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Architecture - Reference Manual - Guides

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
__ioportGeneric MSP430 I/O port
_SerialDriverFull duplex serial driver class
ADCConfigDriver configuration structure
ADCConversionGroupConversion group configuration structure
ADCDriverStructure representing an ADC driver
at91sam7_pio_setup_tPIO port setup info
BaseAsynchronousChannelBase asynchronous channel class
BaseAsynchronousChannelVMTBaseAsynchronousChannel virtual methods table
BaseChannelBase channel class
BaseChannelVMTBaseChannel virtual methods table
BaseSequentialStreamBase stream class
BaseSequentialStreamVMTBaseSequentialStream virtual methods table
chibios_rt::BaseThreadBase class for a ChibiOS/RT thread
CANConfigDriver configuration structure
CANDriverStructure representing an CAN driver
CANFilterCAN filter
CANRxFrameCAN received frame
CANTxFrameCAN transmission frame
CM3_NVICStructure representing the NVIC I/O space
CM3_SCBStructure representing the System Control Block I/O space
CM3_STStructure representing the SYSTICK I/O space
cmxctxCortex-Mx exception context
CondVarCondVar structure
chibios_rt::CondVarClass encapsulating a conditional variable
contextPlatform dependent part of the Thread structure
CtxSwcEventTrace buffer record
eabi_frameMandatory part of a stack frame
EMACDescriptorStructure representing a buffer physical descriptor
chibios_rt::EnhancedThread< N >Enhanced threads template class
chibios_rt::EventClass encapsulating an event source
EventListenerEvent Listener structure
EventSourceEvent Source structure
EvTimerEvent timer structure
extctxInterrupt saved context
GenericConfigGeneric I/O ports static initializer
GenericQueueGeneric I/O queue structure
gpio_tGPIO port representation
heap_headerMemory heap block header
intctxSystem saved context
IOBusI/O bus descriptor
lpc111x_gpio_setup_tGPIO port setup info
LPC13xx_gpio_setup_tGPIO port setup info
lpc214x_fio_setup_tFIO port setup info
MACDriverStructure representing a MAC driver
MACReceiveDescriptorStructure representing a receive descriptor
MACTransmitDescriptorStructure representing a transmit descriptor
memory_heapStructure describing a memory heap
MemoryPoolMemory pool descriptor
MemoryStreamMemory stream object
MemStreamVMTMemStream virtual methods table
MMCConfigDriver configuration structure
MMCDriverStructure representing a MMC driver
msp430_dio_setup_tSetup registers common to all the MSP430 ports
chibios_rt::MutexClass encapsulating a mutex
MutexMutex structure
PALConfigAT91SAM7 PIO static initializer
pool_headerMemory pool free object header
port_common_tSimplified MSP430 I/O port representation
PWMChannelConfigPWM driver channel configuration structure
PWMConfigDriver configuration structure
PWMDriverStructure representing an PWM driver
ReadyListReady list header
chibios_rt::SemaphoreClass encapsulating a semaphore
SemaphoreSemaphore structure
SerialConfigGeneric Serial Driver configuration structure
SerialDriverVMTSerialDriver virtual methods table
ShellCommandCustom command entry type
ShellConfigShell descriptor type
SPIConfigDriver configuration structure
SPIDriverStructure representing a SPI driver
stkalign_tBase type for stack and memory alignment
stm32_gpio_setup_tGPIO port setup info
stm8_startctxStart context
chibios_rt::SystemClass encapsulating the base system functionalities
testcaseStructure representing a test case
ThreadStructure representing a thread
ThreadsListGeneric threads single link list, it works like a stack
ThreadsQueueGeneric threads bidirectional linked list header and element
chibios_rt::TimerTimer class
TraceBufferTrace buffer header
VirtualTimerVirtual Timer descriptor structure
VTListVirtual timers list header

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