2022-07-21 15:56:02 +02:00

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- IT
# Archlinux
### clean system from old files
paccache -r
paccache -ruk0
paccache -rk1
yay -Ycc
flatpak uninstall --unused
journalctl --disk-usage && journalctl --vacuum-size={size}M
or prepare the file`/etc/systemd/journald.conf` and this value:`SystemMaxUse=50M`
## customize fresh system
- /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
- /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf
- unified kernel image
- kernel cmdline
- power state cpu
- WARNING: do not use the partuuid in the cmdline. check the uuid correctness with the LUKS container, `blkid`
- root and resume are links to the mapper
- reboot the system to check if anything is broken
- add secureboot
## failure recovery
1. boot from archlinux usb stick
2. mount LUKS Container `cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1pX luksDev`
3. temporary dir `mkdir tmpmnt`
4. mount `mount -o subvol=@ /dev/mapper/luksDev tmp`
5. `arch-chroot tmp bash`
6. `mount /dev/nmve0n1p1 /boot`
7. fix stuff
8. `mkinicpio -p linux`
9. sync, unmount boot and tmp
10. `cryptsetup luksClose luksdev`