grouped)
return kids
return [(resp[i],resp[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(resp), 2)]
def keypair_generation(self, type, param):
a = ASN1().add_tag(0x5f29, bytes([0])).add_tag(0x42, 'UTCA00001'.encode())
if (type == KeyType.RSA):
if (not 1024 <= param <= 4096):
raise ValueError('RSA bits must be in the range [1024,4096]')
a.add_tag(0x7f49, ASN1().add_oid(oid.ID_TA_RSA_V1_5_SHA_256).add_tag(0x2, param.to_bytes(2, 'big')).encode())
elif (type == KeyType.ECC):
if (param not in ('secp192r1', 'secp256r1', 'secp384r1', 'secp521r1', 'brainpoolP256r1', 'brainpoolP384r1', 'brainpoolP512r1', 'secp192k1', 'secp256k1')):
raise ValueError('Wrong elliptic curve name')
dom = ec_domain(Device.EcDummy(param))
pubctx = [dom.P, dom.A, dom.B, dom.G, dom.O, None, dom.F]
a.add_object(0x7f49, oid.ID_TA_ECDSA_SHA_256, pubctx)
a.add_tag(0x5f20, 'UTCDUMMY00001'.encode())
data = a.encode()
keyid = self.get_first_free_id()
self.send(command=0x46, p1=keyid, data=list(data))
return keyid
def delete_file(self, fid):
self.send(command=0xE4, data=[fid >> 8, fid & 0xff])
def public_key(self, type, keyid, param=None):
response = self.send(command=0xB1, p1=0xCE, p2=keyid, data=[0x54, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00])
cert = bytearray(response)
roid = CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().oid()
if (roid == oid.ID_TA_ECDSA_SHA_256):
curve = find_curve(ec_domain(Device.EcDummy(param)).P)
Y = bytes(CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().find(0x86).data())
return ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(
elif (roid == oid.ID_TA_RSA_V1_5_SHA_256):
n = int.from_bytes(bytes(CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().find(0x81).data()), 'big')
e = int.from_bytes(bytes(CVC().decode(cert).pubkey().find(0x82).data()), 'big')
return rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(e, n).public_key()
return None
def sign(self, keyid, scheme, data):
resp = self.send(cla=0x80, command=0x68, p1=keyid, p2=scheme.value, data=data)
return resp
def verify(self, pubkey, data, signature, scheme):
if (Algorithm.ALGO_EC_RAW.value <= scheme.value <= Algorithm.ALGO_EC_SHA512.value):
if (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_EC_SHA1):
hsh = hashes.SHA1()
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_EC_SHA224):
hsh = hashes.SHA224()
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_EC_SHA256):
hsh = hashes.SHA256()
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_EC_RAW):
hsh = utils.Prehashed(hashes.SHA512())
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_EC_SHA384):
hsh = hashes.SHA384()
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_EC_SHA512):
hsh = hashes.SHA512()
return pubkey.verify(signature, data, ec.ECDSA(hsh))
elif (Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA1.value <= scheme.value <= Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA512.value):
if (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA1 or scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA1):
hsh = hashes.SHA1()
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA224 or scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA224):
hsh = hashes.SHA224()
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA256 or scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA256):
hsh = hashes.SHA256()
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA384 or scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA384):
hsh = hashes.SHA384()
elif (scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA512 or scheme == Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA512):
hsh = hashes.SHA512()
if (Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA1.value <= scheme.value <= Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA512.value):
padd = padding.PKCS1v15()
elif (Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA1.value <= scheme.value <= Algorithm.ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA512.value):
padd = padding.PSS(
return pubkey.verify(signature, data, padd, hsh)
def device():
dev = Device()
return dev